Thus, more than social justice is at the epicenter of this focus and, beyond the emphasis on cultural wars, this theme can be better described as a spiritual war.
Despite many still blurred with sleep in their eyes, this movie is serving to awaken humanity to realize just how deep the international network of corruption reaches. That this corruption transcends greed and includes literal crimes against humanity, significantly deepens the issue in such a way that it will not be idly swept aside as humanistic networks the world over will make every effort to harness the rising awareness levels that this movie is activating.
This can be understood as cornerstone theme foundational to the Age of Aquarius and the collective challenges that lie ahead.
Adding to the details of this complex and massively pivotal plot associated with the general focus of our collective attention, Venus, the ruling planet for Taurus, also plays a leading role.
The fact that Venus turned retrograde on July 22, which was the same day the Sun entered Leo, is all part of the finer details of this plot, as we head into August. Technically, Venus turned Rx while the Sun was at 29 Cancer. The takeaway theme here, is because 0 and 29 are critical degrees, technically referred to as ‘Anaretic’ degrees, emphasizes themes of overcoming and requiring patient, focused deliberate purpose.
This describes the implications of the realities associated with overcoming the deep issue of human slavery which ironically is more active than ever before in human history. That this fact is so significantly unknown is testimony to the corruption associated with the media and at a global scale.
Regarding, the bigger time picture of August, Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo on August 23.
So, Mercury will overlap with Venus with both planets retrograde for about two weeks, as the retrograde cycle of Venus in Leo continues until September 3. Keeping in step, Mercury turns Rx just hours after the Sun enters Virgo and its Rx cycle ends on September 15.
Interestingly, Venus will be in Leo the entire time that Mercury will be in Virgo. It is not uncommon for Mercury and Venus to interact in such ways as the two fast-moving inner planets share close celestial association and can be understood to be ever in close interaction. Yet, their rhythms and respective cycles are especially noteworthy currently.
Summarizing the wider-angle view, Venus entered Leo on June 5th and will only enter Virgo on October 8, thus she will have lingered in Leo land for just shy of 4 months! Mercury, again in close, rhythmic step, remains in Virgo until October 4. Interestingly within a few days of each other, Mercury will enter Libra, the sign ruled by Venus, and Venus will enter Virgo, the sign ruled by Mercury. This is technically referred to as ‘Mutual Reception’ between these two planets and is traditionally regarded as ‘auspicious’.
So, the follow-up to the dual-Full Moon “bang and boom” of August will include influences linked to the critical thinking of Virgo closely aligned with the fairness and justice-seeking interests of Libra.
Numerologically, August is a Universal 15/6 month.
This is a very assertive number and can even prove to behave quite boldly and irreverently.
Positively, though, the assertive pace can be expressed with integrity and principle-driven courage beyond all concerns of public opinion, thus challenging people to break free of their ego-centric attitudes to give more attention to larger issues.
At a more personal level, committed relationships tend to deepen or end during these cycles.
Hot is a keyword for Leo time, literally and figuratively. Watch for iconic and powerful figures, and larger entities too, exiting the stage or being reborn into something new. The sudden death of iconic and controversial Sinead O’Connor is an example.
Hard work is generally indicated during 2023 Leo time, more than play, as people drive to recoup what was lost over the past few years. So, look for the openings to breathe and center and focus to stay cool in the heat, as required.
Since this entire overview perspective refers to the wider, generic perspective, how these energies will manifest in your life is subject to a wide array of other more personal factors. In short, these can be understood as the finer, specific details of your personal destiny. This is how the principle of wholes within wholes works. Yet, at least the Horoscopes will offer a fractal perspective for more practical awareness and perhaps conscious, deliberate action as well.