The Astrology of November 2024 and the US Election

(This article was written in late October, 2024 for Members).

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November 2024 is a Universal 1 Month. Technically, because 11 is the primary Master Number, it is more accurate to say that November is a 19 Month, which reduces first to 10, as with 1 + 9, and then to 1, as with 1 + 0. It is symbolic of new beginnings and bold initiatives.

Interestingly, because 2025 is a Universal 9 Year, January will also be a Universal 1 Month. Sandwiched in between is December which will be a 20/2 month, symbolic of seeing both a bigger and deeper scope on matters and reality in general. As the count goes, February will be yet another 2-Month but November is derived from Master Number 11.

This double-double dip, so to speak occurs at an important time on the world stage. Generally, it implies a visionary perspective going forward and one that will likely feature major events that will lead us all into an increasingly uncertain future. Not that the future has ever been absolutely clear, but some turns of destiny are more epic and dramatic than others, and this is yet another one that will be placed alongside a whole host of others reaching back, especially over the past 30 or so years since the internet became a public and global reality. Among the most significant events currently underway is, of course, the political status in the U.S.A.


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Given the current scope of political tension and the fast-approaching and historic U.S. Presidential Election, these themes carry even more weight than usual. The impact of the results of the election transcends the borders of the United States alone, to the neighboring countries of Canada and Mexico, primarily, but even all the countries of the world are invariably impacted by what occurs in the USA, both politically and economically, yet socially, culturally and spiritually too, due to the importance of the Constitution of the United States of America as the testimony and symbol of social and political freedom as sovereign citizens under God and not simply the arbitrary authority of individuals and distinct groups.

With both Mercury and Venus in fiery, truth-seeking Sagittarius and Mars in bold, brave, and dramatic Leo, the scope of drama will be riding very high, as should be expected.

Mars in close and hard opposition to Pluto adds a hefty load of TNT to the tenor. That this charged and explosive aspect is present in the Scorpio New Moon chart that occurred on November 1, 2024, is also extra noteworthy because it means its explosive potential will be present throughout its 29.5-day cycle. Yet, it is the days of its actual opposition that are most significant, which lingers through to November 3 when Mars enters Leo.

Interstingly, Mars will be at ‘0’ Leo on the day of the U.S. Election with the Sun at 13 Scorpio, which positively, happens to reinforce its heroic posture. 

The Moon in Capricorn on Election Day, November 5, suggests that the outcome will be decided by who the people believe will be the best for the economy.

Mars will also make two more charged and even lethal opposition aspects (180 degrees) to Pluto on January 2/3, depending on your timezone, under the lunar light of revolutionary Aquarius. Then, almost 5 months later on April 26, 2025, due to its retrograde process, Mars will again oppose Pluto manifesting as the final resolution process of this overall dynamic.

So, this entire, *charged cycle* in its oppositional phase has a six-month process. Since Neptune will have moved from Pisces to make its first entrance into Aries (the sign of new beginnings)  in late March, we should expect there to be a lot of charge and drama stirring throughout 2025. 

So, the New Moon on November 1st, All Saints Day, at 9 Scorpio 35 carries with it a hidden charge of aggression subject to unscrupulous ambitions.

With many planets in difficult signs currently and for the past weeks and months, this has become something of a new norm. It might be described as a massive power grab, yet one which is largely occurring in the shadows and veiled by deliberate distractions. So, we can expect more of this over the coming weeks, especially the period leading to the Full Moon at 24 Taurus 01 on November 15, the date which happens to be the birth date of the U.S. government, according to some sources. This also happens to be the same day that Saturn turns direct after turning retrograde in late June!

Throughout November, Mercury in Sagittarius will progressively slow down and then turn retrograde on November 25, stationing (appearing to be at a standstill) at 22 Sagittarius 40. So, if you have planets or angles in your birth Chart at or close to this degree, especially in the Mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, you will likely feel or experience its impact more strongly. This further indicates that Mercury will be in Sagittarius until January 8, 2025. Mercury in Sagittarius tends to be very philosophical and oriented to higher principles, ethics, and truths. A lot of emphasis is also placed on freedom of speech, which has become a major issue as ‘authorities’ strive to censor public opinion. However, Mercury is generally considered difficult in Sagittarius. The main issue is that more attention is directed to attitudes as opposed to facts. In other words, beliefs and social conditioning tend to cloud judgment and people expect others to think as they do.

All the while, Mars will also be progressively slowing down in preparation for it also turning retrograde, which occurs on December 6 at 6 Leo 10, the very day that Neptune turns direct after turning retrograde on July 1st.  So, if you have planets at or near this degree, especially in the Fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius, you will likely feel or experience its impact more strongly. Mars will eventually retrograde back into Cancer, a difficult sign position until April 18, 2025! Negatively, Mars in Cancer can prove edgy, aggressive, harsh, and abusive, sometimes even brutally so. Positively, Mars in Cancer can prove very constructive, especially in terms of renovation projects.

Pluto re-entering Aquarius on November 19 is also extra noteworthy as it will commence its 20-year journey through the sign of the Water Bearer. During this time, we can expect that humanity as a whole will undergo a process of revolutionary transformation. There is much to be said of this theme and will be over the coming weeks, months, and even years as the closer play-by-play dynamics subject to interactions with other planets are brought into closer view.

So, astrologically, November 2024 is packed with power plays, intrigue, and drama subject to dismissals, delays, deliberate distractions, reversals, and secrecy. The Sun entering Sagittarius on November 21st will not likely be able to offset these Scorpionic themes, due to the dynamics of planetary retrograde activity and planets in difficult signs. Completing the month with a bang, a New Moon in Sagittarius occurs on November 30 or during the early hours of December 1 in the Eastern and Central time zones at 9 Sagittarius 03. More attention to it will be brought closer to that date in the Weekly Horoscopes and Horoscope for the Month of December. 


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