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Read to review and reflect upon the Member’s Horoscope for the Year 2023 below…
Horoscope and Forecast - 2023
Happy New Year 2023! A warm welcome to Members new and old and thank you! I look forward to providing all of you with guidance and insight over the course of 2023, which is destined to be a very significant year.
See below for the horoscope for each sign.
Overview of the Main Astrological Themes in 2023
1. Summary Overview for 2023
2. Jupiter in Aries
3. Jupiter in Taurus
4. Mars in Gemini through Sagittarius in 2023
5. Chiron in Aries and its Many Conjunctions throughout March and Early April
6. March 2023 and Saturn in Pisces
7. March 2023 and Pluto in Aquarius
8. The Lunar Nodes Change Signs from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra on July 12, 2023
9. Eclipse Season in April and October 2023 are Anchored in Aries and Libra
10. 2023 is a Universal 7-Year
11. January 1st 2023 and Your Numerological Grow Cycle
12. Horoscope Summarized Destiny Themes for Each Sign of the Zodiac
Summary Overview for 2023
This summary overview of what is predicted for 2023 will be qualified by the status of planetary aspects in greater detail by the elaborated entries below it, as outlined above.
Get ready for a fast-paced and progressive year in 2023 that will be underway even before the year officially begins, thanks in large part to Jupiter in Aries as of December 20, 2022. ‘Time marches on’, so the saying goes, and this year it will be more akin to a gallop. 2023 will be a year marked by various modes of ‘initiation’ on a global scale that will likely be marked by key events. In many respects, we are and have been undergoing the birth pangs of a new epoch or Age, let alone era. This overall process can be accurately understood as a key chapter in the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
Due to the eternal interplay of light and dark, this overall process has and will likely continue to be an affront to vigilant and idealistic minds, many of whom are soberly aware of the many casualties, crimes and atrocities that have and will likely continue.
Yet, the forces of evolution, the mythic and historical legacies of the male, or Shiva forces, and the female, or Kali forces, can and do prove relentless and unapologetic, and they are in full force at this pivotal turning point of planetary evolution.
All the signs of this rapidly rising momentum of change and transformation on a global scale are already very evident, as countries switch from Fiat to digital currencies for one example, which is a strong and clear expression of Uranus in Taurus conjunct the Lunar North Node. Government authorities have and will be working hard and fast to push through reforms promoted by the hidden legions of lobbyists. These will be directly linked to the economy and control of the masses, as certain elements of the population predictably resist. Yet, the counter-push will be there as well, especially on the front of environmental concerns with special emphasis on biodiversity. Biodiversity is the real theme of our time, beyond yet including that of climate change and a big emphasis of it is upon the hazards of wireless technology, such as 5G and cell towers, it so happens.
All the while, a steadily growing divide between the push of private interests will be met with increasing resistance by those committed to upholding the democratic process. The increasingly evident alliance between multi-national corporations and governments will reveal the realities of a rapidly emerging and worldwide slide towards Fascism which is strongly indicated by Pluto in Capricorn hovering at the highest degree throughout 2023, and which will likely manifest as a rude reality to the many who have blindly invested more faith in governments attending to the welfare of the masses over that of the immense power and influence now securely in the hands of the elite of the private sector.
Resistance to change and appeals for justice from the public, the citizenry of the world will be strong especially as Pluto enters Aquarius in late March 2023, yet will be met with at least as many assertions delivered as political strategy. This determined force will likely manifest as ruthless authority quick to punish any and all who resist, strongly and clearly demonstrating the proverbial assertion that ‘resistance is futile’ and will prove to be ‘too little, too late’, anyway. Yet, not everyone will agree and the opposition to such propagated notions will actually rise.
So, not everyone will yield easily, nor are they meant to, as indicated by Saturn in Aquarius, as they serve to offset unscrupulous ambitions eager to take full advantage of the opportunities that social instability and destined changes provide.
It is very likely that measurably more people will be seeking answers and truth as suspicions grow regarding the rigid and damaging policies and mandates of the past few years. This search will reach beyond the material and political as many come to the tragic realization of just how much corruption there exists in the world. Yet, the pace will be too fast and there will be little opportunity or time for most to do much research or be able to do anything about it. This steady rise of influence from the private sector as corporations grow stronger by the day will, however, be met with a blend of resignation and resistance.
Faith and hearts both broken, many may well turn away from both government authorities and dissident voices and networks seeking to awaken the masses, and focus on the realities of the changing economy in order to adapt and keep pace and leave the complex task of addressing larger truths and affairs for another day, (or altogether and forevermore which is strongly evidenced by the 2.5 year cycle of Saturn in Pisces that begins in early March 2023).
Most positively, many will turn their attention to deeper and higher divine powers and authority, and away from the powers that are on the material plane. This will contribute to an already rapidly growing maturity regarding higher spiritual truths and mystical realities even beyond the grip of traditional religious beliefs and convictions, as indicated by Neptune in Pisces which will continue until 2026.
In the bigger picture yet, all of these events can be understood as the foundations of the official sunrise moment of the Age of Aquarius which remains some seven years in the future. The inevitability of modern technology playing such intimate rolls at every level of society will continue to be implemented quickly and steadily. The lofty dreams of many who idealized the Aquarian Age as one of high levels of humanism may yet be realized, but probably not in the shorter term. Given the fact that an Age is a 2,160 year period, it may be understood that decades are by ratio a short time period.
The challenge humanity will have to overcome is the likely realization that the real and needed changes we seek may largely prove to be a process of inner change and transformation of our collective self-concepts, attitudes and priorities culminating progressively now and in the years to come as what might be described as a collective ‘inside job’ so to speak. In other words, vanguard of material power in the private sector has achieved unprecedented heights (and depths too) and the challenge of humanity will be to transform ourselves in order to transform these secular powers towards a more humanistic level of business conduct.
Breakdown of the Most Significant Astrological Events of 2023:
Jupiter In Aries
December 20, 2022 until May 16, 2023
What is significant about this event is that any time a planet enters Aries it begins a new Zodiacal cycle. This is quite significant and history reveals that it does indeed coincide with significant new developments on the world stage. The chart cast for when the planet first enters offer initial insight about the overall cycle.
Looking back, what the chart of Jupiter entering Aries the first time back on May 10, 2022 revealed was a continued division of people determined to think critically and see through popularly propagated narratives, on one hand, and those inclined to remain rather unaware regarding the need to make any efforts to think in any way other than they have been unconsciously conditioned to by these narratives, on the other.
