2024 year in review - feature

Review and reflect upon the Member’s Horoscope for the Year 2024 below.

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Horoscope and Forecast - 2024

Happy New Year 2024! A warm welcome to Members new and old and thank you! I look forward to providing all of you with guidance and insight over the course of 2024, which is destined to be a very significant year.

See below for the horoscope for each sign.

Overview of the Main Astrological Themes in 2024

  1. Preface

  2. Summary Overview for 2024

  3. The Lunar North Node in Aries

  4. The Eclipse Seasons of 2024 in the relationship signs of Aries and Libra

  5. The Year of the Wood Dragon

  6. Mercury Retrograde Periods in 2024

  7. Mars through Capricorn to in 2024

  8. Jupiter in Gemini Square Saturn in Pisces

  9. The Most Important Conjunction of 2024 – Jupiter Conjunct Uranus in Taurus on April 20, 2024

  10. Saturn in Pisces – The Disintegration of Social Institutions

  11. Uranus in Taurus 2024 – An Economic Bull Ride

  12. Pluto in Aquarius – The Transformation of Humanity

  13. Horoscope Summarized Destiny Themes for Each Sign of the Zodiac


Even simply knowing your Sun Sign will provide you with enough knowledge to get a pretty good sense of the probability factors at play. Horoscopes are based on your Sun Sign, and produce a chart that reveals all the 12 Signs following from placing yours on the First House, which is symbolic of the ‘sunrise moment’ that begins the day.

So, if your Sun Sign is Gemini, say, the 3rd sign of the ‘Natural Zodiac’ (1 – Aries, 2 – Taurus, 3 – Gemini, 4 – Cancer, 5 – Leo, 6 – Virgo, 7 – Libra, 8 – Scorpio, 9 – Sagittarius, 10 – Capricorn, 11 – Aquarius, 12 – Pisces), Taurus would be the second sign, Cancer the third, and so on… So, when you hear that a planet or an eclipse factor or anything is occurring in any given ‘Solar House’, it is based on this logic.

Regarding the ongoing, cyclic process of planets in orbit, or what is referred to as “Transits”, we can make general predictions based on knowing your Sun Sign alone. Briefly, this is due to principles of holism and fractals. It is true that the more precise means of determining probable trends and future turns, rises, descents and events…, is best done by working with your Birth Chart. This can be done even without your time of birth, but knowing it sharpens the picture measurably. This extends to working with horoscopes, which can shed light on any given time period, whether it is a day, week, month, year or multiple years. Prediction in Astrology is best understood as outlining probabilities, but should not be challenged to be absolute, due to many factors, principle of which is free will.

The future is probable, but it is not certain. The probabilities of life are subject to multiple layers of factors that can be understood to be meaningful and purposeful. In this regard, we can say that we live in a ‘Divine Matrix’ and Astrology especially, and Numerology too can be understood as archetypal maps able to decode these probabilities and present them as predictive trends. Trying to predict absolute outcomes, the endeavor of more traditional Astrology, yet still the objective of those practitioners whose perspective have not evolved to the greater realization that we are, individually and collectively, co-creators of these outcomes misses the point. It effectively endeavors to remove the observer and, more fully, the participator(s) from the equation.

So, the age-old question of fate or free will has been resolved: the answer is fate (probable destiny) AND free will.

Asserting that it is one or the other in any absolute sense indicates that not enough thought, study, observation and experimentation has gone into this important question. As the story goes, the word probable should not be underestimated. We can say that it is large, yet free will is sharp, and it can at least cut into the larger, probability factor and make its indelible marks. Yet, at what point do notions of overcoming these probabilities entirely, reveal both a lack of common sense, and even reveal an imbalanced judgment of the realities of life? Such thinking can be deemed both naïve and fearful to the point of psychopathic attitudes associated with unconscious reactions to try to control everything and everyone. This disease of the mind appears to still exist in various networks of humanity, and so of these possess great wealth and power.

Both for personal reasons and to also contribute to healing this disease that exists in the collective mind, therefore, a golden key is to have access to what the probabilities are so that you can include this awareness with our personal and/or collective realities, responsibilities, dreams, visions, goals and aspirations guided from both within and without as we engage in the game of life. This is what Astrology and Numerology can offer and with these thoughts in mind, the following Horoscope for the Year 2025 will provide you with a foundational guideline both at the more collective level and at the more personal level, as with the Horoscope entries in the final chapter.

