When the numbers in 2023 are added, it equates to 7, the most mystical and spiritual number of all save, for 0 itself. 7 is the number of spiritual initiations. 2023 still has 10 days to go to the powerful and eventful year that the 8-year that 2024 is, and the countdown begins today.
The exact time when the Sun enters the Tropical Sign of Capricorn which is the official moment of Solstice is 10:27 pm EST (7:27 pm PST) on December 21, 2023.
What this also reveals is that the event occurs on December 22 at 3:27 am GMT.
At a more collective level, we are left to decipher which is the official date. Socially and politically, from a global perspective, it would be the 22nd because Greenwich England is the location of the International Date Line, or where the internationally recognized 0-hour is located. Whether we like it, know it, believe it or not, the global, official location to determine when a new event occurs is in England. Of course, wherever any person is, is where their personal reality is.
Yet, the collective agreement reveals the collective mind or consciousness and if we have to choose a specific location on the planet, Greenwich, England is the best choice because humanity as a whole now officially recognized the international date line and, despite all older calendars, the Gregorian Calendar is now the global standard and the world now collectively ‘agrees’ that it is December 21/22, 2023.