When Jupiter re-enters Aries on December 20, 2022 the situation will be somewhat different but not entirely. More people will be asking questions and thinking critically, but many will remain complacent to be told what is real and true by popular sources. Yet, there will also be a third category which has been present all along yet which will become louder, and this diverse and very loosely knit group (a representation of the global population) will increase the volume of their spiritual illuminations and appeals. This is most evidently indicated by the fact that in this December 20, 2022 chart, the Sun will be conjunct the Galactic Center, which is a concentrated point of spiritual alignment.
The fact that the Moon is in Scorpio at the exact moment of entry suggests that people will be directing more attention to the fact that many people are dying suddenly and they will want to know how to improve their health with nutrition. It is also an indication that we are all in for an emotional roller coaster ride over the next five months especially, which is the duration of Jupiter in Aries in its second round.
Jupiter in Taurus
May 16, 2023 – May 16, 2024
The Ingress chart for this event is actually quite positive and promising. There are a few hidden challenges in the chart, as with Mars in Cancer which can prove aggressive, yet if directed well can manifest as an energy pattern akin to a renovation process which, despite the clearing of the dead wood…, results in something new and improved.
Saturn in Pisces is the other challenge in the chart as it represents what often manifests as karmic returns in the way of apathy and lack of direction. Yet, positively it is forming very good aspects with Venus and Mercury and Jupiter too, so it is about as good as it could be, despite the Pisces factor.
Uranus in Taurus has been our reality since May 2018 and will be through to 2026! Taurus is a challenging sign placement for Uranus, often manifesting as greed and clever schemes. Since that time, the world has and continues to undergo a significant shift of wealth effectively making the very wealthy much wealthier and the poor even more so, and the prosperous middle class has largely paid the bill. Many will attest that this period has been tainted with fraud and grand theft at unprecedented levels and continues even now.
So, it might be wondered what is good about the chart when Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16, 2023? It is true that especially with the massive shift in wealth and especially how it has occurred as with unprecedented theft and fraud, some would wonder if there is anything that is good at all. The answer is that as a whole, it points to a whole new economy. First, it is Jupiter itself in Taurus that offers a boost. Taurus is the sign of new building foundations and we should expect that, and now wish and hope the economy returns to the way it was. Perhaps it will contribute to a more equal distribution of wealth on a global scale.
Many will be skeptical about that but to date, there exists extreme poverty in various places. People will be pushed to set new and better priorities and will also have to get more creative and draw on their talents more fully. While there is a lot more to say about this entire cycle, I will simply leave it for now by saying that the chart as a whole indicates a whole new rebuilding process, and with the Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron in the chart, a healing of our collective identity.
Yet, admittedly, this is not to say that the rebuilding process will be easy or without casualty, so it is a complex matter to be sure.
On a more personal level, Jupiter in Taurus will push us to strengthen our foundations by drawing on our talents more fully and setting clearer priorities regarding food and nutrition as is indicated by Venus and Mars in Cancer. I will provide a brief glimpse in the Horoscope sign forecasts below.
Mars in Gemini through Sagittarius in 2023
Mars entered Gemini on August 20, 2022 and, due to approaching its retrograde cycle it began to (or appeared to) slow down and by October 31, 2022 it turned retrograde and remains so until January 12, 2023 and it will take until mid-May 2023 before it enters Cancer, the sign after Gemini. Generally, when Mars is retrograde, the otherwise externalized focus of action on the material world and outer activity turns inward or activates more introversion, ‘home work’ and what can be understood as psychological and spiritual inner work, as well.
By the end of the year, Mars will have accelerated progressively and will transit through Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. This rhythmic pace is quite natural for Mars, actually, so the overall pace is not uncommon.
Yet, as the planet of action, the proverbial verb in the sentence, it plays a key role in energizing and activating whatever it makes contact with, in terms of planets in our Birth Charts, into some form of action. So, soon into 2023, Mars having turned Direct again will coincide with a more externalized assertion of its focus and choice of action. I will provide a brief summary of what can be expected in the forecasts for each sign below.
Chiron in Aries and its Many Conjunctions throughout March and Early April
Chiron in Aries began in February 2019 and will be there until June 2026. Basically and positively, it is now and will continue to have a healing effect regarding our sense of identity and is pushing us all to be more authentic in our self-concept and mode of expression in the world.
So, March 2023 is poised to activate a whole new round of activity. This is true in terms of a series of conjunctions to Chiron (and also due to Pluto entering Aquarius and Saturn entering Pisces also in March).
It all begins with Venus forming a conjunction with Jupiter on March 2 and then with Chiron on March 3rd. By this time, Jupiter is already very closely aligned with Chiron, but the exact conjunction only occurs on March 12. So, Venus serves to activate the initial impulse with a triple conjunction.
Triple conjunctions are exponentially more powerful that when just two planets are involved, which the case is much more commonly the case. So, the rarer triple takes it to a whole new level of impact. So, this occurs early in March. At worst, this reveals the wounded identity that humanity has regarding the true nature of our being, which is spiritual. The issue arises from the position of scientific materialism, the technology of which is foundational to modern civilization, yet it has also asserted a position of authority stronger than it truly holds by the dismissal of the spiritual aspect of existence. The truly great scientists believe in a higher power and the very design of existence proves there is an intelligence behind the outer manifest world, so it is less a matter of ‘good science’ and more an issue of propagated science by a monopolistic ambition which has placed humanity in doubt of its own essence.
By March 21st, the first official day of spring and Spring Equinox, there is a New Moon at 0 Aries. This is a powerful event all on its own. By March 22, the Moon will also conjunct Chiron, then by March 26 Mercury does the same and on April 5, the Sun conjuncts it, which is an annual event.
But it is this close sequence of activations and especially in Aries that will prove impactful.
Since Mars and Aries are symbolic of weapons and sharp tools in general, such as needles, for example, there will likely be much-heated conversation and debate about this controversial matter, especially the implications linked to mRNA technology.
The main thing is that this series of events will have an activating effect for us all wherever Aries is in our Birth Charts and it could also make strong aspects to natal planets. I will provide some general insight about it in the sign entry forecasts.