Without diving into the deeper rationale as to how or why, except to re-assert that life in its myriad, manifest realities is indeed a Divine Matrix and the accuracy of the information shared contributes to revealing it is so. As it is, by simply knowing your Sun sign provides you with your main key to access the probabilities in store at this time, and the purposes of them. Yet, you can also read one or two other signs in particular to gain a more layered reading.

Yet, to determine what these are, you need to know what time you were born, even approximately. Members of my Horoscopes, which include the Weekly, Monthly and Yearly, can request to get these as part of their Membership benefits. In either case, Member or not, if you do not know the time, it can be determined, but this would require a personal Reading to specifically ’rectify’ your chart based on asking questions about your personality and specific experiences you have had in your life and when they occurred.

The deeper truth is that Astrology and Numerology can be accurately understood as intermediaries with your soul. Terms like Soul Plan or Soul Contract come to mind. These can also be described as your destiny, which includes your ‘nature’ your Fire, Earth, Air, and Water, and how the cosmos and the planets in our solar system especially interact with our own planet, from both our individual and collective perspectives. Destiny also includes core themes of experiences ‘meant’ to occur and when and even how, where and the closer you look, it includes who, as well. Yet, as clarified above, destiny also includes free will which serves as the ‘navigation tool for ground zero’.

While the deeper themes of destiny are indeed’ written in the stars’ and in the numbers too…, navigating the immediate realities of our life in the physical and the body, requires moment-to-moment awareness, reflexes, choices, and actions. So, our ego serves to ‘fine-tune’ the entire process, so to speak.

Yet, as the story goes, due to the dramatic turns and episodes of life, along with other factors, our ego can and often does become inflated with notions of powers to not simply cooperate with destiny, but to control it out rightly. This mode of thinking can be accurately understood as a feature of social conditioning and can prove and often does, at worst, inauthentic and contrived. Yet, our free will aligned with a conscious awareness of both our deeper destiny and that of any given time-period, as with yearly cycles, for example, or monthly, weekly and larger cycles as well, and the probabilities they imply, which can be further understood as ‘purposeful themes’ support our ability to be more aligned within and without, and therefore more cooperative ideally manifesting as a wholesome, healthy, happy and fulfilled state of authenticity. This is both our personal goal and the key to a truly healthy society too.

It is with these thoughts that I invite you to read on in such a manner as to engage in ‘spiritual reading’ which generally implies reading more slowly and deeply to more fully ingest, digest, and assimilate the insights and guidance share, and of course, to also eliminate anything that does not align with your inner sense of who you intuitively feel you are. Yet, in doing so, you may discover that this knowledge does not distance you from such feelings, but rather brings you even closer, and clearer, beyond socially conditioned assumptions, and with inspired, visionary and intuitive alignment based on deep affirmation.

Positively, by doing so, you will feel clearer, more centered, and empowered to engage in the conscious, authentic, co-creation of your life and, thereby, also contribute to directly and indirectly supporting and empowering others, as well.

Summary Overview for 2024

A Universal 8-Year, a Leap Year, and the Year of the Dragon are all hints at the power that 2024 is destined to be.

Multiple stelliums beginning in January and extending all the way through to October add to the exciting line-up.

Pluto in Aquarius, Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus, a series of powerful stelliums encompassing most of the year, the Year of the mythic Dragon from the perspective of Chinese Astrology which begins at the time of the New Moon in Aquarius on February 9, Jupiter in Gemini and all in a Leap Year are among the more significant events destined to occur in 2024.

2023 was epic and dramatic in many ways, especially the wars in Ukraine and Gaza. These were an expression of the 7 energy of 2024. But, more specifically, it manifested the combined energies of 6 and 7, which add to 13, which is the number of the Death card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot.

Now, 2024 stands to also be monumental, but on an even broader and collective level. It will host the combined energies of 7 and 8 from the Numerological perspective, which equates to 15 and the Major Arcana Devil. It is likely to manifest as continued audacity coming from official tiers of society. Yet, these will be confronted as well. Consequently, the ongoing violent conflicts around the world will continue. Yet, it is the larger revolution of evolution that is in focus.

