The Age of Aquarius is Dawning.
While many have heard about it, few truly understand what it means.
This 3-hour live Masterclass will guide you to a detailed understanding of Astrological Ages and specifically to the start dates associated with the Age of Aquarius.
In this context, you will also understand when previous ages began and how long the Age of Aquarius will last.
Outlined with a holistic astrological perspective, you will discover the key turning points in the cycle, both leading up to the actual sunrise moment of the Age, the many astrological portents that precede it, and framed with a visionary perspective on the future.
The knowledge and insight you will gain from this Masterclass will help you better understand our complex times and support you to consciously and wisely adapt to the coming changes.
While no prior knowledge of or experience with Astrology is required, enthusiasts and students of this time-honored study will benefit from indirectly learning interpretation techniques from the holistic perspective provided in this exciting Masterclass.