Saturn in Pisces, March 2023
On March 7, 2023, Saturn enters Pisces where it will remain until May 25, 2025. Saturn in Aquarius is recognized to be a very strong sign position. It represents higher intelligence and awareness and activates awakening to complex themes. As the rebel of the Zodiac, Aquarius serves to counter the inevitable corruptions that progressively settle in wherever power becomes established and serves by challenging the orthodoxy of existing power structures and institutions and so on.
Looking back, synchronistically, Saturn entered Aquarius on March 21, 2020, coinciding exactly with Spring Equinox and, more significantly, with the Covid-19 Pandemic. The pandemic and the progressive rise of mandates, quite immediately was met with resistance by existing, vigilant watchdog networks and activated citizen journalists the world over, which have also emerged to establish significant followings that have effectively united people from every country in the world into new coalitions. This is all very in-keeping with what would occur with Saturn in Aquarius.
Saturn in Pisces is quite a different story. It is not so dynamic and aware and, in fact, can be understood as marking periods that often amount to people feeling lost and confused. Saturn is considered the planet of karma and Pisces is also the reservoir sign of accumulated karmas. When combined, the theme of karma is increased.
With Neptune also in Pisces, where it will be for almost the entire time, this theme of feeling lost and confused will be even stronger. However, it could have the positive effect of stimulating more interest in mystical realities, themes and subjects.
In a general sense, it will serve to dissolve, delete and disintegrate many of the structures that we have all come to generally rely upon, understand and trust. In this regard, many of the established structures of society will melt away and make way for a whole new set of norms that will especially begin in spring 2025 when Saturn enters Aries.
While there is a lot to say about Saturn in Pisces and the approximate 2.5-year cycle it implies, and I will bring more attention to it in the coming months, the simple message for now is as follows:
Prepare for a time period that could prove to be deep, mysterious, mystical and what can be described as a transcendental time and, at worst, may prove disintegrating, confusing and could lead to feelings of despair and meaninglessness. The key will be to make loss and dissolution ‘work’ for you.
Pluto in Aquarius, March 2023
Pluto entering Aquarius on March 23, 2023 is a major event indeed. Although it will turn retrograde just about five weeks later on May 2, then re-enter Capricorn on June 11 and continue to retrograde until October 10 stopping at 27 Capricorn 53 and only re-entering Aquarius on January 20th, 2024, just hours after the Sun enters Aquarius, it will provide us with the first impulse of its power.
The very day it enters Aquarius will be under the waxing light of a New Moon in Aries, along with Mercury, Jupiter and Chiron all in Aries as well. This is a strong indication of new beginnings.
With Saturn in the early degrees of Pisces, however, there will be strong and evident karmic repercussions.
As well, Mars at the 29th degree of Gemini indicates that ‘truther movements’ will be working hard, yet they will have to be patient to be seen and heard.
As the planet of regeneration, purification, transformation and power, Pluto invariably has a major impact on our lives at both mass collective and individual levels. Aquarius can generally be understood as the sign of humanism and humanitarianism, so it can be also interpreted to be the sign of humanity itself. The Water Bearer image symbolizes the metaphysical understanding that matter itself is, we are and life as a whole is energy, vibration and frequency.
Thus, Pluto in Aquarius will likely prove to manifest as a transformation of humanity at the mass collective level. Describing how this will unfold is not a simple and pat discussion and would require an entire book, but we can be certain that humanity as a whole will undergo processes of deep change and transformation at a global scale.
Upon reflection, it will be recognized that this motion began centuries ago as with the advent of colonialism stemming from Europe. More recently, the sweeping changes that have occurred since the scientific and industrial revolutions leading to rapid advances in technology that have brought the diverse cultures, ethnicities and nationalities of the world in general much close. Now with the World Wide Web, we are much closer yet. Woven within this brief overview is the rise of mass migrations, multiculturalism and major cosmopolitan cities and countries in general. So, this process of transformation has been underway for a very long time. Yet now it is about to significantly, steadily and probably quite quickly advance to the next level.
The regenerative, purifying and transformational aspects could prove quite challenging.
The Lunar Nodes Change Signs on July 12, 2023
We will see the influence of the Lunar Nodes changing signs from Taurus and Scorpio, into Aries and Libra which begins in mid-July 2023.
The Moon’s Nodes play a very significant role in our lives. While they are considered ‘hypothetical points’ they are a very real influence, especially in our Natal Charts. The Lunar Nodes complete a cycle of the Zodiac by transit in just over 18 years, travelling through each sign in about 18 months, conveniently. 12 years multiplied by 18 months comes to about 18 years. Anyway, their influence is subtle yet real.
Not surprisingly, the eclipses of 2022 were linked to Taurus and Scorpio, the two money signs and the economy has been shaken. This economic disruption can be attributed to many factors, but the synchronicity was there.
It should be clearly noted and understood that when it comes to eclipses, it is the Solar Eclipse which occurs at the time of the New Moon which carries or exerts the most influence.
The planets that rule the signs that the eclipses occur in also play key secondary roles for the duration of the cycle. Interestingly, Taurus is ruled by Venus and Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto. Aries is also ruled by Mars but by Mars alone, and Libra is also ruled by Venus along with Taurus. So, the celestial lover planets – Venus and Mars, will continue to play key roles throughout the upcoming cycle as well which extends to January 2025.
Eclipse Season in April and October 2023 are Anchored in Aries and Libra
List of Eclipses destined to occur in 2023:
Solar Hybrid – April 20, 2023 – 29° Aries 50
Lunar Appulse – May 5, 2023 – 14° Scorpio 58
Solar Annular – October 14, 2023 – 21° Libra 07
Lunar Partial – October 28 2023 – 05° Taurus 09
Brief Background on Eclipses in General
It should be understood, and I will state it clearly here and now, when it comes to eclipses, it is the SOLAR ECLIPSE that is the real ANCHOR POWER in terms of major outer events and turning points. These effected changes are subject to the finer details of destiny from ‘person’ to person (person = any legal entity in the eyes of the law which includes countries, states, provinces, territories, institutions and businesses as well as actual individual people).
Although Lunar Eclipses are impressive events which can be experienced by more people over a much longer period of time amounting to hours and encompassing thousands of kilometers (which means that they popularly tend to get more attention), their impact tends to be subjective and emotional or internal more than external, eventful and outwardly obvious. The main exception to this principle is that the subjective, emotional impact causes outer reactions that manifest as outer events. Discerning the differences may prove subtle, but the point remains.
