Libra Solar Eclipse

October 2024 is a Universal 9-Month, symbolic of endings, completions, and graduations on one hand, and of humanitarian awareness on the other. Like planting bulbs in autumn, it marks a time of thinking about the new cycle of the coming year.

Astrologically, it hosts a Solar Eclipse (annular) on October 2 at 10 Libra 04 and at 2:49 pm EDT, which will culminate as the Full Moon on October 17 at 24 Aries 26. Similarly to last month’s Harvest Moon, the coming culmination 2 weeks from now will again appear large due to its close proximity to Earth in its elliptical orbit.

It is important to realize that the influences of an eclipse, especially a Solar Eclipse, tend to occur prior to the actual event, yet more like foreshadows, or hints, or what can be described as early signs and warm-ups leading to the full-blown outer manifestations that tend to occur over the two weeks following the event, but sometimes the outer events are delayed.

Given the fact that a very important and historic Presidential Election race is underway in the United States, this eclipse can be understood to be especially important. How any eclipse will affect any given person depends on their own chart. This is always true in Astrology. It always comes down to the relationship between an event and any given ‘person’ or ‘legal entity’ (country, state, province, territory, official organization, institution or company).

There are also distinct differences in effect between a Solar and a Lunar Eclipse. The basic rule of thumb for interpreting eclipses is as follows:

Solar Eclipse is the BIG event, the true ‘super moon’. Solar Eclipses are more external with outer effects producing CHANGE based on events appearing to occur externally and randomly. Lunar Eclipses are more internal and suggest how we subjectively think or feel about things. Of course, our inner reflections can lead to outer choices. Yet, the effect comes from within and do not manifest so much as outer events, aside from those that occur due to reactive, or with awareness, intentional behaviors.

Lunar Eclipses that strongly trigger key points in one’s Birth Chart tend to activate changes of perception, belief, and other emotionally charged perspectives. Yet, at least sometimes, a person has to be self-aware and self-honest to recognize the shifts occurring, which are otherwise unacknowledged and relegated to their murky, confused, largely unconscious, inner subjective stream of thoughts and feelings.

How the eclipse makes aspects to planets at the time of the eclipse, and to Fixed Stars, especially by conjunction, are other key factors, as features of the ‘whole chart’ perspective. In both cases, the closer the aspect, the stronger the effect tends to be. However, the chart taken as a whole can produce bridges, so to speak, with other planets, so determining the overall impact is not strictly a linear process since the chart ever-operates as a whole, determined by the placements of the ever-moving planets at the exact moment of the event.

Below is a breakdown of the October 2nd Sun/Moon conjunction (New Moon) occurring at 10 Libra 04, making aspects to other planets.

The Solar Eclipse Conjunct Mercury is at 11 Libra 32 (so just a degree and a half away and conjunct, is the strongest indicator of new activations.) 

  • The inner influence of this overall aspect shares an association with Aquarius and its ruling planet Uranus, which happens to be currently in Taurus, where it can prove bullish, irreverent, and unscrupulous due to unchecked ambitions and greed. It can also be compared to a wrecking ball used to tear down an old building.

  • This aspect involving the Moon generally equates to, thoughts, perspectives, intuition, and imaginations triggered and activated. Thoughts and speech are strongly linked with emotions leading people to speak with unchecked emotion, speaking their mind and heart, often uncensored. The ability to empathetically and telepathically sense other people’s thoughts is also heightened.

  • This aspect involving the Sun generally equates to enjoying communication exchanges and intellectual stimulation. People seek avenues through which to communicate their ideas. Communications tend to be forceful and subjective leading to more fully ‘speaking at others’ with less interest in listening and dialogue exchanges. 

The Solar Eclipse Exactly Conjunct Black Moon Lillith 

Black Moon (aka Lillith) is not a heavenly body as such, but a point of power like the Nodes of the Moon.  Geometrically, Black Moon Lilith represents the empty focal point of the Moon’s elliptical orbital path around the Earth.  As an astrological symbol, Lilith seems to show the unfolding of the ancient archetypal feminine power of creation, growth, stasis, decay, and destruction.  It is connected with maturity, especially emotional maturity, and seems to be involved in working with turbulent feelings, jealousy, and rage to a point of inner balance and harmony.  This leads to Black Moon Lilith’s gift of self-empowerment.  Its dark face is revealed in volcanic eruptions of destructive anger, intense passion, emotional manipulation, and disordered aggression.  There seem to be themes of spiritual (or even material) renunciation associated with Lilith, and these then create resonances with Ketu, the South Node of the Moon.

With all the violence occurring in the Middle East currently, with rumors or large-scale war, the synchronicities of Lillith’s influence are quite apparent. It is a process of discernment to determine where any given energy or influence is derived and there are multiple ways of determining it, not least of all approaching the ‘event chart’ as a whole, which is ever the golden rule in Astrology. Yet, when the influence stems from an exact conjunction with the Sun and Moon of a Solar Eclipse, then the influence of that factor is especially likely. So, the Solar Eclipse is not simply the powerful event that it tends to always be, it is a 4 planet stellium including Mercury and the Black Moon! The fact that it occurs at the degree of Libra that corresponds to Aquarius, both in terms of the Decant and Duad clearly includes its influence as well. With Uranus in Retrograde in Taurus, the outer manifestation can indeed be described as a fierce raking of burning embers.

