Masterclasses with Michael in 2025

Upcoming Masterclasses with Michael ~ in 2025

Expand your awareness and deepen your knowledge and understanding of astrology, spirituality, spiritual science, metaphysics, and more...


Join Astrologer Michael O’Connor for Masterclasses in 2025 ~  further outlined below.


Astrology Masterclasses with Michael

Each Masterclass with Michael can be approached as a whole in itself, and they also contribute to building upon a larger foundation or paradigm of contextual knowledge.

This holistic paradigm consisting of various branches of time-honored inquiry encompassed in these Masterclasses, will serve to awaken you to an informed and intuitive dot-connecting journey of philosophical, psychological, metaphysical, historical, scientific, and spiritual perspectives on reality and the evolutionary journey of life.

In this Masterclass series, you will gain valuable insights and contextual knowledge that serves to expand your awareness and fertilize the soil of your intellect, intuition, and imagination. This knowledge will prove inspirational and spiritually valuable for life in general, and it will also support you to able to see more deeply and clearly into the rich world of symbols associated with Astrology, Numerology, and other divination branches of spiritual science.

New Students of Astrology often become quickly overwhelmed by the many angles and levels of depth associated with Astrology. This ancient study of celestial influences can appear relatively easy to master, but the truth is that it is the holistic science of the incarnating soul and its evolutionary journey. So, it is the deep reach of reality that leaves many students floundering on the shores unable to delve into its profound depths.

Whether to simply enrich your mind and expand your vision of life and/or to significantly contribute to your overall foundation of knowledge for other, more practical applications, this series of Masterclasses with Michael will prove illuminating, fascinating, and empowering.


The format for all Masterclasses includes a pre-recorded rich visual presentation, that allows you to watch and learn at your own pace.

* Upon completion of each Masterclass, there will be a section for you the opportunity to briefly answer one question (60-300 words max) to help ensure you understand the material. (optional).  

* Also, one question that asks you to share how you benefited from the Masterclass. (optional).

* Students who answer these two questions will receive a certification of completion.

Completion of all of the 12 Masterclasses with Michael will earn you a Mastery Certificate!


The Entry Fee for each Masterclasses is $30 (CAD)

Masterclasses with Michael – Outline

(see details below)

  1. Understanding the Age of Aquarius

  2. Understanding Multi-Dimensionality – Revealing How Synchronicity Works

  3. Soul, Destiny, Karma, and Reincarnation

  4. The Astronomy of Astrology

  5. Sacred Geometry and the Intelligent Design of Nature

  6. Exploring the Many Systems of Astrology and Numerology

  7. Astrology and Birth Order Psychology

  8. The Astrology of the Sun’s Light

  9. Astro-Numerology – Understand the Power of the Numbers in Your Date of Birth

  10. The Astrology of Relationships

  11. The Universal Laws of Energy and the Psychology of Balance

  12. The Constellation of Clarity – The Liberating and Penetrating Power of Words

“Hi Michael, I want to let you know that the first Masterclass last Saturday was excellent! I’ve been talking about it since then, and thank you so much for the opportunity. You were able to present a great amount of information in a logical manner… least logical for me! I thought your visual slides made a difference for me to understand easier. I remarked how your optimistic enthusiasm and humility are a brilliant learning combination and experience for me. Your theory of the timing of the Age of Aquarius makes sense and is relevant to understanding what is happening in this generation for me and forward to my grandchildren who will be alive in the next century. Thank you again. I’m sure I will see you in future classes.” ~ Barbara G.

See more Testimonials for courses and workshops by Michael over his 30-year career!

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Understanding the Age of Aquarius

Available soon


The signs are all around us. Can you see it? If not, this Masterclass will give you a deeper understanding of our times, for context.

In this Masterclass you will gain an easily understood framework for very large cycles framed by the 26,000-year Precessional Cycle, otherwise referred to by Plato as the Great Year. An Age, as with the Age of Aquarius, is regarded as a Great Month, or 1/12 of this cycle.