Both Solar and Lunar Eclipses include 4 categories due to the specifics of different angles manifesting as apparently quite different events, at least visually. The rhythmic process of these events is natural and steady and should not be deemed anomalous. Below is the name list for both Solar and Lunar Eclipses:
Solar Eclipses:
Lunar Eclipses:
The other key factor which does apply to both Solar and Lunar Eclipses is if they also form conjunctions to other planets or Fixed Stars. Secondarily, hard aspects to other planets or fixed Stars such as Squares (90-degrees) and Oppositions (180-degrees) can be factored in as well, as is always true, the chart as a whole must ever be considered determined by the exact moment of any such event and this is where the true art and science of interpretation achieves mastery levels.
Deciphering the difference in terms of the impact of each of these categories is not an obvious or straightforward and pat process. Generally, where the eclipse occurs in context to the chart as a whole with the Sun as the center point and the aspects it makes to other planets.
The First Eclipse of 2023 Specifically
Starting on April 20 there will be a Solar Eclipse (Hybrid) at 29 Aries 50. What is initially most noteworthy is that it occurs at the critical 29th degree of Aries, in this case. The critical 29th degree alone indicates themes of overcoming that require patience and persistence.
Jupiter’s somewhat close alignment about 6 degrees at 23 Aries behind will have some influence.
However, it is the hard square to Pluto at 0 Aquarius that is the main truly double brow-raising event that reveals that the first eclipse of 2023 will have a significant impact. Upon closer scrutiny, it should not come as a big surprise that it indicates that the ‘global initiation process’ which points directly at digital currencies replacing fiat or paper money, will prove frightening, faith-testing and difficult for a lot of people.
The Square or 90-degree aspect indicates energies at cross purposes, as with swords crossing, leading to some form of hard-won middle ground. Naturally, therefore, it can prove to be a very aggressive aspect that will manifest synchronistically as outer aggression in terms of processes linked to the digital currency that can be described as ‘forward march’.
It should be noted that Crypto-currency continues to grow and thrive as well, so there is at least some indication that the situation is not entirely leaning to one side and there is reason to say that it and its many ‘incarnations’ in terms of types of crypto-currency will help to sustain a healthy balance, perhaps at least until the light has time to more fully infiltrate the otherwise powerful concentration of dark that manifests as material attachment, greed and unscrupulous ambition at the expense of all genuine humanitarianism. Sadly, this sickness is at an all-time pandemic level and constitutes a high priority focus of healing at a collective level. I will address this important theme focus more fully over the coming months and closer to the actual event in my weekly and monthly forecasts.
The Influence of Fixed Stars
The next question regarding the eclipses in 2023 is: are there Fixed Stars in close alignment to them? The simple answer is: YES! It should be noted that this is not always the case.
Not surprisingly, looking back, the eclipse in November 2021 was conjunct RASTOBAN which is literally the star that constitutes the EYE OF DRACO – the largest constellation in the Zodiac that pretty much extends from one end of the 88 official constellations to the other. As might be imagined, its destined impact was one of deep purging and what can be understood as karmic cleansing. Both leading up to it and over the winter of 2022, it effectively wiped-out millions of not billions of people, or at least significantly synchronized with loss and hardship. The ideal response to such events is humble cooperation and faithful endurance supported by the knowing that it is a feature of divine order and justice. Having such faith requires or serves to push one to be soul-centered because the root causes are buried in the deep past, well beyond the reaches of conscious memory.
More recently, the Solar Eclipse that occurred on October 25, 2022 was also upheld due to a conjunction with a ‘benevolent’ Fixed Star influence. I am mentioning it briefly because its influence will continue until the next major eclipse even on April 20, 2023.
Fortunately, both Solar Eclipses in 2023 are positively aligned with Fixed Stars. It is true that different cultures interpret the influences of eclipses differently, so the observational study of them on a global, cross-cultural scale continues and will for years to come, actually.
So, the Solar Eclipse that occurs on April 20, 2023 at 29 Aries 50 closely aligns (conjunct from our perspective here on Earth) with Alrisha, Mirach, Mira and all of which are themselves positioned in very closely proximity to our closest neighboring GALAXY, Andromeda.
The collective influences of these include the following list of positive and uplifting terms:
Cheerful, happy, helpful, altruistic, inspirational, devoted, forgiving, kind, prudent, persevering, versatile and enduring (phew).
While the situation may not prove quite so uplifting for everyone for a whole variety of reasons linked to personal karmas and destinies and the larger realities of people’s lives and circumstantial realities, at least the purported influence will provide some measure of support and inspiration. So, tune-in to these influences as much as you can.
Interestingly, the second Solar Eclipse of 2023 that occurs on October 14 at 21 Libra 09 also indicates some uplifting influences, although not quite as positive and with a few edgy twists, due to the close alignments of the Fixed Stars Foramen and Spica.
The keywords include the following:
success, renown, riches, sweetness, appreciation, dignity and acquisitive. Yet, the edgy aspects include words such as unscrupulous and unjust and unempathetic…
So, it will be at least interesting to see how these factors play out as well. Again, I will bring more attention to these themes closer to date in my weekly and monthly forecasts.
On a More Personal Level
What matters most, aside from the sign they occur in and the exact degree and, therefore which House they occur in, is how the event makes aspects to specific planets and the Angles. Otherwise referred to as the CARDINAL CROSS in the Birth Chart = Ascendant, Descendant, Mid-Heaven and Nadir. This can be accurately understood as the “cross that we each must bear”.
It should be noted that while the themes of destiny are very specific, what is not so certain is how one might exercise their free will to meet and overcome the challenge. While predicting probability is what the art of Predictive Astrology is all about, Astrology in our modern and more psychological era gives more attention to the possibilities of how any such event can be understood, met and handled.
Although these are not factors you should be, or are likely to be aware of, as such knowledge is more fully my job, especially if you have a planet or angle at 29 Aries or 0 Taurus, you will experience the strongest impact. Yet, if you also happen to have planets or angles anywhere from 27 to 3 degrees of any sign, you will feel some of the impact of this eclipse and this is especially true if they are at 29 degrees of the four Cardinal Signs of Aries, Cancer, Capricorn or Libra or 0 degrees of the 4 Fixed Signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.
