Ponder this.
Jupiter…the ruling planet for Sagittarius is the sign symbolic of higher-minded thinking, philosophy, ethics, religion, principles, vision and cultural beliefs. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. In fact, it is larger than all the planets and moons and asteroids and comets too, combined!
Yet, as large as it is, the Sun is still 99.98 % of the total mass of the entire solar system.
The purpose of sharing these mind-expanding facts is to set the stage for intellectually stretching into some other philosophical perspectives that I think might prove helpful to see through the chaos and confusion of our complex and apocalyptic times. Incidentally, the word ‘apocalypse’ basically translates to mean ‘unveiling’. It is another way of describing this time of great awakening and what has also been described as ‘the quickening’.
The Archetypal Human Condition
The ‘human condition’ is a term that points to a generalized perspective on reality from a wide angle, global and collectively human perspective. In other words, while the focus may include major global powers linked to countries, it also transcends them. In this regard, we can recognize that the ambitions of powerful people, groups and larger networks are not simply categorized as nations.
This is where the focus turns to multi-national activities. These can be linked to religion, language, culture and various philosophical organizations. Of course, big business also comes to the fore. Yet, what the business of very large organizations is, is a perspective that itself transcends purely profit-driven objectives and can be understood to be a tight weave of all of the above: financial power, religion, culture, philosophy and, to a lesser extent, language, but it too plays a major role in some instances, as with the assertive promotion of the French language in Quebec, for example.
The main point is that it is hardly just a matter of financial gain and power. In fact, upon closer observation, money is simply the means, the blood in the body, so to speak. The deeper themes points to the objectives of the money, and while this does invariably include opportunity and privilege, such as with elite echelons of society, the deeper reaches of the roots of power invariably include tradition, pride and prejudice. These too require further elaboration, but they can simply be understood as core features of the ongoing dynamics of power features in the human condition which can be more specifically understood as human nature.
In this regard, as has been said time and again, ‘the human condition is Shakespearean’. In other words, while the actors change and plots become more complex, they still point to fundamental themes, or what can be better understood as archetypal principles.
Archetypal Perspective Shifts
The value of observing reality at this level is that it sees through and beyond the actions and antics of any person specifically. It is from this level that one can begin to truly see and understand the bigger picture, the human condition.
Interestingly, this perspective can also be directed to better understanding the political dynamics of human relationships at the micro level. In other words, when we understand our own personal journey and process as ‘archetypal’, we can begin to see it and ourselves more objectively. In doing so, we can learn to see ourselves and the significant others in our lives more clearly.
This is where the archetypal perspective shifts from that of philosophy to psychology. Both of these terms can be seen as the corners of the base line in a triangle with the term ‘spirituality’ at the top, central point. In other words, spirituality can be defined more clearly by way of deeper investigations into both philosophy and psychology.
Taking it one step further, we can examine both the psychology of philosophy and the philosophy of psychology. In doing so, we can also gain a clearer understanding of the dynamics of power which are ever at play. In this regard, it can be clearly understood that the human drama, manifesting as the human condition, is invariably and fundamentally about power.
Ongoing Power Dynamics
From the worldly perspective, power can be clearly understood as a dynamic of duality in which polarized forces vie for supremacy. What this implies is the politics of power is a ‘never ending story’. In other words, there is no final outcome.
There will never be a final and ultimate utopia, no conclusion, no final curtain.
This understanding implies the understanding that life on Earth and in the physical anyway can be simply described as an ongoing process. Like a graph with rising and falling peaks, from which can also be derived some semblance of a mean average. Yet, as helpful as graphs can be, they reveal a linear perspective on reality.
Turning our focus to nature, it will be discovered that such linear models are invariably artificial because nature does not reveal measurement graphs anywhere or at any level.
