Horoscope Weekly 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope

For Members

May 17 – 23, 2024

Tip of the Week:

In this Universal 8-Year, we are reminded what the game of life is all about… power. Whether the reference is towards food or fuel, turf or territory, love, or life itself, the reality of duality is all about having, achieving, obtaining, expressing, giving, sharing… power.

I will explore and expand upon this understanding and many more in my upcoming Masterclass: Numerology for Life, which takes place on Saturday, June 1. I invite you to attend and you will go away awakened with illuminating insights and a tool you can use for the rest of your life.

What is not commonly understood is that existence is based on sound, which translates to energy, frequency, and vibration. Sound is the source of shape which is, in turn, the source of archetypes and archetypal themes. These are the basis of Sacred Geometry, which is geometry that is deemed sacred due to its fundamental and evident role in nature, which spans the entire spectrum from micro to macro. While many get lost in interpreting outer manifestations of reality, (usually invariably misinterpreting them, their essence and deeper purpose due to a lack of understanding of their source), it is exciting to be made aware and to see what is clearly there with new associations of perception.

A feature of this understanding is that Numerology and Astrology are both founded upon these archetypal principles.

Mercury entered Taurus on May 15 joining forces there with the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus to produce a sign stellium in Taurus. This is quite in keeping with the garden, planting season, here in the upper latitudes.

By May 17, Mercury will form a bi-annual square with Pluto, which is currently in Aquarius. The fixed mode of these two signs implies a slower, plodding pace, but which could still prove productive, perhaps even more than usual.

The Sun enters Gemini time on May 20 this year to begin the last month of spring.

Neptune hovering at 29 Pisces contributes to the overall tone revealing a blend of placid, dreamy, and stable.

Saturn in Pisces is also contributing to this overall tone. At best, it offers a soft, subtle influence. At worst, the theme is one of disintegration, dissolving, or melting of old structures, institutions, and traditional perspectives altogether. While this is an ongoing feature of life, due to the law of change, we undergo an accelerated process every 30 years when Saturn enters Pisces.

Saturn entered Pisces in about mid-March 2023 and will be there until late May 2025 when it enters Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac and that of new beginnings, where it will remain for about 3.5 months then will re-enter Pisces for another 6 months due to turning retrograde, where it will remain for about another 5.5 months. I tell you all of this, so you are more in tune and willing to accept and adapt to the melting of the old to make way for the new. Doing so is not always an easy process and especially with the fact that ‘the new’ includes AI, we can all use as much help as we can get to adapt to the changes of the inevitability of this rapidly emerging era, epoch, and age…

Returning to the smaller cycles of the here and now, while the Moon will wax to full in Sagittarius on May 23, stimulating a boost of fiery inspiration, the Taurus factor will keep the mood grounded and perhaps even subdued over the coming weeks. This can prove to be a lovely period of respite for those able to embrace the moment, even amidst the larger backdrop of accelerated and, for many, disturbing changes.

Use this time to drink in the beauty of the season and allow it to replenish your energy levels and inspire your spirit with gratitude for being a participant in the drama of life, at all, which can be understood as the attitude of true gratitude.

PS: Registration is Open for my next Masterclass on June 1 – Numerology For Life.

Click HERE to learn more!


Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

The desire for more is a common feature of life. Discerning whether ‘more’ amounts to quantity, quality, or a mix of both is a personal process. To feel more comfortable and to enjoy the pleasures of life is also natural. So, having a plan to achieve arises naturally as well. Timing is important in this regard, and is the conundrum in the equation, currently.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

The stellium of five planets in your sign indicates that you are determined to enter new territory. This could be true literally, or intellectually, emotionally, or socially, or all of the above. With returns for past efforts coming to the fore, your job is to identify what they are and to consolidate them as necessary to bring them forward for practical use.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

Taurus time is often one when you are inclined to huddle in close to home. This is probably extra true this year. You could still be quite busy both inside and out. Family affairs, tending the garden, spring cleaning, planning for future projects and events, or simply taking in the seasonal beauty are all good bets. If you do have to go out, keep it as brief as possible.

Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22) A creative impulse has been lingering for a few weeks now and will continue for a few more. On one hand, it could include clearing the old to make way for the new. Otherwise, the emphasis is on taking existing skills and talents to their next level of mastery. A learning curve is implied yet includes unlearning as much as acquiring new knowledge and approaches.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

Taking new leads and strides in your public and/or professional is underway. Paying attention to the finer details and making improvements where possible is featured. These are all aspects of a much deeper process of change that began in early spring last year and continues yet. Forging ahead includes pushing through fears and doubts.

Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

The strong Taurus influence is pushing you to keep your perspectives realistic, grounded, and practical. This can include knowing the difference between your sphere(s) of concern in balance with those of your actual influence. For idealistic types, the former is usually much wider than the latter. Harness your energies and direct them to where it genuinely counts.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Returns on past efforts and investments are there for you to reallocate. There are distinct themes of change at play which imply new plans and interests. Resisting these changes and hoping to just leave things as they are could be a sign of resistance and control of the flow. Break free of your comfort zone with confidence that you can enter a new one.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Building new foundations on relationship fronts is the big theme now. Themes of expansion are strongly emphasized, yet these will not occur, or at least not in ways desired, if your foundations are not fortified and secured. This could well include new team members and other assets able to contribute to a greater whole.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

The Taurus stellium is influencing the patterns of your daily rhythm and routine. Change is implied and requires that you confront your fears of change. Since the changes are destined to occur, they will with or without your conscious, co-creative participation. Of course, by being fully involved you can influence the outcome.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Taurus is also an Earth Element Sign, which means that its energies are in harmonious sync with your own. This is one of those opportunity periods when you can make new commitments and investments that are much more likely to produce the desired results. The biggest caution is that you do not overdo it so avoid extremes and exercise moderation.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

As the old saying goes, sometimes when it rains, it pours, and this could be one of those times. Positively, you are enjoying an abundant cycle full of flow and beauty. Yet, amidst it all, at the deeper roots, there is a dynamic that is agitating you to move on somehow. It requires both sober thinking and discipline to follow through.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

This strong Taurean influence is effectively synchronizing with changes in your perspectives, values, and attitudes. The time has come to move from certain perceptions and interpretations. Recognizing the relativity of life is an important example. When you realize that you don’t see things ‘as they are’, you can begin to see things as they are.


May 10 – 16, 2024

Tip of the Week:

The waxing process of last week’s Cazimi New Moon in Taurus will aptly be in Cancer, the sign of motherhood, nurturing, family, and ancestral roots, on Mother’s Day this weekend. Especially those who have the sign of Cancer on the ascendant in their natal chart, tend to be ultra nurturing, and nurses and health care providers very often have the Moon in Cancer.

MOTHER is a word that denotes a very special part of every person’s life. As the most obvious source of life, Mother merits our utmost love and respect. The parent we acknowledge to be the one in whose very body we were conceived, grew, and entered the world, holds divine status. Our mother who gave birth to us is indeed a very special person as the source – or portal of this incarnation of our soul. Unfortunately, due to many factors, including severe psychological imbalances and unhealed wounds, not everyone has a positive relationship with their biological or adopted mother.

Beyond the immediate biological realities that produce and host the miracles of birth and life, the term Mother encompasses a much larger spectrum of reality yet. Beyond our biological mother is Mother Earth and beyond ‘her’ is Mother Nature. The words are simple but the leaps in their scope of perspective and meaning are immense.

Mother Nature is literally the embodiment of the whole universe. After all, where does nature begin and end? Nature certainly transcends our own planet, as wonderful and sacred as ‘she’ is. So, where does she, Mother Nature, end? The answer is that she does not end. She is the alpha and the omega of existence. Mother Nature refers to the entire universe and all dualistic dimensions. 

The light of mother is divine. Mother is divine because she births life into manifestation. Mother is an endless miracle, a creative cornucopia that is infinitely creative and is anchored in the most important of truths in existence: “Life comes from life.” Although modern science persists in asserting that life is the result of chance events, a fluke of luck, modern science cannot or ever will be able to create a single seed, thus the assumed position of authority, at least in this regard, is forfeit.

Those with the Sun in Cancer can certainly be ultra nurturing as well, but the Sun Sign indicates our main purpose and focus for learning.

In other words, while we do not choose our karma and we do pick up where we left off, (contrary to popular notions that we simply ’choose’ our life experiences without any context to previous incarnations), on a soul level the Sun sign and various other factors are chosen for the purpose of furthering our evolutionary need in the most precise way.

In this regard, ‘you’ did not choose this life, you were born, but the choice was made on a soul level. In other words, we know ourselves as who we are consciously and our deep subconscious, the mind of our soul remains quietly, passively present because our embodied, personality construct is the vehicle for our growth in this dimension, not the deep subconscious mind. So, while the language is a bit complicated, not appreciating this more precise distinction, itself highly summarized, is an example of how a deep and complex principle made popular becomes warped by sensational attitudes bereft of understanding and empathy.