2023 is a Universal 7-Year
When added, 2023 or 2+0+2+3 = 7. This means, it is a Universal 7-Year. What is most interesting is the fact that the Universal Year number can be shown to synchronize with events that correspond with the core themes associated with the number.
7 is a special number for a variety of reasons. First, the result of 360 or the amount of degrees in a circle when divided by 7 is the only number out of the 9 that results in an infinite number, as with no end to the repeating numbers after the decimal.
7 is the number of mysteries and of mysticism and the desire to understand both via processes of research, deep analysis, reflection, contemplation and meditation. 7 is attributed to both the mystic seeking enlightenment and the scientist seeking hidden knowledge and answers to nature’s deep and endless mysteries. In this regard, 7 is the number of the spiritual scientist.
Not surprisingly, 7 is also the number of initiation. The Major Arcana of the Tarot reveals 21 cards + the singularly unique 0 Trump Card or the Fool and 0 denotes quantity over quality and so is accurately understood to hold its own unique position and category. Thus, when 21 (which itself when added 2+1 =3) is divided by 3, which is the only number out of the 9 that produces another whole number, which is 7, we discover that the Major Arcana can be divided into 3 groups of 7 as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Thus, each completion of 7 leads to what can be understood as an initiation to the next level. While initiation does include some measure of initiative, it is not simply a matter of fresh starts and new beginnings, as with the initiative principle linked to number 1. Specifically, 7 is symbolic of being initiated into something larger or deeper and implies some measure of ego-transcendence. Traditionally, to enter a sacred order, a person must both prepare in terms of purification-oriented activities, and then undergo some symbolic or ritualized rite of passage which implies a form of death of former self-concepts, attitudes and orientations. After a genuine and true initiation process, we emerge qualitatively changed.
7 is also the number linked to themes of trust and of faith. It has been colloquially associated with the saying: “Feel the fear and do it anyway!” So, number 7 implies the importance of advancing despite instinctual reaction to enter into fight, flight or freeze, which does occur as well. So, one must enter into a state of or willingness to surrender, which indicates a weave of both faith and intuitive knowing that the initiation process is important and necessary. Faithful surrender, here, symbolizes a shift from instinct to intuition or the intuitive knowing that the initiation process or rite of passage is important and necessary and, despite fear-based instinctual reactions, we act more fully on faith even sometimes at the expense of all logic, reason and rationale, because we know we must or it is time and, somehow, it is good.
Since the new millennium began, we have experienced two Universal 7-Years already in 2005 and in 2014. While every year hosts its own list of significant events, experienced both personally and generally, and on both fronts and upon closer review, these years will have manifested as some form of initiation at a collective level.
In 2005 both Jupiter entered new signs, Scorpio and Leo, respectively, and by December 2005 they formed a hard square. From the synchronistic perspective of Astrology, this was the foundation trigger that culminated as economic tremors and an irreversible state of hyper activity that lead up to the devastating economic bubble burst in 2007, a Universal 9-Year which equates to endings, completions and, at best, graduations. We all know that that event changed the world forever and served also to initiate the world into a closer bond as the waves of the catastrophic market crash that year was felt and continues to be felt to this day, as with hyper-inflated housing costs rippling into every area of our lives. Since that time, more and more people have been forced to live in tent cities in economic first world countries. This certainly was a negative result. However, the plight of the first world having arrived at this dismal level of social reality can be understood positively as closing the gap between what is understood as First World Economies and the long standing plight of dire poverty in Third World Countries or Economies. So, this is just one example of how the initiating influence of the Universal 7-Year that 2005 was, played its role, and continues to reverberate to this very day…
The most significant event of 2014, from the astrological perspective, included a hard square between Uranus and Pluto and, interestingly, Jupiter and Saturn reversed signs regarding their status in 2005, with Jupiter in Leo and Saturn in Scorpio and which culminated as the two gas giants categorized as the 2 social planets, also very close to a hard square by the end of the year. Yet, it was Uranus and Pluto especially, 2 of the 3 Trans Social Planets, the other being Neptune, that formed the first of what would amount to several ‘hits’ or exact 90-degree angles, otherwise understood as the Square Aspect. Interestingly, the 28-day Cycle of the Moon when divided by 4, which is equated as the two dimensional shape of the ‘Square’, equals 7.
Briefly, the Square Aspect in Astrology is generally regarded as ‘hard’ because of the fact that the energies are so significantly at cross purposes, effectively perpendicular, with one moving from east to west and the other from south to north, as it were thus their meeting point in the middle can be understood as having a creative bang, so to speak, at the exact point and moment of their intersection. As dramatic as this may sound, it is this crossing intersecting bang that is essential to the creative process. The Square Aspect is active at the moments of the waxing and waning Moon at its exact half status, the 12, 3, 6 and 9 points on the clock, Midnight, 6 am, 12 Noon and 6 pm, and is directly linked to the turning points of the seasons marked by the Solstices and Equinoxes.
Returning to the significance of initiating events that occurred in 2014, although these examples and the deeper realities behind the events are hardly concluded here, the 3 that come to mind most fully was the spread of the Ebola Virus in South Africa, the declaration to the world by ISIS that it is an Islamic Caliphate State and the annexing of Crimea in Ukraine by Russia.
Effectively, the Ebola Virus outbreak gave rise to the movement described as ‘Doctors Without Borders’. This can be understood as a shift towards the emerging global village.
The evolution of al-Queda into ISIS was an internationally recognized threat that led to the justification of American troops to effectively take severe and, to date, decisive action to dismantle its stronghold and rapidly-emerging threat that could well have, hypothetically at least, amounted to nuclear war. At least that was the rationale and that threat has since become all but silenced.
The political move by Russia to annex Crimea can now be more fully understood to have set the stage of what has emerged us the ongoing war to date between Russia and Ukraine. Seeing the positive in this is hardly obvious, but it has and continues to effectively usher the world into a major process of change. What it has revealed is that the conflict is much larger than it seems and includes NATO having positioned its many allied countries all along the borders of Russia in support of Ukraine. So, it remains to be seen how this conflict will develop in 2023, but now the world knows just how strong NATO has become.
So, Number 7 is both symbolic of initiation and rites of passage and of hard turning points, as well.