While popular notions of the Age of Aquarius abound, Michael will guide you through a more detailed, historically measured, and knowledgeable journey of understanding that will transcend the often lofty idealism that is commonly associated with it. Among the many features of this presentation of insight gleaned over many years of study and literal practice of Astrology, you will be surprised to discover when the Age of Aquarius actually began.

As a big bonus, this understanding reveals a holistic approach to understanding Astrology, in general, providing you with a macro perspective that can be applied to the micro-perspective of actually working with Astrology as a tool of archetypal insight and guidance. 

Follow this link to learn more about this Masterclass with Michael.

Understanding Multi-Dimensionality – Revealing How Synchronicity Works

Available soon


We are multi-dimensional beings living in a multi-dimensional universe. As is true of every aspect of the manifest universe, what we experience and perceive with our senses reveals the outer expression, form, and image of what constitutes multiple layers of reality behind (occult) or within (esoteric) the outer form.

This common sense understanding is revealed by our understanding of human anatomy, with its layers of skin tissue, muscle, joints and ligaments, organs, bones, molecules, cells, atoms, and so on…. The same can be said of anything from the many layers of star, or planet, or rocks…, to those of a computer or any technological device, and on and on it goes.

What these layers reveal is intelligence, design, intention, purpose, and function in unison with everything else. There is nothing random about anything and everything is the manifestation of highly complex systems, each working in unison and harmony together. In the widest sense, this organization of intelligence is so sophisticated as to prove paradoxical and which linear logic cannot ultimately decipher and is generally referred to as holism.

A feature of this model of understanding, this ‘spiritual science’ is the notion that we are souls incarnate, and this extends to other kingdoms as well, as with the animals and plants and all the others too, and we exist in consciousness, and do not simply have consciousness. In turn, this consciousness has been defined as Divine Mind, or as the Mind of God, and it too is invariably multi-layered, or multi-dimensional. Coming to consider the multiple layers of anything is the path to understanding multi-dimensionality and once genuinely considered awakens a whole new understanding of life and existence, again, what can be accurately described as spiritual science.

In turn, this vast scope of knowledge and awareness, not only supports a much deeper appreciation of Astrology supporting a much deeper than average approach, it even offers vital clues about how and why it works. A core feature of this understanding reveals how and why synchronicity works, as well.

Follow this link to learn even more about this Masterclass with Michael

Soul, Destiny, Karma, and Reincarnation

Available soon


In this Masterclass you will gain an in-depth understanding of the intrinsic relationship between the principles of soul, destiny, karma, and reincarnation. These cornerstones of spiritual science bring attention to the Spiritual Laws associated with these principle themes and processes of life. The focus will include how these can be measured in Astrology in such a way that can be understood without background knowledge or practical application of it.

While each of these principles and their associated themes are profound and can prove voluminous, understanding them holistically, or in terms of how they function together, will support a clearer understanding of each of them alone. In addition to gaining an overview of the many aspects of karma, you will discover how they are foundational to the purposeful implications of destiny.

Follow this link to learn more about this Masterclass with Michael.

The Astronomy of Astrology

Available soon


Astrology has been accurately described as Astronomy brought down to Earth and applied to the meaningfulness of the daily affairs of human life.

Yet, while Astrology includes a symbolic understanding of planets and of the constellations of the Zodiac, and this does include the periodic duration of the cycles of each of the planets and when eclipses will occur and so on…, it is not necessary to have any real knowledge of Astronomy to study Astrology. However, without any mathematics or physics, learning about the solar system and the planets along with their order and proximities and their phenomenal characteristics is both fascinating and relevant for the value of this knowledge in terms of a deeper than average understanding of Astrology.

Among the many intriguing facts about our solar system and the planets in it, learning that their very constitution and factual function or behaviours, literally translates into the archetypal, psychological, and symbolic principles associated with Astrology. This wonderful knowledge that is, and can be literally taught to and understood by children and young teenagers is often left behind and overlooked as we mature and engage in the business of life. Yet, this fun and fascinating knowledge will enhance your understanding of our cosmic place in the galaxy, and, more importantly, your understanding of some of the foundational principles of Astrology.

