Testimonials for Michael O'Connor, Astrologer & Life Coach

Life Coaching

“Thank you for your brilliant coaching! I appreciate your honesty and careful approach regarding giving advice. Your guidance helps me to find my own way, yet with greater confidence and with better tools than I had before.” – Elin

“Hi Michael, thank you so very much!! I truly appreciated our Coaching process together and all the wonderful inspirations and leads!!! I will stay in touch as I value your support, talent & expertise. Many blessings.” Tonya

“I discovered Michael only 8 months ago, and have been on quite a lovely journey of exploration with him since. Michael has taught me about my birth chart, my karma and destiny, compatibility with certain individuals, my life path, free will, and strengths and challenges I will face as I move forward. I feel like I have a stronger sense of purpose and validation of the path I am on – as it’s ‘written in the stars’. I began with just a general astrology reading, and quickly realized that I had so much more to learn through Michael, so then purchased and committed to multiple sessions with him through his life coaching packages. I look forward to continuing with Michael’s coaching and readings, to assist me as I navigate this world and my true purpose and path!” – Amanda

“When I first stumbled into Michael’s office, I was going through some significant change in my life. My partner, home, friends, and my job had disintegrated all at once. The session with Michael was heartfelt and compassionate at a time of great need. It also opened up doors for me to new ways of healing and understanding my life experience. It was my first time learning about astrology as a tool for facilitating recovery and resilience. Since Michael assisted me through that difficult time, he has continued to be a steadfast, reliable, and insightful support person for me. His guidance echoes in my mind as I have more fully awakened to live my life with fuller purpose.

Michael has consistently encouraged me to evolve through my human experience and to choose growth over retreat. Michael uses astrology as the framework for his teachings, a back-drop to his crisp intuition, and relatable lifetime stories. At times, Michael describes my life experiences so accurately that his sessions are like gazing into a mirror, not one that reflects dead-ends or restrictive blocks, but a mirror that shows things as they truly are, one that shines a light on paths to truths that can be accessed by way of living life from the soul.

Thank you so much Michael for the sound advice you have provided me and my loved ones over the years. Many blessings to you and yours, and for continuing with your work for many years to come! I look forward to our next session!” – Kay L.

“Hi Michael, I am ready to go into regular weekly sessions as with your coaching. I need someone to remind me that this is not just a shitty day, that what I am experiencing is a part of something bigger. I have been going regularly to counselors and I mean they are ‘helpish’, but it does not help me to clearly decipher what my next step is. They help me at the moment and help me get through the day.

When I work with you, I am able to see my life in a big picture and that is what I really need, to get me out of depression, I need the stimulation of the big picture, I can’t just be in today because it is hard and yesterday was too.
With the work we have already done, you have changed my life more than anybody else, more than my counselors, more than my medications, no one has helped me as much as you, mentally and emotionally to come away from thinking and feeling that my life is just shitty.
I often feel like I don’t even like being here and I need help to get out of that attitude. it feels like I am running a marathon and I hit walls and I need someone to hold out some water and, moreover, someone who can see the finish line from where I stand and to tell me so I can persevere and realize success for all my efforts. So, thank you, I am ready for more.” K. Matthews