With the Age of Aquarius coming more fully into actualization with each new day, there are bound to be critical junctures. Due to modern technology, the world has effectively become smaller. Multi-nationalism is as old as colonialism when the empires of England and Europe expanded their reach the world over. The result of this march of conquest and dominion combined with modern technology is the rise of what has been described as a ‘global village’, but what has also been referred to for decades now as a New World Order. Whether we like it or not, it is happening. The maneuvering strategies to achieve it are again centuries old and all the apparently random wars are all, or at least mostly all, features of it. What this largely includes is the progressive transformation of the economies of the world.

As it is, the push towards digital currencies is on. More specifically, these are referred to as Central Bank Digital Currencies or CBDC’s. Of course, the U.S. dollar remains the global leader, but the times are changing. For example, BRIC’s which is an intergovernmental organization largely associated with economic alliances, is steadily on the rise. Its steadily growing list includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. These too are bound to emerge as digital currencies as opposed to FIAT currency, or paper dollars and coins which are commonly understood as money or currency. Woven within this mix are Cryptocurrencies, which appear to challenge this centralization orientation with a decentralized platform. Whatever else might be said, and this is clearly just the gist of it, the world is undergoing an acceleration of change regarding economic and financial realities.

The Lunar North Node in Aries

North Node in Aries / South Node Libra:      

When the North Node is in Aries you are learning to be more self-assertive and decisive.  From a soul level you must learn to be independent and free from unconscious tendencies to lean upon others or to attempt to try to be all things to others for the sake of approval and harmony.  This call to confidence and courage to stand for your own truth even if it means standing away from the crowd is a part of your life mission.  Your destiny is to learn what it is to be a seed.  Recognize and honor the right and responsibility behind the claim for individuality.   Develop a more meaningful relationship with yourself and your unique abilities so that you may make a more meaningful contribution. 

Brief Background on the Lunar Nodes

The Lunar Nodes are not actual celestial bodies. They mark points where the Moon in its orbital cycle crosses the plane of the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun. These points are symbolic of some of the more esoteric in Astrology and refer to themes associated with the evolution of the soul.

The South Node symbolizes accumulated experiences and associated wisdom of the past, while the North Node symbolizes the new and points in the direction we are destined and meant to go. The Lunar Nodes in our Birth Charts are interpreted somewhat differently than those as transiting points, as is true of all the planets. So, in their transit cycle processes which aptly amount to approximately 18.5-month periods for each sign pair, and approximately 18.5 years for the entire cycle of the Zodiac (aptly revealing a fractal ratio) reveal collective themes and orientations. In both cases, as Natal Chart factors and by transit, the planets that rule the signs involved play key roles.

The North and South Node of the Moon are mythically likened to a great celestial serpent with a head and a tail.  Like the serpent constellation Draco, but unique unto itself, the Moon’s Nodal Axis indicates an evolutionary pathway – one that winds, writhes and turns, along a transformational pathway and reveals a process akin to the snake periodically shedding its old skin, effectively revealing a new one. As well, like a snakes-and-ladder game board, the Lunar Nodes suggest that all paths provide experiences, tests and lessons that must be passed, sooner or later…. One must have a sense of the spiritual, evolutionary journey that life in the material dimensions implies.

It is common to forget these deeper truths as the pressures and pleasures of our physical embodiment consume our perspectives and beliefs. Yet, in light of the end of our relatively temporary journeys, it is also common to return to a spiritual perspective, often amounting to too little and too late, at least in terms of consciously living in alignment with a deeper evolutionary plan, the deeper roots of which include authentic expressions and engagements, as opposed to conditioned values and attitudes, and to meaningful contributions to the greater collective, as opposed to relatively selfish pursuits that seldom venture beyond the parameters of our own families, interests and ambitions. Yet, even these probabilities are part of the plan, the process of which implies stages, like grade levels in school from pre-school to doctorate level studies, the higher levels symbolizing more meaningful and relevant contributions, while the lower levels suggest unapologetic oblivion beyond one’s own interests and appetites, or even entitled expectation.

The Eclipse Seasons of 2024 in the Relationship Signs of Aries and Libra

Brief Background on Eclipses in General

It should be understood, and I will state it clearly here and now, when it comes to eclipses, it is the SOLAR ECLIPSE that is the real ANCHOR POWER in terms of major outer events and turning points. These effected changes are subject to the finer details of destiny from ‘person’ to person (person = any legal entity in the eyes of the law which includes countries, states, provinces, territories, institutions, and businesses as well as actual individual people).