Follow this link to learn more about this Masterclass with Michael.

Sacred Geometry and the Intelligent Design of Nature

Available soon


Astrology can be accurately understood as a symbolic, and more specifically, an archetypal language code. When well understood, archetypes refer to the very blueprint of existence itself. In other words, the very design, shape, and constitution of existence, supported by both spiritual and material laws and realities refer to this archetypal blueprint. The term ‘existence’ references it to both the quantum, atomic, molecular, and crystalline structures…, of the microcosm and to the structures of galaxies, solar systems, stars, planets, and moons…, of the macrocosm.

At a more esoteric level yet, examining the source origins even of these leads us to the study of geometry, and more specifically of Sacred Geometry, the ancient knowledge of which it shares direct association with principles of sound.

What this implies is that the very foundations of Astrology are not in the starry constellations and planets, as is commonly assumed, but in Sacred Geometry. This extends to a deep appreciation of the very Mandala map used to plot the positions of the planets in their respective signs and their interactive dynamics. This consideration of understanding is truly a game changer when it comes to truly appreciating the archetypal and metaphysical science that Astrology truly is.

Follow this link to learn more about this Masterclass with Michael.

Exploring the Many Systems of Astrology and Numerology

Available soon


As with the many languages of our world, there are also multiple systems of Astrology and Numerology. Every system can be accurately understood as a unique model based on common, foundational principles. While each will invariably offer insights that can at least be translated from one system to the other, the cultural and philosophical differences will render different perspectives. This is also true of translating languages. While mathematics and other more linear, logical systems are more universal, even they are subject to diverse interpretations, and are also subject to or expressed as various models. 

The main point to consider is that the various systems of Astrology and Numerology are each relevant and valid, and none should be specifically deemed absolute or even superior to the others. Thinking that any system of model is ‘the one’ and all others have no relevance or are inferior, is probably more a matter of opinion and bias than fact. A parallel to this perspective can be illustrated, like comparing various musical instruments, or even languages, where each has distinct quality and value.

Regarding Astrology, for example, there are Western, Vedic (Jyotish) Chinese, Tibetan, Mayan, and Celtic systems in use and others yet. The same is true of Numerology in each case. Gaining an overview understanding combined with core, foundational principles common to all such systems, and some specific insight into various systems reveals both their commonality and their distinctions, which can prove quite different.

Special emphasis will be given to the ‘various Zodiacs’, or versions of the cyclic round divided into distinct categories, yet which share inner correspondences, revealing the holism of any given model. This knowledge will serve to broaden your scope of awareness and stretch your mind to appreciate that dogmatic notions that one system is ‘true’ while the others are erroneous or fraudulent, is more a study of human bias, dogma, and fear than assertions of truth.

After many years of investigation into these multiple versions, I will guide you on an around-the-world exploration of some of the history, philosophy, and logic within each system. As with languages or musical instruments, for example, you will come to a fuller appreciation that any tool in the hands of a master will ‘work’ well, or provide useful, relevant modes of guidance and insight.

Follow this link to learn more about this Masterclass with Michael.

Astrology and Birth Order Psychology

Available soon


The notion that the order of one’s birth holds psychological relevance is not new, and there are various bodies of work that bring specific emphasis to it. Yet, only one of these offers this knowledge in a holistic framework, as opposed to linear. Moreover, this model specifically incorporates the 12 Signs of the Zodiac. As with Astrology, this model includes 6 female and 6 masculine positions, each with their own distinct characteristics, perspectives orientations, strengths, and challenges. As well, the model reveals a dynamic process of evolutionary growth as opposed to a static perspective outlined by other systems.

Conceived by the creative and intuitive genius of Denny Johnson, this system of Birth Order Psychology is relatively easy to learn at a foundational level. This learning includes rules and principles that bring each of the 12 positions or ‘siblings’ to life both in terms of their interactive dynamics and in terms of their respective balances and destiny orientations.

You will go away with both greater self-awareness and also with insights into better understanding your family and friends and why we think, behave and value things in life differently, according to our natures, linked to our order of birth.