This can also be said of the disease called Cancer, which might be recognized as among the greatest human travesties. Cancer is the sign of nurturing, nutrition, empathy, and the sign of the Zodiac most closely, symbolically associated with unconditional love. It existed long before modern medicine used, (or is usurped a better word?) its title to name among the most tragically debilitating diseases in our world. Can we agree that this was a serious error, a colossal blunder, a tragic double entendre, a contronym that really should be corrected? Ironically, Hippocrates, a Greek physician who lived in the fifth century BCE, considered the paragon of modern medicine, used the term ‘crab’ to metaphorically describe the tenacious, proliferating behaviour of the spread of diseases the world has come to regard as “Cancer’. Entire countries have been renamed and so too should this disease, but unfortunately, this is unlikely to happen.

Interestingly, although the Moon is symbolic of subjective emotions, empathy, and the maternal parent, in association with themes of ever-changing moods, when the Moon is in Cancer it tends to either express or feel attracted to what can be described as a hyper state of excitement. Of course, how this influence will manifest or be expressed is invariably subject to one’s specific circumstances, and the finer details of how it affects any given person’s birth chart.

Also on May 12, the Sun will be close to forming an exact conjunction with Uranus, which will occur in the early morning on the 13th, here in North America. This annual aspect hosts an extra charge as well this year, which is already building, and its outer manifestations will become more evident next week.

Mars, in honor while in its own sign of fiery Aries, will lend an edgy impulse and Pluto will chime in with revolutionary fervor.

All the while, Neptune at the critical 29th degree of Pisces, (where it has been since May 4 and will be until September 3) indicates an overall mood of malaise, positively prompting people to surrender and flow, but it could also prove confusing and depressing too.

Interestingly, just as it slips into the 28th degree of Pisces, Pluto re-enters Capricorn on September 1 where it will hover at the 29th degree as well until November 19 when it re-enters Aquarius and begins its uninterrupted 20-year cycle!

So, with Neptune in Pisces and Pluto hovering at both the lowest and the highest degree at different times of the year, it comes as no surprise that major changes are unfolding, but it seems it is all occurring as within a dream, or a nightmare, as the case may be…, that we have little influence over. This is generally true, but perhaps even more so this year. Although we are approaching the halfway point, much has already happened.

The planet of the highest degree has a strong influence on the overall mood and focus of what is going on and what the focus is ‘at the end of the day’, figuratively speaking. A planet at 29-degree is considered critical and indicates themes of overcoming requiring patient perseverance. Since the focus here is on the generic or general perspective for us all, on a global scale, it is not so easy and obvious to determine what areas of life exactly such influences are encompassing. So, it tends to take on a wide angle of influence.

In this Year of the Dragon, we can generally expect that major changes are underway that will affect us all on a global scale. This scope of global, collective awareness has been steadily building momentum since 1993 when the internet went public.

As the story goes, the momentum has therefore been steadily building as the world, day by day, step by step goes ‘online’. The inevitability of this trend is so powerful that there is little that can stop it now, aside from a worldwide natural disaster, like an asteroid hit. The point is, that as the influence of communications technologies advances, news travels faster and faster. Within this understanding is also the reality that the ‘evening news’ no longer holds the authority it once did, as people look to alternative sources. Yet, this very orientation contributes to the ‘powers that be’ to want to control the flow of information. Although major events are interpreted quite differently from one source to another, and there are more than ever before, they become global news and it is this very reality that is having an inevitable transformation of humanity, internationally…, collectively.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms!

PS: Registration is Open for my next Masterclass on June 1 – Numerology For Life.

Click HERE to learn more!


Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

The Taurus impulse is probably prompting changes in your attitude and overall set of values and priorities about things. Yet, it does include an ambitious determination, if asserted from the slow lane. Mars in Aries will serve to counter this slow but sure ambition with a little extra firepower, so you are likely to be productive.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

This waxing lunation phase which was seeded in your sign indicates a sense of inspiration to take new initiatives. Jupiter in your sign says: “go big!” With Sun, Venus, Uranus, and Mercury soon too, all huddled close, your resolve comes with a lot of torque and stamina that will likely grow steadily, culminating with the Full Moon on the 23rd.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

This lunar cycle could prove to produce delayed results for you. They will be there, but it might take until the New Moon in your sign and the cycle that follows a few weeks from now. It is a good time to go slow, plan, and rest as you can. Mars in Aries is lending a supportive reserve of energy, provided the rebellious influence it suggests is directed to a cause.

Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

The foundations of change have now been established and are in the process of growing roots. Positively, a creative and inventive influence is on the rise, so don’t expect that you will repeat what you have done in the past. Meanwhile, an ardent push in your career is indicated, requiring training and new skills.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

An ambitious determination in your public and professional life is probably gaining most of your attention. There is an expansive theme at play, which implies a steady flow of changes in your approach over time, but it also requires discipline and focus. New tools, techniques, and skills or the refinement of existing ones are featured.

Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

A philosophical and visionary impulse that has been simmering for some time now has entered its next major phase. The development process of this stage should be underway now and does require a weave of study, contemplation, and imagination. Fortunately, your ambition levels are running strong, supporting you to do the work required.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Change has become the new norm for you. Positively, it is the kind you welcome, as with a reversal of fortunes in your favor. However, the strong health factors linked to Saturn and Neptune in your health sector indicate that you have had to really ‘work it’ in that department, if simply to surrender and accept.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

The auspicious Taurus boost is coinciding with changes on relationship fronts laced with the themes of expansion and increase. Extra effort is required and fortunately, there are indications that your resolve to rise to the occasion is also strong. Meanwhile, changes close to home are stirring but the big shift will likely come in October.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Changes in your daily rhythm and perhaps your lifestyle in general have been percolating for some time, and now you are undergoing the next phase. Another level or mode of discipline combined with a shift of attitude to give more is required to meet the challenges implied. Mars in Aries is available to support activating the required measures and strategies.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

The Earth sign of Taurus aligns harmoniously and with inspiration with that of your Earth sign. Interestingly, the influence is less about getting your hands dirty in the garden and more about larger, philosophical, or ethical considerations. You will likely aim to keep these grounded and realistic, if with an alternative twist.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

This New Moon is likely causing a stir close to home. Positively, there are indications that these are quite positive and include new levels of beauty. Whatever is happening, your confidence levels are getting a boost, supporting you to activate desired changes. Expect to take an assertive and revolutionary approach.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

Taurus is directly related to your mode of perception. In this regard, you like to think slowly and carefully regarding most matters. Despite your dreamy, imaginative disposition, your perspectives can prove to be quite sound. This is perhaps especially true now and you may find yourself engaged in inspiring and innovative projects.


May 3 – 9, 2024

Tip of the Week:

In the final, fading light of the lunation cycle that was seeded by the Solar Eclipse on April 8, we prepare for the New Moon seed on May 7/8 at 18 Taurus 02. (Each sign is comprised of 30 degrees and, like time, a degree is comprised of 60 minutes and each minute has 60 seconds of ‘celestial arc’).

Interestingly, the New Moon will form close aspects to Saturn and Uranus. Where Saturn is symbolic of tradition, Uranus reveals the revolutionary impulse of change. In the process, the status quo is ever-challenged, and we are all pushed to adapt.

Saturn in Pisces, the last and most mystical sign of the Zodiac symbolic of the disembodied soul, (where it can be described as in the added process of the dissolution of form and structure), indicates that resistance to the march of time is even more futile than usual.

Saturn will be in Pisces until mid-February 2026.

Mercury closely aligned with Chiron in Aries indicative of a fiery, visionary, and pioneering impulse shares close association with both assertive Mars, also in Aries.

Jupiter and Uranus, still closely aligned in foundation-building and resourceful Taurus formed their shared once-every-14-year conjunction on April 20/21, initiating an important cycle for our times, so we are still in the gestation phase. Innovation and invention are keywords.

In this process, the status quo is ever challenged, and we are all pushed to adapt, directly or indirectly, sooner or later. It is tempting to assume that reality will remain somewhat as we know it, but history, even very recent history tells us that this is not so. Admittedly, there are very rapidly changing times, and we can expect them to be so for some years to come.

While it is somewhat complex to explain, it is worth knowing that Uranus and Pluto are also in difficult sign placements. Among the outer synchronicities, very unpopular leaders the world over are making very big power moves, despite the will of the majority of the people largely opposing them. Events occurring in the world are much different on the mainstream or ‘legacy’ news than is revealed from personal live footage to be found on the internet. What was once genuinely ‘news’ in the mainstream we could more fully trust is now mostly propaganda, but many are still asleep to it.

The influence of Saturn in Pisces especially, yet combined with Neptune there as well, is one of a rapidly disintegrating old order.