Regarding actual events, whatever else may be said and whatever the consequence, the related symbolism of 7 and the Square Aspect effectively, invariably serves some kind of purpose. Admittedly, recognizing what the purpose is not always evident at first and the drama of the moment, especially in terms of the intersecting image when the two lines or forces meet at the center point, like the proverbial crossing of swords, often tends to override such optimistic and visionary perspectives. In short, the creative process can certainly manifest as dramatic and often painful, yet necessary and purposeful as a feature of the never-ending reality of change. And it is true that not all people ever agree on the efficacy, rightness, goodness or justice, and so on, of any major events that occur in the world, not the motives and objectives behind them, but they occur anyway, and life goes on, if inexorably changed, as the world turns…
January 1st 2023 and Your Numerological Grow Cycle
On a more personal level, every turn of the dial of every year on January 1st activates new Numerological Growth Cycles for us all. This cycle is linked to 9-Year cycles. The other ‘New Year’ for us personally occurs on our day and month of birth, our birthday each year, and is linked to the number derived by our age and is also based on 9-year cycles.
These two 9-year cycle numbers, that of our age that changes on our birthday and that of the Growth Cycle Number that begins for everyone that occurs on January 1st each year, can also compounded to produce a third number, but the specific focus now is on the Growth Cycle Number and January 1st.
So, for example, if your birthday is February 17, regardless of the year, to determine your Growth Cycle Number for 2023 that begins on January 1st, the calculation would be as follows: 2 + 1 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 17 and 1 + = 8. So, you would be starting the 8th and last year of your 9-Year Growth Cycle.
(* Since February is month 2 in the calendar year it is numbered as 2 and if you were born in October, November or December, you could simply list those months, as 10, 11 or 12. So, for October for example, if you were born on October 2, you would calculate your Growth cycle Number as follows:
1 + 0 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 10 and 1 + 0 = 1. So, you would be starting a 1-Year which also amounts to a new cycle, or the 1st year of a new 9-Year Growth Cycle.
Here is a basic outline of the meaning and types of experiences you could generally expect in each of the 9 growth cycle Years:
1 = New beginnings.
2 = Focus on balancing and feeling solid based on what began in the previous 1-year.
3 = Expansion and creative self-expression.
4 = Stabilization and focus to assert even more practical strategies.
5 = The urge to be more experiential and experimental.
6 = The realization that you must decide and commit more fully thus directing more energy to certain projects and relationships at subsequently less time and energy on others, or bringing those projects and relationships to a close as you commit to the others.
7 = Processes of initiation during which time that the flow of circumstances include important experiences that push us to ‘take the initiative to be initiated and/or experiencing strong feelings of the need to ‘feel the fear but do it anyway’.
8 = Abundance and culmination, yet also tests and persevering to overcome.
9 = Endings, completions, graduations and the feeling of fatigue with various matters and orientations, generally, or the feeling of being done and no longer feel inspired or interested or energized to continue.
This outline is just an example of how destiny works in accordance with the symbolism of numbers which is what Numerology is all about. Understanding these rhythmic influences can help us to recognize them and learn to work with them, which can help us to be more in-tune and to transcend the mere mundane levels of reactive or unconscious instinct-driven rationale of ego survival, which is sometimes referred to as ‘living in the matrix’. As valid as living this way may be, it represents the personal, evolutionary slow lane and tends to perpetuate our personal issues and challenges. Setting goals with the help of this simple Numerological technique is great and doing so with a clearer understanding of the themes and timing of destiny is even greater as doing so supports inner and outer success in the truer, spiritual sense of the word.
Horoscope Summarized Destiny Themes for Each Sign of the Zodiac
The outlines below encompassing themes for each sign of the Zodiac destined to occur in 2023 offer just a glimpse of what each factor outlined above might produce. Each of these themes of influence can be and would be by necessity, expanded upon and qualified in a live, Personal Reading. While providing some measure of accuracy, which is itself testimony to the holistic nature of existence and to the conscious, intelligent, intentional, creative, purposeful, cooperative and invariably loving reality that life is, Horoscopes serve best by giving us a taste or a sneak preview of archetypal themes in store in any given time period.
So, to gain even more clarity and precision of insight and guidance, and specific elaboration in light of our own personal Birth Charts and the circumstantial realties of our life as a whole, is best achieved by a live, in-person reading, which can be done by phone or via the many modern conveniences of modern technology that the internet provides, such as Zoom, Skype or WhatsApp and so on…
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Jupiter in Aries has already begun and will continue to catapult you into new territory, both literally and figuratively for the next five plus months. Mars in Gemini through Sagittarius in 2023 indicates that your energy levels are running quite high as the year begins. Spring renovation projects are likely. Yet, get them done by June as a sporting, playful cycle begins extending through mid-July. You will be ready to get back to work and it could include fitness programs through August. September into October could prove edgy on relationship fronts. A passionate and ambitious drive will steadily increase from mid-October through November and December looks like a good month to travel. Chiron in Aries and its Many Conjunctions in March will inspire a deepened impulse to focus on healing your sense of identity and reasserting a stronger degree of authentic self-expression. Saturn in Pisces will push you to focus on existing projects and an inclination to retreat and deeply rest. Pluto in Aquarius will activate future-oriented perspectives and amplify your sense of what you should do and what should be done generally in a wider, collective sense. The April Aries Solar Eclipse will activate your drive to overcome inertia, procrastination and confusion for the sake of feeling more centered and abundant. Jupiter in Taurus will increase your ambitions for more material comfort and to strengthen your overall foundation and perhaps your constitution too. In July, the changing Lunar Nodes from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra will contribute to amplifying your drive and determination to assert yourself more authentically. The October Libra Solar Eclipse will provide a jolt in your relationship life, possibly sparking both endings and new beginnings the process of which will extend into Spring 2024.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Jupiter in Aries has already begun to push you to access your core strengths and confidences in yourself and life in general, and this will continue through to your birthday. The movement of Mars from Gemini through Sagittarius in 2023 is already helping you to get clearer on the list of goals and objectives you want to accomplish over the coming months and could well stimulate new streams of income which will continue through to mid-July. There could be an overlap period of bigger projects that began in May through this period as well. Plan to take time off in July and August as you will be more inclined to want to play than work. Yet, you will be ready to dig-in deep again in September through to the end of the year and will want the support of significant others progressively. Chiron in Aries and its many Conjunctions in March will contribute to the focus that Jupiter is taking to become more empowered yet, which requires inner work such as clearing limiting belief blocks. Saturn in Pisces will manifest as returns of many kinds, for better or worse, depending on how responsible you have been with your choices over the past few years. Pluto in Aquarius could manifest as major change in your public and professional life and push you to a whole new level of power guided by high ideals associated with individual rights and freedoms. The April Aries Solar Eclipse could have a more subdued effect, yet could also activate powers and impulses that have remained dormant in your subconscious mind and could push you into a very determined mode of self-expression. Jupiter in Taurus begins around your birthday and will push you even more to both increase and variety on multiple projects. In July, the Lunar Nodes moving from Taurus/Scorpio into Aries/Libra will lead you to consider the needs of the many over those of the few. The October Libra Solar Eclipse will activate desires, or the realization of the necessity to makes changes in your lifestyle and perhaps enter into a whole new focus on health.