Follow this link to learn more about this Masterclass with Michael.

The Astrology of the Sun’s Light

Available soon


Western Astrology is anchored into the Tropical Zodiac. It is determined by the division of the year in accordance with the cycle of the Sun. Technically, it is the cycle of Earth orbiting the Sun, but it is the experience of the Sun’s light on Earth that is the foundational principal. This cyclic process brings extra emphasis to the Solstices and Equinoxes which, in turn, precisely divide the year into four quarters, and which we also refer to as the four seasons. The power and importance of the Sun’s light cannot be underestimated.

Beyond the physics of the Sun’s radiation and its ever-changing yet rhythmic round, the emphasis also includes the cast or the exact degree of light on any given day, which is at least slightly different from one day to the next, the actual weather aside. While not commonly considered, this division of the cyclic and rhythmic cycle of the Sun’s light has a psychological influence as well, even beyond the more empirical realities, as subtle as they are. This psychological influence can be further understood to have archetypal roots and these are measurable and demonstrable with Western Astrology.

In fact, so precise are these archetypal principals, that in an arena of respect and open-mindedness, participants would be astounded at how much their nature, personality and even the themes and timing of experiences in their life can be described. This knowledge is both inspiring and will serve to anchor your understanding of the relevance and power of Western Astrology and even how and why it works so well.

Follow this link to learn more about this Masterclass with Michael.

Astro-Numerology – Understand the Power of the Numbers in Your Date of Birth

Available soon


While there are many uses for numbers, from qualifying, to quantifying to designating, to communication, and so on, Numerology represents the quality of numbers. Their archetypal nature is revealed in their elasticity of use and endeavoring to deeply understand the 10 Primary Numbers and their archetypal roots. Created from observation of nature and its natural cycles, Numerology and Astrology primarily were not so much invented as discovered. When we understand that we are a part of nature and we too evolve along spiral cycles of growth, we can understand how we can use these tools to tune-in and connect with the flow of our destiny.

Each of the numbers shares a relationship with the planets themselves, a sweet synchronicity of our Solar System. The following is the commonly accepted breakdown, but there are other interpretations that do have merit as well. Commonly, 0 is Pluto, 1 the Sun, 2 the Moon, 3 Jupiter, 4 Mars, 5 Mercury, 6 Venus, 7 Neptune, 8 Saturn, and 9 Uranus. Examining the intimate connections between Numerology and Astrology and their shared, archetypal roots reveals ‘riddles of perception’ and can be technically understood as the logic of metaphysics, which transcends linear thinking alone.

Yet, beyond metaphysics, philosophy and psychology, there is a very practical side to Numerology. Although Numerology is commonly associated with numbers that are in turn associated with the letters in a person’s name, the real power of Numerology is in the numbers in a person’s date of birth. Names can and do change but birth dates do not.

This exciting Masterclass will introduce you to the world of numbers in their archetypal and symbolic sense and you will also take away some simple, practical techniques that you can apply to understanding your cycles of destiny right away.

Follow this link to learn more about this Masterclass with Michael.

The Astrology of Relationships

Available soon


Life is all about relationships. Ironically, the primary relationship is with our own body, mind, heart, and soul. This is true literally and figuratively. Yet, we also all experience a full spectrum of outer relationships. While there are many factors at play, cultivating conscious relationships, both with ourselves and with others in general is the path to true harmony, health, happiness, peace, love, and success.

Due to the complexities of human nature, achieving this higher level of living is invariably complex on one front or another. As well, we all go through various chapters and stages of life, which can be even better understood as cycles. Astrology can be described as a ‘natural psychology’ and, in this regard, by its efficacy in determining the details of our individual natures, and can also precisely reveal where and how we are likely to encounter challenges.

In addition to offering profound insights into each of us as individuals, Astrology is very effective in measuring our interpersonal relationship dynamics, which is technically referred to as Synastry, or the overall ‘chemistry’ between people, and not just the physical, sexual kind. Astrology also offers profound insights into understanding the purpose of our relationships.

