Horoscope for December 2023

December, 2023

Insights, Inspirations, and Forecast for Members



Read the extended Tip of the Month and Horsoccope for your sign below, and

watch the video forecast for December 2023!


December is a 10/1 Universal Month. Watch for key events that reveal major new beginnings. The synchronicity of it could occur in multiple ways.

  • The dynamic of December begins with communication-focused Mercury entering sober, pragmatic Capricorn on December 1.

  • By December 4, fair Venus enters secretive and seductive Scorpio.

  • Mercury turns retrograde on December 12 and will remain so through to New Year 2024.

  • Winter Solstice is on December 21 yet has the distinction of an exact conjunction with Mercury at the critical first degree symbolic of raw beginnings

That December 2023 is a Universal 1-Month is significant and noteworthy. It can almost be interpreted to by an oxymoron since December is the 12 and last month of the year and Sagittarius is the 9th sign – the number of endings, completions, and graduations. Of course, Winter Solstice occurs every December 21 or so, sometimes as early as the 20th or as late as the 22nd, due to the Leap Year factor in squeezing the 365.25 days into a 360-degree cycle… Where one is located is also ever important in this regard due to the time zone factor.

So, December 2023 is a Universal 1-Month, and it is the first of three, going forward, with February and November 2024 also constituting 10/1 months because 2024 is a Universal 8-Year. While this may not seem linear or logical, assuming that it should is the first problem. This emphasis on multiple 1 months began this year, 2023, with two 1-months in the calendar year and occurs again in 2024 and 2025 (in January and October 2025).

2026 is a Universal 1-Year and it will again host only one Universal 1-Month in September 2026, which itself will be a Universal 1-Month.

The last time it was a Universal 1-Year was 2017. This LINK to an article I found online offers some relevant examples of the new beginnings associated with that year, but you can and will, of course, decide for yourself. Very skeptical and contrarian types will never agree to anything as they exercise the fine art of slicing and dicing any fact rendered to oblivious meaninglessness, like a high-powered and skilled lawyer, politician, or debate master.

So, for now, December is a Universal 1-Month, in this Universal 7 Year, the number symbolically associated with INITIATIONS of all kinds.

2024 will itself be a Universal 8-Year which is extra noteworthy because 8 is the number of power and abundance. I symbolically refer to it as ‘the playoffs’, the final exam, the big tent. So, you can add to this list of any and all major culminations and peak moments. A final one would be a big wave cresting before it curls and crashes, which is symbolic of the number 9.

Again, Sagittarius is among the more prominent signs deeply devoted to logical thinking. The irony is that there are many approaches to logic and even it is consequently subject to debate. In the following few paragraphs, I will illustrate this point a bit further.

Winter Solstice is symbolic of the beginning of a new day regarding a day-for-a-year symbolic ratio which is an important theme in Astrology when it comes to the measurement of time and the cycles of destiny. In this regard, it marks the beginning of the ‘Natural New Year’, but also symbolizes the official beginning of the day which, ironically, begins at 12 midnight. Life is riddled with such ironies, especially in association to the human endeavors to ‘create order out of chaos’. On the high side, doing so is a feature of civilization. On the downside, too often people who achieve high levels of power and then project their ideals with force is the causes of immense human suffering that continues to this day and will continue, all lofty notions that assume that it might be otherwise, aside.

Returning to the symbolic association between a day and a year, in Astrology this factor is linked to a commonly used predictive technique in Astrology called ‘Progressions’, the closer study of which, as with case studies, would be enough to literally prove that Astrology works. This would be achieved by reviewing case studies of the outer manifestations of the date and time associated with any person’s life experiences. This also challenges all brave, proud, and false notions that “I create my own destiny”.

Yes, we co-create, but the creative process that is already in place is much larger than us, just as is true of any of us compared to the forces of nature, because destiny is ‘natural’.

This somewhat complex numerological principle is a simple feature of logical fact and in addition to beliefs, is a cornerstone characteristic of people strongly influenced by Sagittarius. Yet, this logic is subject to the conviction that the addition of the numbers in a year when added do, in fact, manifest as relevant synchronicities. It is another mind-bending consideration that the ‘fact’ that it is the year 2023 is itself a highly ‘subjective’ fact, yet one which is now globally recognized and adhered to. It is this collective agreement that is co-creating realities that align with the themes associated with each number, in this case associated with the years and subsequently to the numerological number designations of the months as well, in any given year.