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Jupiter in Aries has likely stimulated new associations and friendships and perhaps new perspectives as well. Mars in Gemini through Sagittarius in 2023 suggests that the year begins on a strong note regarding your determination to assert yourself. By mid-spring, however, doing so may take more effort. Your energy levels should rise in June through much of July. This will create a momentum of resolve and determination to access hidden reserves of power. Summer 2023 largely includes a strong interest in social and cultural activities. September through October, however, will require a more deliberate focus backed by discipline regarding your health. 2023 could end on an edgy note on relationship fronts that require access of inner resources and a resolve to exercise faith and personal confidence. Chiron in Aries and its many Conjunctions in March is likely to activate issues on friendship fronts that require more attention for the sake of healing misunderstandings and possibly aggressive exchanges. Saturn in Pisces will push you to assume new levels of responsibility yet which will require you to face any lingering fears and earn new stripes of courage and disciplined determination. Pluto in Aquarius will have the progressive effect of increasing your sense of connection with a much wider scope of social outreach or to become more aware of international affairs. The April Aries Solar Eclipse will activate you to improve your ability to communicate, to learn to understand and to be understood. Jupiter in Taurus help you to draw upon hidden reserves of faith both in yourself and in significant others in your life. In July, the Lunar Nodes moving from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra will contribute to desires to reach out more to engage others and to meet and greet leading to the beginnings of important new relationships. The October Libra Solar Eclipse will inspire you to lay claim to what makes you special, which will include a renewed emphasis on cultivating your gifts and talents.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Jupiter in Aries has already and will continue to manifest as new beginnings and expansion in either your career or your public life in general. Mars in Gemini through Sagittarius in 2023 is currently pushing you to do inner work. This requires getting clear on what aspects of your life are in need of improvement. By mid-spring you will enter a much more assertive mode. This will lead to an emphasis on making new and better investments of your time and creative energy. By mid-summer you will be energized to make specific improvements where needed but you could also benefit from getting away for a while, ideally in a way that you can be both adventurous and get some needed respite. By September, directing more focus on your home and family relationships will likely prove important. By mid-October, you enter a heightened creative period and the year ends with a determination to work smarter and not harder. Chiron in Aries and its many Conjunctions in March suggest that issues at work or connected to your social status will need to be squarely addressed and healed if you are to continue in a healthy manner. Saturn in Pisces will activate a greater interest in acquiring new kinds of knowledge that include critical thinking regarding what is true and what is not. Pluto in Aquarius will activate your personal power but could also trigger a whole series of changes that you might not have anticipated. The April Aries Solar Eclipse will boost your determination, especially in terms of making investments. Jupiter in Taurus could manifest a creative impulse to focus more on your talents and hobbies. In July, the Lunar Nodes moving from Taurus/Scorpio into Aries/Libra will also direct more energy to new beginnings in your public and professional life. The October Libra Solar Eclipse will activate you to redirect your focus to home and family.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Jupiter in Aries represents a cycle of adventure and increased philosophical thinking regarding what is true and wise. Mars in Gemini through Sagittarius in 2023 begins with striking a balance between resistance and resignation to the futility of resistance. This will shift through later May and June to important work behind the scenes. All being well, you will come out of the gates strongly in July through August with vim and vigor to take new leads and enter new territory. Your focus will become that much more practical in September and your energy levels should rise steadily, pushing you to get to the bottom of things and finish the year with a sense of accomplishment. Chiron in Aries and its many Conjunctions in March will guide you to heal wounded beliefs about yourself. Saturn in Pisces will prove to be a deeply transformational, even metamorphic process that will begin in March. Pluto in Aquarius implies themes of death and rebirth on relationship fronts but could also amount to engagements and commitments with people with more power than you have experienced before. The April Aries Solar Eclipse will ignite a whole new vision and philosophy to support it. Jupiter in Taurus triggers expansion and increase in your career and public life. The July Lunar Nodes moving from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra will support you to be more committed to your creative potential perhaps more than ever before. The October Libra Solar Eclipse will serve to activate new perspectives and perhaps even lead to the forging of important new friendships and relationships in general.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Jupiter in Aries will lead you into new territory and bring returns for past efforts which could have a transformational effect on you. Mars in Gemini through Sagittarius in 2023 indicates an ardent push in your public and professional life through to mid-May. A push to know the deeper truth about matters will increase through June into July followed by a busy time behind the scenes in August, perhaps also with an urge to get away. September into October will see you taking new leads and strides allowing you to coast for a while before you pour it on again with a final push in December to think big but with both feet on the ground. Chiron in Aries and its many Conjunctions in March imply a deeper resolve to purge and cleanse toxins and unhealthy patterns. Saturn in Pisces will lead you to deepen your commitment to knowledge and power. Pluto in Aquarius will push you to focus on the details more and to do the work required to achieve. The April Aries Solar Eclipse will increase your resolve to make changes for the sake of self-improvement. Jupiter in Taurus will amplify your desire for more harmony and balance, both in psychological and practical terms. The July Lunar Nodes moving from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra will activate your resolve to work more consciously, deliberately and strategically with the demands of the changing times. The October Libra Solar Eclipse will push you to move beyond any illusions, self-deceptions and wishful thinking in order to access hidden layers of your creative potential.