Yet, what nature does reveal at every level are circles, cycles, spirals, spheres and Mandala-like shapes. Mandala-like shapes can be understood as like flowers which reveal symmetry, balance and order and these very principles can be clearly observed in the ebb and flow of life at every level from the macro or cosmic levels, to the micro or cellular, molecular and atomic level and everywhere in between.
Present Day
With the material sciences and physics at a pinnacle point currently, we are ‘educated’ to assume that these realities are the consequence of random chance. Beyond the psychology of belief, it quickly becomes apparent that such assertions must be associated with the politics of power. That many ‘educated’ people assert this ‘belief’ presented as incontrovertible fact is its own special category of study of human psychology, which open the doors to neuroscience or the study of how the brain processes information.
Connecting the dots, it might become increasingly apparent that such beliefs presented as facts might be accurately understood as tactical features of a larger play of power politics. This is quite a statement because it reveals the prospects that some people or networks at the helm of power are so deeply invested that the entire education system is slanted to ‘educate’ the public to ‘believe’ certain perspectives as ‘final facts’.
Upon reflection of this feature of the human condition at this time in history, students of the art of war might come to the recognition that this would effectively serve to produce confusion and division between how ‘educated’ people perceive reality and how people with little education but ample natural intelligence perceive it.
In short, assuming that the natural shape, symmetry, balance and order that is revealed everywhere in nature cannot possibly be a consequence of chance.
Saying so is akin to asserting that a computer could assemble itself. And, as sophisticated as is a technological device such as a computer, it is far less complex than a simple flower or even a single seed. This is evident because while we can construct highly sophisticated technologies, like super computers or particle accelerators, for example, we cannot create a single seed.
As it happens, due to the existence of computers and, by extension the internet, information is much more freely available than ever before. Consequently, humanity as a whole has become much more knowledgeable over the past few decades alone and this is leading to people thinking about reality and being able to leverage their knowledge to achieve levels of ‘success’ unimagined not so long ago, rendering the need to become formally ‘educated’ to be increasingly less necessary.
This factor alone is contributing to a whole other level of the politics of power called censorship.
This reaction is an expression of the power associated with knowledge to become monopolized once again, as it has been throughout history. What this dynamic is effectively producing is a large scale orientation to seize control of any freely available means of obtaining information and knowledge outside of the parameters of a more organized and structured control of it.
In Astrology, this can be basically understood as the dynamic between Saturn and Capricorn, which is the sign the famous ringed planet rules, and Uranus and Aquarius, which is the sign of the most unusual planet in the solar system rules. Interestingly, both of these planets are closely associated in terms of the traditional and the modern rulers of Aquarius. In classical mythology, this dynamic is expressed as the conflict between Chronos, which is the older, Greek word for the Latin translation into Saturn and Ouranos, which is the older, Greek word for Uranus.
Synchronistic Expressions of the Dawning of a New Age
Interestingly, this dynamic coincides with the perspective that we undergoing the ‘dawning of the Age of Aquarius’. Admittedly, this is a larger topic requiring a fair amount of background to understand. Briefly, an ‘Astrological Age’ is 1/12 of what is called a Precessional Cycle which is estimated to be approximately a 26,000-year cycle and the division of this equals 2160 (x 12 = 25,910). As it is, there is some debate upon when the Age of Aquarius officially begins. Some assert that it has already begun, while others say that it is centuries away. I personally agree with the former opinion and not the latter.
Yet, as I have written on numerous occasions over the past year or two, the official start to the Age of Aquarius appears to be scheduled for 2030, but I technically link it to Winter Solstice in 2029, because it represents the start of the ‘natural’ New Year. As it is, there will not be a consensus on this among those interested in this perspective on the cycles of time. However, what we can observe is outer realities or synchronicities that can be understood to be the expression of this large, dynamic, global process.
The main synchronistic expression will manifest as among the following themes:
Increasing degrees of chaos and confusion at every level of society and on a global scale.
Increasing levels of revolutionary activity.
Increasing levels of government control.