Tip of the Week: September 6 – 12, 2024
Summer is in its final stretch and officially ends with Autumn Equinox on September 22. The waxing of the Moon since its recent seed event for yet another cycle that began on September 2 comes to a Full Moon in Pisces on September 17 as the Harvest Moon, and due to its close proximity to Earth in its elliptical orbit it will appear large and epic as a so-called Super Moon.
Meanwhile, Mercury remains in Leo where at worst, it has been busy stirring intrigue and upset on relationship fronts.
Yet, Virgo’s influence indicates themes of completion, resolution, and healing.
Mercury joining the Sun in the sign of Virgo ‘the Virgin’ which is accurately understood as symbolic of resourcefulness, self-sufficiency, and wholesomeness, will contribute to the process.
So, tune in and cooperatively co-create to harness this influence according to the rhythms and realities of your world.
Have a great week!