Although Lunar Eclipses are impressive events which can be experienced by more people over a much longer period of time amounting to hours and encompassing thousands of kilometers (which means that they popularly tend to get more attention), their impact tends to be subjective and emotional or internal more than external, eventful and outwardly obvious. The main exception to this principle is that the subjective, emotional impact causes outer reactions that manifest as outer events. Discerning the differences may prove subtle, but the point remains.

The first significant eclipse of the year is the Total Solar Eclipse that occurs on April 8 at 19 Aries 24.

It is preceded by a Lunar Eclipse on March 25 which occurs at the time of the Full Moon at 5 Libra 07.

Where the eclipse occurs and whether it produces close, hard aspects to other planets or the Cardinal Angles in your Birth Chart determines its deeper implications. More generally, you can gain some insight for where any includes occurs in your Solar Chart, which is what Horoscopes are based on.

Libra Lunar Eclipse Conjunct the Fixed Star Zaniah

The Lunar Eclipse of March 25 is conjunct Zaniah which can be described as having a Mercury/Venus alignment in Libra quality. Positively in healthy Libra fashion, this confers the grace of diplomacy and the impulse to negotiate for peace.

Aries Solar Eclipse Conjunct the Fixed Star Baten Kaitos

This first and significant Solar Eclipse of 2024 is conjunct the Fixed Star Baten Kaitos, which is located in the ‘belly of the Whale constellation. Accordingly, to such a dire situation, Baten Kaitos has the character of Saturn. In the spirit of Saturn, some keywords include inhibition, reserve, caution, solitude, and asks for patience, discipline, and determination to overcome feelings of humiliation, depression, and despair.

Read this article to gain much more insight into this historic eventThe Great American Solar Eclipse – April 8, 2024

The second eclipse season again begins with a Lunar Eclipse at 25 Pisces 41 followed by an Annular Solar Eclipse on at the time of the New Moon at 10 Libra 04 on October 2, 2024.

 Pisces Lunar Eclipse Conjunct the Fixed Star Markab

In sync with the dualistic themes of Pisces, the influence of Markab can manifest in extreme, polarized fashion. On one hand it gives honor, riches, fortune, while on the other hand it cautions against dangers from fevers, cuts, blows, stabs and fire and even violent death.

Libra Solar EclipseLibra Solar Eclipse Conjunct the Fixed Star Porrima

Fortunately, Porrima is said to manifest as a courteous, refined and lovable character with prophetic instincts.

As with other featured themes, I will bring more attention to these events close to date.

Read the following article to gain insights into this important event, the influence of which continues through March 2025!

Libra Solar Eclipse: Revolutionary Activations in Complex Times

Year of the Wood Dragon

In sync with the powerful theme of the Universal 8-Year that 2024 is, it is also the year of the Mythic Dragon, which begins on February 9.  Specifically, this is the Year of the Wood Dragon. The Wood Element in the Chinese system of Astrology refers to accelerated growth processes… promising ‘interesting times’ indeed. I will share more details about it closer to date in both the Monthly and Weekly Horoscopes.

Brief Background on Chinese Astrology

Chinese Astrology is quite a different system than that of any other in the world. Yet, as is true of all systems of Astrology, each can be understood to work, in context with its foundational cosmology and specific rules and techniques of interpretation. Languages with completely different alphabets and grammatical rules are a good example of this ‘relativity factor’. Narrow-minded people get lost in notions that ‘there can only be one’ (system) when it comes to Astrology, revealing dogmatic bias, especially those devoted to Vedic Astrology or the Sidereal Zodiac.

Ironically, it seems that they project a linear perspective onto how Astrology works and advocates tend to be very dogmatic about their rationale. Yet, Western, Mayan and Chinese systems are not based on these fixed notions, and they all also work. Chinese Astrology is uniquely based on a 60-Year Cycle, or the 12 Year Signs (meaning each sign is accorded an entire year as opposed to a month, and these are then multiplied by the 5 Elements of Chinese Cosmology: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal. This 12-Year model is closely associated with Jupiter, which has a 11.86 year cycle and there is only 1 main constellation, that of the Big Dipper.

Interestingly, the start date of the Chinese Astrological New Year is not fixed on a date, but rather on the second New Moon after Solstice, which is always, invariably the New Moon in Aquarius. It can occur as early as January 19, or as late is February 18! Often, the start date is presented as the day after the New Moon, because the time zone differences between East and West as with Hong Kong to Hawaii, for example, is 18 hours, so it allows for all the places in the world to be on the same day. The Chinese Numerological cycle is more fixed and ever begins in February 4, which is the mid-point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox and is referred to as ‘early spring’. Various traditions refer to these mid-points differently, yet they refer to the same event, and sometimes the annual date can vary by a day or two, as with February 2nd. In the Western Lunar Calendar, this is referred to as Mid-Winter, or Imbolc.

