Looking Ahead…
Saturn in Pisces is quite a different story than Saturn in Aquarius, however. It tends to not be so dynamic and aware regarding the above-mentioned themes. Pisces is the sign of the disembodied soul and of the subconscious mind and some of its prominent themes along with its ruling planet, Neptune, include imagination, idealism, mysticism, and spirituality.
On the negative side, which is true of all signs, due to the Law of Polarity, Neptune, and Pisces are symbolic of illusions, delusions, denials, and escapism from reality such as by way of ‘excesses’ of alcohol and hallucination-inducing drugs or by various means of evasion of personal and social responsibilities, and so on.
Saturn’s cycle through Pisces can be understood as marking periods that often amount to people feeling lost and confused. Saturn is considered the planet of karma, and Pisces is also the reservoir sign of accumulated karma. When combined, the theme of karma is increased. Saturn and its ruling sign of Capricorn are also symbolic of structure, organization, boundaries, and order.
So, when Saturn/Capricorn meets Neptune/Pisces, the result can be one of disintegration, disorganization, disorder, and boundarilessness.
With Neptune also in Pisces, where it will be for almost the entire time of Saturn’s transit, this theme of feeling lost and confused stands to be even stronger. However, it could also have the positive effect of serving to dissolve old, outworn, patterns, norms, realities, structures, and institutions, and so on.
As well, it could stimulate more interest in and even discipline toward spiritual and mystical realities, themes, and subjects. So, it is important to keep an open mind regarding the actual processes and results.
The main value of this knowledge is to help you to be aware and to observe with recognition of both the more positive as well as the more negative poles of possibility regarding the various processes that the above brief examples indicate.
In a general sense, Saturn in Pisces will serve to dissolve and disintegrate many of the structures that we have all come to generally rely upon, understand and trust. In this regard, many of the established structures of society will melt away and make way for a whole new set of ‘norms’ that will begin in spring 2025 when Saturn enters Aries and resume in full force when Saturn re-enters Aries in mid-February 2026.
Interestingly, due to the specific timing of destiny, although it only takes Saturn a maximum of three years to transit through a sign of the Zodiac, and for Neptune, the transit is as much as 14 years, although they will come quite close twice due to their respective retrograde cycles, they will not actually form a conjunction while in Pisces, which would have the effect of significantly increasing the above-mentioned themes of possibility.
Saturn will form just one conjunction with Neptune at critical and powerful 0 Aries which marks the alpha or start point of the entire Zodiac! The date for this very significant event is February 20, 2026, at 4:53 pm GMT. This historical event symbolic of powerful new beginnings will occur while the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and the Lunar North Node are all in Pisces which reinforces the conjunction even more because of Neptune’s rulership of Pisces.
So, with Saturn entering Pisces on March 7, 2023, this is your cue or opportunity to be aware and to prepare to cooperate consciously with the overall process as well as you can, in accordance with your own circumstances, instincts, intuitions, and destiny.
Generally, tune in to the realities of this time period that could prove to be deep, mysterious, and mystical, and what can also be described as a transcendental time both at personal levels as well as social and collective levels. At worst, this cycle could prove confusing for many, possibly leading to feelings of despair and meaninglessness, especially due to a lack of awareness and instinctive, reactive tendencies to resist the destined, evolutionary dynamic.
The key will be to make this theme of disintegration, dissolution, and loss ‘work’ for you, as though having committed to change your diet and increase your discipline to exercise, consequently amounting to losing unwanted weight and replacing fat with toned muscle. In this regard, understand that you have a destiny and that there are already destined and probable themes at play in your life. Yet, do so with the full awareness that free will is a central feature of destiny and by exercising it with aligned awareness, a sense of larger or higher vision, discipline, and positivity such as an attitude of gratitude for the opportunity to be engaged in the drama of life, ‘at all’, and an overall sense of responsibility, you can participate towards co-creating a healthy overall process and desired outcomes.