The recent Aries impulse, especially reinforced by the eclipse may have seemed like a dud considering the hyped-up and wide-eyed fervor stirred by religious prophesies and over-active imaginations. Yet, the world has changed significantly since, as with the significant, yet suspicious, Carbon Tax in Canada. Rumors of new wars in the Middle East are other major factors that have planted seeds of major changes indeed. These are probably destined to contribute to much larger revolutions of social evolution as well over the next couple of years, when Saturn and Neptune enter Aries and form a conjunction at the very first degree of the Zodiac in late February with the Sun in Neptune-ruled Pisces and Aries ruled Mars in revolutionary Aquarius.

Uranus, Pluto, and Saturn too in their respective, challenging sign placements, are indicators of these increasingly complex times.

Uranus in Taurus began its transit cycle through the Bull totem sign in early spring 2019 and will remain there until late May 2026, despite a brief sojourn in Gemini through the summer of 2025. When it enters Gemini to begin its next 7-year cycle, AI will become the new norm, to a much more significant and obvious degree. Pluto, the planet of transformation, in Aquarius significantly adds to this overall process and its transit through the 11th sign will last for 20 more years!

On May 4 Pluto turns retrograde and it will continue in its retreat until October 11, arriving at 29 Capricorn 38. So, it will re-enter Capricorn on September 1 and it will re-enter Aquarius again on November 19 to finally begin its uninterrupted 20-year process. The thing to understand about retrograde planets, especially the far planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, is that if while in direct motion since entering Aquarius in late January 2024, it formed exact aspects to any planets or angles in your Birth Chart, it will now go back over those planets or angles in retrograde motion. It is this retrograde part of the transit that significantly deepens whatever destined themes are at play.

Navigating these changes is already complex and it is not likely that doing so will get easier. How we will adapt will require more strategic thinking than usual. This is where gaining a clearer understanding of your destiny cycles and rhythms supporting clearer visions will prove extra helpful.

In the bigger picture, circumstances beyond our control will not yield to our personal opinions and whims. This is due to the fact that we are in the final stages of the sunrise moment of the Age of Aquarius. The dawning process can be traced back to 1920 when the League of Nations was formed, so it has been underway for just over a century. Given that an Astrological Age encompasses a 2160-year period, a century or so for the dawning process becomes understandable.

It is these larger, social dynamics that remind us just how powerless it can feel when we stand alone. The journey of life, at least at times, requires concerted, collective efforts. These may be that of our own family, or team, or larger community. The irony of our times is that while the world becomes more and more cosmopolitan, it is also becoming more individuated and impersonal, thus indirectly empowering centralized authority to exert more influence with less opposition. Clearly, the world has changed significantly since that time. It began on the heels of WWI, which marked the period that is described as ‘darkest before the dawn’… process.

Some of the timelines mentioned going forward may seem far off but given the implications of the magnitude of changes that they imply, the time span is much closer than might be realized. Regarding current realities, what we are experiencing, let alone witnessing, are the next major steps preparing the way to what will likely amount to a global, centralized government. Of course, this process will take some time and is not likely to occur without resistance.

Modern technology and the capacity for unprecedented levels of governmental pressure including surveillance, suggests that altogether we are undergoing the labor pains associated with giving birth to the next major shift towards the inevitable reality of what has been described as the ‘global village’. Due to the realities of modern technologies associated with weapons of war, do we really have any realistic alternative?

The challenge even now and especially for future generations will be to transform the tendencies towards unprecedented tyranny that modern technologies imply, into an emphasis on transforming the world from the inside out.

In other words, without a spiritual revolution strong enough to undermine the tendencies towards psychopathy that materialistic reductionism implies, humanity may not make it through this evolutionary juncture.

The many science-fiction, dystopian movies that have captured the morbid fascinations of people the world over for the past eighty or so years are testimony to it, the sources of the notion of the proverbial mad scientist.

Having championed the cause of free will and freedom from religious dogma, the scales have swung over to the opposite extreme to deny the very existence of some form of higher intelligence behind the evidently highly sophisticated design of existence. While criticizing religious believers in the notion of a ‘Godman’ in the sky, anthropomorphic all mighty figure, referring to their attitudes as ‘fairy tales’, many staunch materialists assert the equally absurd notion, or fairy-tale-like-hypothesis’ that existence is the result of random chance, all the while asserting the existence of Laws of Nature. This modern version of double-speak reveals its own form of fundamentalism and associated cognitive dissonance.