The Solar Eclipse Square Mars at 15 Cancer 48 (Square is a 90-degree aspect and is symbolic of a ‘hard turn’ with the combined forces at cross purposes.) 

  • While the orb of this aspect is pretty wide, when the Sun and Moon (luminaries) are involved, the ‘orb’ (degrees of proximity) can be as large as 10 degrees!

  • The inner influence of this aspect shares an association with Capricorn and Scorpio. With Saturn in Pisces, and Pluto at 29 Capricorn, the combined influence implies disintegration and chaos. Mars is already difficult in Cancer when it comes to edgy emotions due to tendencies to be harsh as it activates orientations to ‘get to the bottom of things’.

  • This aspect involving the Moon generally manifests as quick-tempered, intolerant, impatience and irritability, so be aware and watch for this overall tone and its eventful manifestations.

  • This aspect involving the Sun generally equates to high energy and enthusiasm. Taking risks is common yet can prove to be over-charged, reckless, and accident-prone. There can be difficulty in discerning the difference between assertion and aggression. Positively, people are assertive and frank in simply stating their own perspectives or case clearly, yet others may deem them to be pushy and even aggressive. You need to find a healthy outlet for your enthusiasm and energy.

The Solar Eclipse Conjunct the Lunar South Node (Eclipses always occur due to their close proximity to the South or North Node of the Moon which are deep and significant ‘symbolic’ points in Astrology, where the orbit of the Moon from our geocentric position crosses the plane of the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun.)

  • In Natal Astrology, planets conjunct the South Node, are generally deemed to reveal some degree of difficult or negative karma. There tends to be obsession and excess associated with the planets involved. The destined goal is to become aware of and consciously release the excesses implied, the process of which often takes many decades, amounting to at least 40 years, but can often prove problematic throughout a person’s entire life and, if not resolved, will carry forward to their next incarnation.  Since a Solar Eclipse includes both the Sun and Moon, the combined factors are that much more complex, yet we are dealing with a generic event in this case as opposed to assessing the Natal Chart of any given person.

  • This aspect involving the Moon generally manifests as heightened sensitivity with a tendency to learn from experience rather than through books. Experience teaches people to harness their emotions for the betterment of self and others. Yet, there is a need to let go of past hurts and grudges or sentimental attachments in order to move on. Ideally, there is an attitude forgiving and forgetting, but this does not tend to occur quickly, if at all. Opportunities will arise, yet there is also the need to summon the wisdom and courage to embrace them.

  • This aspect involving the Sun generally implies challenges in expressing one’s true potential, but persistence is also likely. It is time to take new leads and be willing to learn from trial and error and to break free of tendencies to procrastinate or become attached to the past.

 The October 2, 2024 Solar Eclipse – Aspects to 3 of the 4 main Feminine Asteroids:

  • Sextile Pallas positioned at 7 Sagittarius 48 (Sextile is a 60-degree aspect generally associated with social opportunity.)

  •  The inner influence of this overall aspect shares an association with Pisces and Neptune which is currently positioned at the last degree of Pisces, revealing an inner connection with Uranus in Taurus, so it too is associated with disintegration and chaos.

  • This aspect involving the Moon generally emphasizes a strategic intelligence and an instinctive need to retreat and formulate a plan before making any emotional leaps of faith.

  • This aspect involving the Sun generally implies an assertive, alert, and intelligent approach to take a creative lead to fulfill a sense of social duty.

Conjunct Juno (wide) at 18 Libra 49

  • The inner influence of this overall aspect shares an association with Aquarius and Taurus, which are both Fixed Modality signs. Uranus rules Aquarius and is in Venus-ruled Taurus with Venus at 11 Scorpio 48. Together, these influences suggest a passionate, yet possibly obsessive resolve supported by seductive charm and manipulation.

  • This aspect involving the Moon combined with Juno, the domestic Goddess of the Zodiac, highlights an orientation towards domestic warmth, harmony and nurturing, for example through food, get-togethers, and general conviviality. Generally speaking this combination indicates the aspiration to meet emotional needs through warm and emotional connections with others.

  • This aspect involving the Sun generally implies a proactive determination to be mature, sincere, and understanding guided by diplomacy and fairness, which puts others at ease.

Square Ceres at 11 Capricorn 16

  • The inner influence of this overall aspect reveals a strong association with Taurus and Venus once again. Especially with Venus in Scorpio, relationships with women tend not to flow easily due to misunderstandings of their intent and actual feelings.

  • This aspect involving the Moon generally implies disappointments due to a lack of empathy and compassion or perhaps a sense of loss can hinder your attempts to be loving and compassionate.