Mercury Retrograde Periods in 2024:

  1. April 1 to 25 – (27 Aries to 16 Aries)

  2. August 4/5 to 28 – (4 Virgo to 21 Leo)

  3. November 25 to December 15 – (6 Sagittarius to 20 Scorpio)

Mercury is truly the trickster planet. Although it takes just a wonderful total 88 days, matching the official number of constellations, it takes an entire year to ‘appear’ to orbit around Earth. This is so because Mercury turns retrograde three times per year, and sometimes it even borders on four times. Planets turning retrograde are based on our experiential perceptions of the cosmos. Negating the psychological influences of these observable phenomena are a classic case of bias and dismissal. Besides, the effects of retrogrades can be observed and recognized to transcend idle notions of coincidence, to which more linear, materialistic minds are inclined to subscribe. While these observances of synchronistic events, as subtle and subjective as they may be deemed are true of all the planets in our solar system, they are especially strong regarding Mercury’s tri-annual retrograde process.

As the planet generally symbolic of communications, these are accurately understood at every level and not just between people. In other words, even atoms, molecules and cells can be understood to harbor various modes of inner communication, and with other atoms, molecules and cells, as well. After all, how else would they produce the myriad forms that they do, each distinct, if sharing fundamental similarities?

So when Mercury turns retrograde, there is an increased tendency for communications to become confused. It can be liked to driving backwards during which time our perspectives are not as clear and sharp as when driving forward. This ‘Reverse’ of the ‘Retrograde’ process, tends to align well with keywords and their associated themes such as review, reconsider, reflect, reassess, retreat, repair, and so on… Complications can occur when we endeavor to go against this thematic current. This, miscommunications of various kinds are common during Mercury Retrograde cycles, amounting to all sorts of confusions, conundrums and subsequently as frustrations due to willful assertions to consciously or unconsciously work against the current.

Part of the complexity of the plot is that Mercury can be recognized to behave somewhat differently from one sign to another. Adding to the confusion, due to the ultimately subjective reality of life, while there are generalities, not everyone experiences the influences in the same way, adding to skeptics requiring absolute, objective empiricism, which of course is its own delusion. That said, there are many paradigms and perspectives in the world, much as it probably should be, not to mention personal prerogative.

So, the following guideline will you what and when regarding the Mercury Retrograde themes for 2024, and you can then be aware and cooperate with the process and conduct your own observations, all of which support a heightened state of awareness anyway, instead of simply cruising through life, half asleep with arbitrary notions of coincidence and randomness.

Among the first considerations regarding these dates is to determine if Mercury will be retrograde on your birthday. If it is, the general themes of reflection and revision… as outlined above can be understood to play a role over the course of your personal year until your next birthday. In other words, Mercury will be retrograde in your Solar Return chart, which represents your ‘personal year’ cycle, as opposed to the shared generic cycle of January 1 to December 31 each year. (These two cycles do overlap and Numerology offers a good technique for understanding it better.)

When Mercury Retrograde moves from one sign to another, the dynamic will change, sometimes subtly, sometimes more noticeably. The signs of Mercury’s Dignity, or its rulership and detriment, and its exaltation and fall are deeper considerations. In any case, a deeper consideration of the Solar Return chart would be required, yet the general themes can be encompassed by horoscopes.

Mars in Capricorn through Leo in 2024

Mars is the first of the outer planets, yet also holds the distinction of being a personal planet. In this regard, Mars is unique and special in the Astrological pantheon. As the ruler of Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac and in which the Sun is exalted, Mars is symbolic of action. It can be understood as the ‘verb’ in the sentence and can range from being proactive and assertive, to aggressive and even to violent. All cutting tools and weapons come under the heading of Mars. Professional and elite athletes in general almost always have a very prominent Mars in the Birth Chart. Mars also co-rules Scorpio along with Pluto, adding to its uniqueness and range. So, while Mars is not commonly observed as important as the far planets beginning with Jupiter, its dynamic is certainly worth observing, and more importantly, of harnessing in a conscious and deliberate manner for the sake of greater achievement in life.

