The Calendar Astrology Advantage – Level 2

Calendar Astrology.1
Calendar Astrology.1

Level 2
Starting January 6, 2024
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Accelerated Learning...
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For practical application in your life.
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Deepen Your Learning with The Calendar Astrology Advantage - Level 2

A practical tool for life, and a fun and excellent way to learn Astrology!

As a progression from Level 1

‘The Calendar Astrology Advantage Level 2’ gives you:

* Training over 4 weeks with live, 2-hour interactive Webinar presentations on Saturdays via Zoom.

* Starts Saturday, January 6 at 12:00 noon Eastern (9:00am Pacific).

*Training Dates: Saturdays – January 6, January 13, January 20 and January 27.

* Each class will be recorded for students to have access to during, and after the course.


See below for the Benefits you will gain from Level 2!

“Thanks so much, Michael. Attending the classes and receiving all the literature was very enjoyable for me. I have always wanted to learn more but have also always felt a little overwhelmed over where to start. Your mastery of knowledge, groundedness, and reverence for ‘all that is’ is exactly what I was looking for to start this new learning journey. I feel really confident that your thoughtful and solid instruction will guide me properly on my way. I am definitely interested in more courses. Much appreciated.” ~ Lucia

See more workshop testimonials here!

Sign up below for just $140.00 (CAD) includes tax

Daily Planetary Guide

The tool you will continue to be learning is the deeper use of an Astrological Calendar. The Llewellyn’s 2024 Daily Planetary Guide can be purchased here on Amazon.

Level 2

Level 2 of the course will include some extra key knowledge covered in the first class that will serve to round off, so to speak, what you learned in Level 1.

Yet the main goal is to make Level 2 much more experiential with examples and provide participants to ask questions and real-life daily applications!

Regarding the Calendars

I will remind you that while I have chosen to work with Llewellyn’s calendars, there are other companies that make them. Llewellyn’s are very good, but they do include some technical aspects that have made the learning curve that much more challenging than the more basic calendar I used to use but which is now out of print.

So, in my opinion, the endeavor by Llewellyn to be thorough, they have caused unnecessary confusion. This is partly why there is a Level 2 to the course. On the high side, knowing about these extra technical aspects has the advantage of increasing your overall comprehension of the overall foundation to Astrology in general. I am specifically referring to the use of Chiron and the 150-degree Inconjunct aspect. So, I will be addressing those more fully in the first half of Level 2.

Which Calendar Should I Purchase?

Also, I showed you 3 versions of calendar because Llewellyn makes 3. It is a personal decision which you might choose to use and having all 3 has advantages by way of a process of cross-referencing the information.

Here are the links to each one:

Daily Planetary Guide

Wall Calendar

Pocket Calendar (specifically emphasizes Void-of-Course Moons)

If asked which I think it the best one to get if you were to only purchase 1, I think it would be the large Wall Calendar format. I would do so because it provides you with the opportunity to the entire month on one page and I think this will support you to see the bigger picture more quickly and thereby facilitate the subtle dot-connecting aspect of the learning curve.

However, if you are serious about really mastering this whole approach, I encourage you to get all 3 and I will include examples of using all 3 in the course.


Remember this approach to learning is practical based on practice, which is the key to you learning quickly. Usually, it takes many months and even years for new students who learn via the Natal Chart approach to become familiar with the wider scope of symbols and their more practical application, because they get lost in diving too deeply into certain areas in search of the deeper meaning regarding themselves. In doing so, they often go away lacking a more comprehensive knowledge of the language code ‘as a whole’. Consequently, their study approach tends to be unbalanced and incomplete due to trying to connect the dots without knowing what and how many there are, even at the foundational stages.

So, by simply working with the Calendar or studying ‘it’ as opposed to seeking ‘insights about me’, the focus is clearer and more factual.

I have endeavored to clarify this from the beginning, and now you can even better understand the importance of practice, of working with your calendar with daily, practical goals of ‘using it’.

Regarding advancing your studies in Astrology, I would like to clarify that the very study of Astrology can prove to be philosophically, psychologically, and spiritually enriching. So, beyond the practical application, which is central to the specific emphasis of this course, the ADVANTAGE is that the very process of using the calendar is what progressively anchors your recognition of the language code and some of its deeper meaning.

With this practical foundation, you will ALSO be primed to accelerate and deepen your learning curve for Natal Astrology. So, while the calendar Astrology Advantage is designed to stand on its own as a practical tool for life, it also serves as a very solid foundation for the next major focus, which is Natal Astrology and which I will be offering soon. Learn more about it HERE.

Sign up below for just $140.00 (CAD) OR check out your other option further down!

Benefits You Will Gain From Level 2:

1) A Solid Foundation...READ MORE

Easily achieve a solid foundation and working knowledge of the ‘language code’ and core principles of Astrology.

2) Be More In Tune ...READ MORE

Learn to be more in-tune with the Sun and Moon – the ongoing natural daily, weekly and monthly rhythms and cycles that affect us all personally and collectively.

3) Understand Your Rhythms...READ MORE

Better understand your own regular rhythms and moods, as well as those of your family and friends.

4) Be a Savvier Planner...READ MORE

Better determine the best dates and times for when to host special events, with the most auspicious timing for success.

5) Know When & When NOT...READ MORE

Know when and when not to sign important documents, make expensive purchases, launch key initiatives, or embark upon a journey, etc.

6) Grow Personally...READ MORE

Gain deepened self-awareness for personal growth based on the archetypal language of the soul that Astrology is.

7) Cultivate More Harmony...READ MORE

Cultivate greater harmony and deeper, more satisfying relationships with a newfound understanding of astrological influences.

8) Understand Natural Cycles...READ MORE

Contribute to healing the environment collectively, and around you, with a deeper respect of natural cycles that affect us all.

9) Be In Tune With the Times...READ MORE

Tune in to the times! And teach others to do the same with your awareness! The Aquarian Age has dawned and Astrology is playing a vital, valuable role and is here to stay.

10) Develop Observation & Balance...READ MORE

Better develop your powers of observation and balance your brain as you exercise both logic and intuition in the application of the Astrology Calendar for daily, practical use.

OR… Here’s Another Option!

Purchase my popular Package 360 (for $360), and use $160 of it towards The Calender Astrology Advantage course. Why?

You would then have $200 left toward an Astrology Reading (covering any area of interest as listed here), PLUS receive a bonus 1-year Membership for free ($60 value – learn more about membership benefits).

If you choose this option, be sure to email me and let me know!