When and When Not to Sign

When and When Not to Sign

When to Sign Legal Documents

Are you planning to start a new business or to enter a legal contract that requires a signature? The legal implications of doing so are certainly very real.

Do you assume that any moment is the same as the next for making such important decisions? If you do, you are not alone.

Have you wondered why people and businesses sometimes fail, but not due to effort, intelligence, or even obvious outer circumstances?



Despite many years of individual and combined experience, ample amounts of common sense, sincere and disciplined will and determination and even additional resources to support the success, such as more money and so on…, businesses either fail or are fraught with endless problems that seemingly mysteriously emerge. Yet, the mystery can be solved, and new choices can be made to remedy these annoying and costly flow of ‘ill-fated’ problems.

While it may not be apparent, the reason well-laid plans and aspirations go awry and fail is often due to timing, especially associated with when signatures were signed, and new endeavors officially launched.


“Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.” ~ J.P. Morgan


Business or commerce is invariably a central theme of life. The very basics of survival including food, clothing and shelter not only motivates, it forces and pushes us to engage. Naturally, our efforts of time, energy, effort and other valuable resources such as money all go into the overall effort. While solving problems and overcoming challenges invariably implies making mistakes, mistakes hurt and are painful and no one wants to make them.

The business of life also involves laws. Laws imply strict rules and responsibilities to comply with penalties and painful reprisals if we do not comply. For these reasons, it makes sense to carefully plan. As the old saying goes, we are wise to ‘measure twice and cut once’. Of course, this cliché can be understood as a metaphor that touches upon pretty much every aspect of life.

The Astrology Calendar SolutionTaking the time and making the investment to intelligently make plans is wise. Having the support of additional knowledge in the planning stage is sensible and generally leads to satisfying outcomes. Not planning often leads to otherwise unnecessary problems which prove frustrating, expensive and generally painful.

How we plan and how we follow through on our activities is our prerogative, yet having the advantage of knowledge, like knowing the probable weather forecast or understanding the details of the terrain or the environment, or having a good recipe or the secret sauce are all those seemingly small or otherwise hidden factors that contribute to happy, fulfilling, and successful outcomes.

The alternative is that we effectively throw ourselves at things and hope for the best. This wishful, even faithful approach may have some merits, but it often proves to result in the hard way.

Are you entering into an expensive contract, partnership, or merger and would like some guidance about the timing or whether it is a good time at all?


This small investment can save you and your partners a lot of time, energy, and money.

Astrologers have long studied and observed that the moment when something official was started, especially when it emerges as a legal entity, like a business, institution, corporation, city, state, province, or country, the legal entity is ‘characterized’ by the official moment it was given ‘birth’, usually by way of a or multiple signatures.

The one moment in time, in particular, that takes on much more added significance and importance than any other is the moment when a signature ‘gives birth’ to a legal entity. A ‘legal entity’ can refer to a company, an institution, such as a marriage contract, an organization of various sorts, a city, state, province or territory, and even a country.

This branch of Astrology is called Electional Astrology and it is the study of the moment of significant signatures as with countries, cities, official institutions, and companies of any size. This technique in Astrology clearly reveals that when to sign and launch matters.

Casting a chart for the official moment can then be used to decipher when likely turning points will occur and the timing of important decisions along the way. The official date and time of signing a legal document is the moment when the legal entity in question comes into being and it can also be regarded as a ‘person’ in the eyes of the law. In all instances listed above, the Electional moment occurs on a specific date and at a specific time and this is where Astrology and Numerology come to the fore to support WHEN it is auspicious to ‘elect’ to give birth to this legally binding ‘entity’.

If studies were conducted to determine why so many upstart companies quickly fail and which ones succeed, it would be clearly recognized that a significant factor regarding the outcome, either way, was linked to the day and time the official legal signature was made, which initiated its existence as a legal entity. Imagine that this also applies to professional sports teams and any other ‘legal entity’!

In addition to the prospects of choosing a date and time that aligns well and contributes to the success of your company, it also produces a chart. In addition to contributing to the overall character of the ‘legal person or entity’, this Astrological Birth Chart also reveals themes and cycles of destiny. Destiny can be understood as a probability factor of what will happen and when. The term ‘destiny’ is often loosely associated with fate, but they do not mean the same thing. Destiny implies probabilities that are and can be ‘influenced’ by possibilities. In turn, possibilities imply free will choices.

Yet, while free will is a reality and can prove to make all the difference, it still must contend with the probabilities, and these can be demonstrated to be at play by an analysis of the Birth Chart of the legal person or entity in question to reveal that they are indeed also having significant influences.

Where destiny implies this conscious, co-creative process, which is greatly enhanced when we can be conscious and aware of the otherwise ‘hidden influences’ as revealed by the themes and timing of destiny, the word fate implies the outcome and is often associated with a notion of a ‘fixed outcome’. Most people reject and rebel at the notion of fateful fixed outcomes and they should.

The key to success is to consciously engage with conscious awareness of probabilities and possibilities and understanding the otherwise hidden realities and implications of when any given legal entity or person was ‘born’, or officially or legally was brought into reality by a signature is a golden key to being aware in this way supporting a more conscious exercise of free will and strategic decisions making.

So, given that the influence of when a legal entity was ‘officially born’ can be measured to demonstrate that these influences are indeed real, beyond looking back, it is worthwhile and wise to carefully look forward in this regard. Yes, you can exercise the power of foresight to specifically decide when to sign or officially launch new businesses or mergers or clubs, teams, and any other sort of legal entity.

Astrology - Real estate timingWhether you want to better understand and gain insight into the probabilities of existing legal responsibilities or you are planning to begin a new business or enter into a partnership or make a major investment such as buying a house or car or some other expensive piece of equipment that involves long-term, legal and contractual realities, I can help you to decide if and when is a good time to do so.



Life can be described as a heroic journey, and it can and does often prove expensive and painful. This general issue of painful liability is especially true when our approach lacks awareness, knowledge, or good planning. I can help you to be knowledgeable and aware with specific emphasis on your immediate concerns and the decision and choice factors involved.

With over four decades of study and three decades of professional practice as an Astrologer, I have successfully helped a lot of people, as my Testimonials and Recommendations indicate to make important decisions ranging from choosing a career path, to solving relationship problems to generally navigating the themes and cycles of destiny and I can help you too.