Earth Day, April 22 2024

April 22nd is Earth Day! It is aptly celebrated in Taurus time, the earthy sign of spring when those of us here in the upper latitudes sow our seeds in the warm Sun.

This annual event that started in 1970 celebrates its 54th year. It is especially recognized in the United States where it started, but it is also all over the world, if in small, diverse pockets of the local populations. With an emphasis on environmentalism, (not to be strictly associated with notions of climate change), Earth Day brings attention to our relationship with our planet both in terms of agriculture and ecology.

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What is not commonly recognized is that it was on Earth Day – April 22, 1993, that the World Wide Web officially became a public domain.

Clearly, the world has been significantly transformed forever since then.

Also of interest, on that historic day in 1993, there was a New Moon in Taurus, the sign of foundations. The Sun/Moon conjunction was also at the first degree, adding to the potency of this foundational event, marking what is likely to prove to be the start of a new epoch, let alone an era.

Saturn was the planet of the highest degree in Aquarius, and Uranus and Neptune were closely aligned in Capricorn, together symbolizing the end of one era and the revolutionary beginning of another.

Interesting, wouldn’t you say?

The Earth Day Chart on April 22, 1993

Watch this video for a brief analysis of the 1993 Earth Day chart!


Now looking at the chart below, for Earth Day 2024…. 

While Earth Day is not specifically an Astrological event, we can look to any special moment in time to gain some insights regarding its projected significance for the year to follow, as with a Solar Chart which we all experience on our birthday.

Most noteworthy is the fact that Jupiter and Uranus remain in very close conjunction at the 21st degree of Taurus. This degree shares an association with Capricorn and with its ruling planet, Saturn which is in Pisces along with Mars and Neptune.

The outer synchronicity is the revolutionary disintegration of traditional, agricultural practices.

How any given person interprets this is subject to debate. If the internet has shown us all anything, it is that there is little if any consensus of agreement upon any given subject. In any case, the struggle of farmers the world over, and the introduction of 3D-printed meat or meat grown in a lab, is an indication of the combined forces of technology, and the unfolding revolution associated with agriculture.

Pluto at the early degrees of Aquarius contributes to the synchronicity of this dynamic.

The Earth Day Chart on April 22, 2024

Watch this short video for a brief analysis of the 2024 Earth Day chart!


So, Earth Day 2024 is coinciding with major events that few would have predicted back in 1970. That the revolutionary transformation of the world is associated with AI and robotics is probably something some did foresee.

As well, the rumors of war in the Middle East neither come as a big surprise because we have lived with those tensions our entire lives.

Earth Day 2024 is woven with some darker complexities indeed.

That the April 8th historic Solar Eclipse culminates with a Full Moon in Scorpio one day after Earth Day (April 23) lends further evidence to the intensity of Earth Day this year.

Further, since 2024 equates to a Universal 8-Year, and when we add it to April – the 4th Month and the Master Number 22, the sum is 16, which further adds to 7. In the Tarot, 16 is the TOWER in the Major Arcana, basically symbolic of old structures topping. 7 is symbolic of the CHARIOT, which can be basically interpreted as the courage required to venture forth into unfamiliar territory.

Altogether, the signs are there. We do indeed live in revolutionary and complex times and Earth Day 2024 is contributing its vote in acknowledged agreement.

Happy Earth Day!


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