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Jupiter in Aries will manifest as increased social outreach and attention. Mars in Gemini through Sagittarius in 2023 push you to increase your sense of personal freedom all winter and well into spring. This will be followed by a driving push to advance your position in the world through to mid-July. You could feel a bit more punchy and rebellious through the summer but will be ready to retreat in September. In October you will be taking new leads to lay the foundation for growing ambitions that inspire your sense of opportunity. Chiron in Aries and its many Conjunctions in March will require healing on relationship fronts, perhaps especially regarding your own approach and attitude. Saturn in Pisces will synchronize with the need to pay closer attention to the finer details of what keeps you healthy. Pluto in Aquarius will trigger your creative passions. The April Aries Solar Eclipse will trigger you to be both more authentic yet also supportive of the same in significant others. Jupiter in Taurus could manifest as financial returns and/or a keen emphasis on making new investments. The July Lunar Nodes moving from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra will serve to make you pay more attention to creating harmony in your relationships. The October Libra Solar Eclipse will activate your leadership drive but with an emphasis on creating more harmony.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Jupiter in Aries will guide you to confront your fears and anxieties with clarity and purpose and to have more faith in your choices. This may require that you redirect your focus to a process of personal transformation and to sharpen your focus on what really matters. Mars in Gemini through Sagittarius in 2023 will push you to be more ambitious and disciplined. The main challenge is to decipher between what actions constitute higher roads and which are lower. This will lead you to get more inventive in late spring into early summer. From mid-July through to September your ambitions will be stronger than usual. You will enter an inventive cycle through to October but then may need to retreat and rest for fully for a while to recharge, but by mid-November you will be in an assertive mood again ending the year on an ambitious note. Chiron in Aries and its many Conjunctions in March will bring extra emphasis to your health and the quality of your overall lifestyle. Saturn in Pisces could well see you more focused on your spiritual life. Pluto in Aquarius could have a big impact on your home and living situation, possibility prompting at least the idea or determination to make some big moves. The April Aries Solar Eclipse will amplify your health focus. Jupiter in Taurus will synchronize with increased social outreach and possibly promote the biggest prosperity cycle you have had in a long time. The July Lunar Nodes moving from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra will direct your focus to be more realistic and proactive requiring you to make your dreams a reality supported by daily power moves. The October Libra Solar Eclipse will activate you at a subconscious level, yet in a way that will likely include a stronger sense of vision regarding your practical affairs.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Jupiter in Aries has likely already and will lead you into new territory, literally and figuratively. Mars in Gemini through Sagittarius in 2023 is already shaking things up in your relationship life and this will continue. Positively, your drive to dive deep into your own story will lead you to realize where the old must be removed or regenerated. Doing so, by the summer you will be on fire with passion and vision. In September you will be willing to work harder and this will manifest as a new resolve to communicate more clearly and effectively, which will spur on even deeper dives to confront limitations lodged in your subconscious mind and by the end of the year, having cleared and removed inner blocks, you will be taking powerful new leads and strides. Chiron in Aries and its many Conjunctions in March will inspire you to go on a quest in search of truths and answers about what you believe, why and whether your convictions are still the same or are due for some changes. Saturn in Pisces will guide you to face any and all fears more directly for the sake of accessing latent gifts and talents that await liberation or access. Pluto in Aquarius will push you to really look at why you see things the way you do so you can break free of limiting beliefs and assumptions. The April Aries Solar Eclipse will activate your creative passions and a focus to identify what makes you special. Jupiter in Taurus will push you to take a hard and strong look at what is important and what no longer serves you. The July Lunar Nodes moving from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra will help you to direct more energy and focus to do things that make you happy. October Libra Solar Eclipse will trigger new associations, friendships and group or club involvements.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Jupiter in Aries indicates a steady rise in your confidence levels. This process already began in 2022, but underwent a brief pause and is now resuming the process. It will require that you make extra efforts, however, including outlining some goals. Mars in Gemini through Sagittarius in 2023 will help your resolve to make the efforts and do the work you know you need to and should do. This will continue well into spring and, if you do the work you will experience a boost of confidence and inspiration that will catapult you into a dynamic summer period during which time your ambitions and determination to succeed will rise steadily. Late summer into early fall could be an excellent time to travel but you will want to be in productivity mode by mid-autumn and, if you succeed in achieving your goals, you will be able to rest peacefully as the year draws to a close and a new one begins. Chiron in Aries and its many Conjunctions in March is already and will then especially activate a healing focus on your sense of identity. Who are you, what do you feel called to do or what constitutes a sense of purpose? Saturn in Pisces will support you to bring more attention to cultivating your imagination. This includes the ability to see a bigger picture and to better understand deeper truths. Pluto in Aquarius will support you by strengthening your overall focus and resolve backed by ardent ambitions. The April Aries Solar Eclipse will activate changes close to home and contribute to forging a new sense of identity. Jupiter in Taurus will bring returns for prior efforts and investments and will activate a whole new foundation of creative leadership. The July Lunar Nodes from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra indicates a cycle during which time making choices that are truly in alignment with your sense of authenticity and not for the sake of prestige alone will guide you. The October Libra Solar Eclipse will activate needed changes in your career and public life or social status in general.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Jupiter in Aries is activating more dimensions into your life. You find yourself busier and covering more angles than previously. Positively, you are more entertained and energized but be careful not to get too scattered. Mars in Gemini through Sagittarius in 2023 indicates an already activated creative focus that you have learned to become more comfortable with in 2022, and this focus continues. By mid-May, you could well get busier with increased imagination to support your focus. Early summer indicates a playful time, if also somewhat edgy, shared by the ones you love most. Your ambitions will deepen measurable as the summer progresses. Political and philosophical interests gain more attention into autumn, but practical ambitions will redirect your focus as the season progresses and the year ends with an impulse to engage in cultural events and possibly present a window to travel. Chiron in Aries and its many Conjunctions in March indicate a time when it will prove extra important to lay full claim of responsibility for everything occurring in your life, for the sake of harnessing your personal power more fully. Saturn in Pisces will make you clear away what is no longer useful or necessary so you can redirect the freed-up time and energy to more meaningful and realistic pursuits. Pluto in Aquarius is extra important for you since it is in your sign and indicates a time of powerful changes, and even deep transformations, in your overall mode of expression in the world that could well manifest as a whole new mode of personal power. The April Aries Solar Eclipse will activate changes in your usual perception, interpretations and self-concept. Jupiter in Taurus will support you to feel more confident regarding what you do and do not deem important. The July Lunar Nodes moving from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra will guide you to do the things that you know you should and would like to, but have perhaps been too distracted or unable to focus on. The October Libra Solar Eclipse will activate your higher and visionary mind that will inspire you to be more creative than you perhaps have ever before.