In this exciting Masterclass, Michael will guide you to gain a rich understanding of these dynamics and techniques in such a way that no prior background in Astrology is required. However, this knowledge will serve to either initiate you into the world of Astrology or will significantly contribute to your understanding of it in this all-important aspect of life: relationships.

Follow this link to learn more about this Masterclass with Michael.

The Universal Laws of Energy and the Psychology of Balance

Available soon


The inspiration for this Masterclass stems from insights on the workings of the Law of Karma, from a very practical perspective. Through my practice as a Humanistic Astrologer, I have come to believe that much, if not most, and even possibly all the transfer of karma from one incarnation to the next occurs impersonally. Whether our choices are conscious or unconscious, we are still bound to the laws.  In a conscious and energetic universe where every thought, feeling, and action accumulates as energy vibration, our actions are not ‘judged’ – they are ‘weighed’. In this respect, the universe may be said to be energetic versus ethical.

Therefore, the consciousness that pervades life can be seen to be morally neutral – IT does not ‘hear’ or ‘see’ or ‘speak’ or ‘dialogue’ with us about all the justifications, rationalizations, and reasons why we think, feel and do or will do or have done. IT simply weighs the energy of our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Beyond the feelings of happiness and freedom from lower vibrational states such as fear, doubt, confusion, worry, resentment and so on, the advantage of this perspective is that it can help to free us from ego traps, relationship entanglements, and other issues associated with a lack of awareness, not necessarily intelligence, but awareness and knowledge, leading even very bright people to grope in the darkness of various degrees of unconsciousness, which can be more simply described as blind spots in our perceptions.

Our day-to-day experiences leave us feeling high or low in some sense, and we therefore are subject to the quality of our reactions to our experiences at every moment. Also, the sum total of these at the end of our life is important with respect to future incarnations. The practical perspective of this focus outlines techniques supporting the raising of one’s vibration and ascension of consciousness. 

Follow this link to learn more about this Masterclass with Michael.

The Constellation of Clarity – The Liberating and Penetrating Power of Words

Available soon


The internet has given rise to a significantly protracted spectrum of conversation, dialogue, and discussions. Discussions reveal the sharing of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, perceptions, and interpretations. While discussions can manifest as debates and even as arguments, initially they reveal mutual respect and a willingness to listen, learn, and formulate new perspectives and interpretations. On the other hand, it has also escalated the reality of propaganda, and ‘information wars’ manifesting as misinformation and disinformation. In this regard, we are all both culpable and liable.

The exchange of thoughts ideas, opinions, and convictions are more abundantly available than ever before in history.  While progress has been made, the etiquette of having genuine and sincere discussions remains un-evolved. Wanting consensus on all matters runs the risk of erecting social controls to create it and, thereby, to homogenization, as opposed to the beauty and reality of individuality and of individual wants, desires, preferences, values, needs, and timing… Such controls represent fear and hypocrisy, and especially for those occupying positions of authority and power, this orientation to control, censor, and homogenize people’s perspectives is both unnatural and artificial, and can otherwise be understood as the foundations of tyranny.

Yet, it can flourish in social arenas and circles as well. Thus, what is commonly available are postures of defense or belligerent offense, proclamations, indifference to new perspectives, insults, ridicule, abuse and passive-aggressive disdain linked to hidden agendas, fear, and unexamined personality traits that anchor rigid attitudes. This unpleasant and unsatisfying state of affairs among people is very old and yet remains quite widespread and common. Yet, it is the very mark of civilization to evolve in a social context.

So, given the easy access and wide availability, this is our opportunity to evolve and create a civilization that is reflective of us as evolving souls which is to enter into and encourage discussions where sincerity and mutual respect can flourish. In this Masterclass, Michael will guide you to increase your understanding of keywords, which will in turn provide you with knowledge that supports awareness and insight into better understanding rigid attitudes and postures, and how these can be nurtured to evolve serving to elevate the overall quality of the al-important reality of discussions to weave a modern social fabric that benefits us all.

Follow this link to learn more about this Masterclass with Michael.