The greatest scientists will both assert their conviction in a higher power and admit that despite all the lofty scientific theories, they still do not understand how existence in all its sublime sophistication and paradoxical marvel came to be. In short, the polarization of the extremes of religion and science have effectively, as the cliché goes, ‘thrown out the baby with the bathwater’, and the baby can be accurately described as Spiritual Science, taking after both parents. Ironically, it is this divine child image in its widest perspective that ‘gave rise’ to the parents in the first place. Yes, paradox is required to understand the apparent contradictions of duality.

Thus, as we undergo this worldwide process of change facilitated by high levels of technology, our challenge includes resurrecting the realization of the inherent spiritual aspect of life, yet without the pressures of conformist religions. This can be accurately described as Spiritual Science, and that, how, and why Astrology works lends significant support to its veracity. That Horoscopes even work at all, (and they can be understood to do so due to the fractal principle of the holistic or holographic nature of existence, yet which represents a small sample, the proverbial tip of the iceberg), is testimony to it. Like an ambassador, Astrology reveals intrinsic intelligence woven into the very fabric of existence and our co-creative process as participants in it and it is the larger understanding and implications of this process that opens the door to Spiritual Science in a broader sense, yet it begins here.

Have a great week!


Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Despite last month’s historic eclipse in your sign, Mars closely aligned with stoic Saturn and nebulous Neptune was adrift as if called into the abyss by mischievous mermaids. Mercury was also retrograde, so the overall impact could have proved quite uneventful, or delayed. You can expect the influence of the Taurus New Moon to be much more assertive.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

Whatever remaining energy there is from last month’s eclipse will be squeezed out as the New Moon in your sign enters a rapid growth cycle. Returns for prior efforts, or lack thereof, for better or worse, continue as an important influence this week. While outer activities require your attention and input, you may have to shift your attitude into resolve mode.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

You have likely been navigating the processes of change more than most. The melting away of yesteryear has been steadily underway for many weeks, years even, in the bigger picture. The final stages of this process, probably amidst all the complex weave of energies of a whole new major chapter, are forcing at least much of the old to yield and desist.

Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

You likely experienced the impact of last month’s eclipse more fully than others. It indicated changes in your social status somehow. Positively, it has introduced a fresh start and promising new momentum. This influence will continue for some weeks yet, so keep thinking forward and answer the call to break through any resistance to take new leads.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

Slowly but surely, a process of transformational change is underway. This began a year ago, but the pace is now accelerating. Yet, there remains a slow and gradual influence as well, inspiring an adaptive flow and reducing any sense of urgency. If you have been resisting, avoiding, and procrastinating, you will be in crisis, so use this to assess your situation.

Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22)

Your commitment to the future implies a learning curve combined with the need to change your approach. Mars entering Aries this week will serve to ignite your ambitions. Expect your workload to increase. Managing your time well will prove extra important and there will be little time for idleness. Focus on strengthening relations, both personal and professional.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

An important cycle of change will be germinated by this New Moon. A significant emphasis on finances and returns on investments is indicated. To this end, your attitude will prove shrewd and edgy and could perhaps even prove ruthless to some. Be careful not to jeopardize harmony by slipping on the proverbial velvet gloves over your iron fiscal fists.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

The Aries cycle was rather complex for many and you were not exempt. Positively, it pushed you to assert a new resolve in your daily rhythm and routine. Especially thanks to expansive Jupiter and innovative Uranus, the results could be significant in terms of promising new alliances that will undergo a robust growth cycle starting this week.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Despite all the complexities of this lingering significant Aries impulse, it has probably proven to push you forward somehow. Now you are entering into the adjustment and adaptation phases at a whole new level. Subtle but sure changes in your usual approach are indicated and you are challenged to persevere faithfully, so take things one step at a time.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

As the turn of spring builds momentum, you find yourself in a creative and inspired mood. This trend will not only continue but increase in the coming weeks. What better way to respond than to engage with innovative projects emphasizing beauty? An easy, graceful flow will have to contend with an ardent push to purge, to realize the deeper meaning of spring cleaning.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

The Aries impulse was destined to loosen the grip of prior perspectives. Like turning last year’s garden in preparation for new seeds and plants, you are fast approaching the time to act more decisively regarding these destined directives. Your best strategy probably includes creating more beauty close to home and raising your overall vibration.

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

Taurus time is one of generating new ideas. With Mars especially in Aries, taking an assertive approach will feel right and probably necessary. It will also inspire your ambitions to take on larger creative projects. These will probably continue through much of June as well and following through will leave you feeling like you are in alignment.