However, as is commonly true with human beings, perception is selective, even among those who deem themselves committed to objective facts, and often even more so because life is all about beliefs or convictions and perceptions or interpretations. In other words, such studies will not be conducted due to factors like pride, delusion, and the politics of power. This relativity of perception is why people get so upset with each another. The simple fact is that human perception is subjective and biased, again even among those who deem themselves to be integral to ‘the facts’.

Yes, these key components providing the foundation of bias, (reinforced by instinct-driven reactions to security and survival and to the more proactive expressions of ambitious aspirations to power), is a, or ‘the’, major psychological factor that also plays the leading roles in politics at every level from small communities to global scale perspectives. Whether the chair is held by a young brilliant leader or an elderly person, the dynamics of social and political power and decision-making will NEVER achieve consensus agreement, due to the realities of human nature.

This FACT merits considerable respect and attention. Yet, even it will probably never be reconciled, and human beings will invariably enter conflict forevermore as ‘might’ confronts all notions of ‘right’. This very statement is heartbreaking to idealistic types who are firm in their conviction that global peace and unity is right around the next corner. Remember what I am saying here as the days, months and years go by and you will realize the truth of it. After all, my saying it is not or will not be the cause of the ever-new arising conflicts. It has and continues to be the march of science to achieve this state of pure objectivity, but it has not and will not be due to this human psychology factor.

In fact, those who are deeply committed to the ‘ideal’ notion of objective facts, such as absolute truth-seeking scientists can be as narrow-minded as the most vehement fundamentalist. All this endless debate and invariable social division and conflict is due to a lack of appreciation of the subjectivity of human perception. As the story goes, devious types seeking power have always and will always exploit this factor, as the world turns…

So, perception is everything and objectivity is a relative illusion. Yet, we still have the larger themes and trends that are increasingly achieving global influence. This is due to modern technology but it also a feature of the human condition. I have shared this philosophical perspective due to the current Sagittarian influence which is the archetype association with the adventurous journey to achieve higher-minded knowledge and realization.

Close to date, December will prove significant, perhaps even epic. Major planets turning direct after months of retrograde motion, Mercury turning retrograde, Venus in Scorpio, a Universal 1-Month and more, will see us through this last month of 2023 with a Gibbous egg-Moon on Winter Solstice and culminating with a Full Moon for Christmas, it will prove to be an exciting month indeed.

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19) 

A balancing act between financial ambitions and a wider, visionary perspective continues. You yearn to realize big dreams and ambitions. You are determined to exercise your free will to maximize returns.

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20) 

Some cycles are ideal for cleaning and clearing the old to make way for the new, like now! 2024 cometh quickly now and, beyond making way for new stuff, the clearing will raise your vibe and, thereby, attract more health and wealth.

Gemini (May 21-Jun 20) 

Who do you love and why? Your reasons are your own, but the question is a trigger to remember and reconnect, at least in your heart. To also restore faith in the flow with peace and surrender, find reasons to feel grateful.

Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 22) 

The call now is to make key improvements and adjustments in your overall lifestyle, for the sake of your whole health. This theme will carry over into 2024, so get the jump on it now. Just do it!

Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22) 

A creative high-five has been lifting your vibe. Your focus is closely aligned with career opportunities. Expansive changes have been brewing for months and the going continues to require disciplined efforts but will pay off!

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22) 

A philosophical mood lingers, and you are probably happy to huddle close to home and family. Mercury turning retrograde could throw you a few curve balls, but there are indications you will connect big anyway.

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22) 

A social cycle is underway. Given recent shifts on financial fronts, you have both reasons to feel optimistic, yet also frugal. Playing the long game, be both patient and diligent with wealth investment and management studies.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21) 

You have entered an expansive cycle that could pay off big! Timing is of the essence now. Last month’s New Moon was the trigger and this one is the power. Mercury Retrograde could strengthen your focus. Capitalize!

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21) 

The pioneering impulse of the Sun in your sign as of late November, will be amplified by the New Moon in your sign. It will serve to sharpen your mind. With Jupiter in Taurus, you can use the boost.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19) 

The time is right for you to step back, to rest, re-center, and prepare for 2024. You are in a strong position overall and this will become more apparent in the coming months. Yet, you are wise to listen, learn, and unlearn, too…

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18) 

Sagittarius time can prove extra social for you, or at least boost your sense of individuality. This year, it is likely the latter, but both could prove true. You should notice your confidence levels rising and this will continue.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) 

Your public and professional life is in the spotlight and this trend will continue. The time is right to get the attention you feel you want and deserve. Your biggest challenges include organization and time management.