  • This aspect involving the Sun generally implies difficulties connecting with feelings of concern. for others


As destiny has it, the next Solar Eclipse occurs on March 29, 2025 at very close to exactly the opposite degree in Aries, the polar opposite sign of Libra. So, there is a big destined theme associated with these signs and about the 10th degree. If you happen to have planets or angles at this degree in any sign, you will likely experience the impact. If those degrees are in any of the Cardinal Signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, the influence will be that much more powerful. They basically imply change and the perennial challenge is to positively respond and adapt, and this current Solar Eclipse on October 2, 2024 will be the first trigger.

In the “Sibley Chart” for the United States (based on historical documents revealing final amendments and official signatures occurring at 5:10 pm in Philadelphia Pennsylvania on July 4, 1776), this October 2nd eclipse occurs in the 10th House of public and professional life and of governments implying changes.

Given the U.S. Presidential Election race, this makes even more sense. That the eclipse will be applying to a conjunction with Saturn, and applying to a square to the Sun suggests heavy feelings and hard turns. Positively, a Sextile to the Sagittarius Ascendant which is ruled by Jupiter in Cancer is suggestive of the opportunity to create a whole new sense of confidence. This is reinforced by a Sextile to the Lunar North Node at 6 Leo 35, which supports opportunities for much-needed change and, due to other factors, what can be described as a process of rebirth and rebuilding based on a revolutionary process.

The general timeframe of influence of this specific eclipse can be better understood to endure for the duration of the influence of the eclipse, which is about 6 months. However, if and when subsequent events trigger the degree point of the eclipse, the themes implied can be reactivated, especially if the events occur sequentially from one to the next. Since the Solar Eclipses on March 29, 2025 at 9 Aries 0 occurs sequentially and it also can be understood to effectively have a ‘six month shelf life’, so to speak, the themes and events being activated now can be understood have at least a year of residual influences.

Even other events beyond the sequential time rhythm occur within relatively close proximity, it can be said that they will tend to ‘resound the bell’ as the metaphor goes. Due to the gravity of current events in our complex and rapidly changing times, however, it is worth looking both back and forward a bit to determine what other events occurred close to this degree of 10 Libra. In this regard, consider the following dates which will prospectively perpetuate the themes being activated now. Admittedly, one could also go back in time to determine if there were earlier Solar Eclipses within a degree of this one at 10 Libra 04. I will list the ones reaching back to the turn of the millennium (year 2000) and forward a bit as well to inspire willing students and scholars to take a close look, perhaps especially with emphasis on how these Solar Eclipse events configure in the Birth Chart(s) of the United States.

Search Date Range of “Solar Eclipses” from Jan 2, 2000 to December 31, 2033 corresponding to the degree of this October 2, 2024 eclipse. Each of these events can be understood to have influences for a few weeks prior and about 6 months following these dates.                       

  • July 1, 2000 – 10° Cancer 14′             

  • October 3, 2005 – 10° Libra 18′                                 

  • August 1, 2008 – 09° Leo 31                           

  • July 1, 2011 – 09° Cancer 12′             

  • July 2 2019 – 10° Cancer 37′

  • October 2, 2024 – 10° Libra 04        

  • March 29, 2025 – 09° Aries 0               

  • August 2, 2027 – 09° Leo 55                           

  • June 1, 2030 – 10° Gemini 49′                        

  • March 30, 2033 – 10° Aries 22’     


The Role of Fixed Stars by Conjunction to the Sun/Moon Eclipse

The eclipsed Sun also aligns with two Fixed Stars:  Vindemiatrix and Porrima.

Vindemiatrix tends to manifest as impulsiveness, wanton folly, indiscretion, foolishness, scandalous actions, criticism, depression, and yet, ironically, leadership ability. On the other hand, Porrima tends to manifest as a courteous, refined and lovable character with prophetic instincts and an aptitude for understanding deep realities. What is also ironic about this is that they are very closely aligned by degree, yet have very different influences. Like the scales of Libra swaying to and fro, we will experience, feel and witness the influences of and observe the expressions of these stars for as long as six months until the next solar eclipse spring 2025.

Other Planetary Positions and Roles Associated with the October 2, 2024 Solar Eclipse

Mercury and Venus moving quickly now, reveal Mercury racing through Libra and Scorpio by month’s end. With Venus in Scorpio, there will be a good deal of discussion around the darkness, evil and corruption in the world which seems to be escalating daily.

Mars in Cancer meanwhile will push to get to the bottom of things, while Jupiter retrograde in Gemini will leave many feeling scattered and confused.

The Sun tends to be difficult in Libra. Venus is difficult in Scorpio. Mars is difficult in Cancer. Jupiter is difficult in Gemini, Saturn is difficult in Pisces, Uranus is difficult in Taurus and these are all the current sign positions for these planets. 

Beyond the scope of influence of the Solar Eclipse, this is not an easy time in the world. These last years leading to the official sunrise moment of the Age of Aquarius, the ‘dawning’ of which we are in the final stages is the deeper rationale behind what can be described as a global crisis, or the birth pains of the emerging global village. Patience, kindness and compassion will prove extra helpful and blessings will be experienced by those who extend these human virtues to others.


How will this Solar Eclipse impact you?

Learn here about the many areas of your life that Astrology can help you better understand and to navigate, to be more in-tune and aware of your personal cycles of destiny.