While the year begins with Mars conjunct the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius 38 in the Tropical Zodiac, it enters Capricorn by January 3rd where it is strongly placed. However, its fuller momentum will not likely be realized until after the Capricorn New Moon on January 11th, which will serve to ignite the year into action after what will likely manifest as a slow start to the year, at least energetically.

Mars enters Aquarius on February 12/13 and forms a conjunction with Pluto just 24 hours later initiating an important 2-year cycle likely to contribute to the economic revolution. Mars will remain in Aquarius until March 22 when it enters Pisces. While in Pisces through to April 30, it will form conjunctions to Saturn and Neptune accelerating both the disintegration of companies and institutions destined to die.

While in Aries through to early June, it will carry an extra charge accelerating the overall tempo of spring. Mars will form a conjunction with Chiron on May 29 which will further amplify its fire and zeal, for better or worse.

When it enters Taurus on June 8th, it will manifest as things slowing down a bit, but will build momentum as with a charging bull at it approaches a conjunction with Uranus on July 15.

By July 20, Mars will enter Gemini where it tends to have a lot of energy. By August 14, Mars will form a conjunction with Jupiter in Gemini which is sure to stir a lot of excitement.

Mars enters Cancer on September 4 where it can prove quite aggressive. Positively, this cycle supports renovation projects.

Mars finally enters Leo on November 3rd where it will remain for the rest of the year due to the fact that it will turn retrograde. While in Leo, Mars will progressively slow down prior to entering its next retrograde cycle on December 6 and will end the year that way remaining in Leo until

Jupiter in Gemini

Jupiter enters Gemini on May 25. Moving quickly, it will advance to 21 Gemini 20 by October 9 when it turns retrograde and the year ends with it still retrograde and at 13 Gemini 12.

Jupiter in Gemini is considered to be in its sign of detriment and, consequently, will prove to be very eventful, if scattering, dizzying, and altogether confusing. As ever, awareness is the key to supporting wise choices in handling such stormy energy patterns.

The other very significant event is the fact that Jupiter in Gemini formed an exact square to Saturn in Pisces on that very day of the Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19, 2024. This is quite serendipitous because the conjunct between Jupiter and Saturn which was the seed event for this first quarter or square aspect occurred on December 21, 2020, with both planets’ conjunct at exactly at 0 Aquarius and right on Winter Solstice! Watch this video to learn more and to gain an even wider contextual perspective, and watch this one on the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in context to the Age of Aquarius, as well.

If you take the time to review these, you will be very much up to speed and with detailed perspectives on the future timing of important cycles, as well. As destiny has it, this is just the first of a few conjunctions between Jupiter and Saturn, stemming from the historic and pivotal Winter Solstice 2020 conjunction.

The second exact square between Jupiter and Saturn, therefore, will occur on December 24, 2024, and then there will be a third and final one on June 15, 2025. This last one is extra significant because it occurs while both of the gas giant planets symbolic of social realities and specifically that of economic cycles are in Cardinal Signs, symbolic of initiative and dynamic action! Specifically, Jupiter will be in Cancer and Saturn will be in Aries. Cardinal signs are very action-oriented and can be accurately understood as signs of leadership and can also be associated with Kings in the playing cards.

What this entire process indicates is that the process of economic change as indicated by the themes of the conjunction, are now underway. These three dates will invariably coincide with significant, synchronistic events both up to several weeks leading up to these dates, and perhaps following them as well, especially the last one in June 2025. This is the case because the entire cycle lasts for 20 years (again the conjunction was on Winter Solstice 2020, adding to its potency and significance) and the cycle culminates when both planets are in Opposition aspect (180 degrees) which occurs, as fate has it, on December 22, 2029, which happens to be the official date of Winter Solstice that year! Similarly, there will be two more oppositions again due to Jupiter retrograde the second of which occurs on April 24, 2023 and the third and final on November 20, 2030.

For now, we are still contending with Jupiter in Gemini approaching its second of three dynamic, edgy, square aspects to Saturn in Pisces, symbolic of the disintegration of old norms and specifically of social institutions, and all related to economic realities…

The Most Important Conjunction of 2024 – Jupiter Conjunct Uranus in Taurus on April 20, 2024

The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus largely implies revolutionary events linked to the economy, both domestic and international. The conjunction marks the launch of a 14-year cycle and, aside from a powerful series of ‘stelliums’ beginning in February 2024 through October 2024, it is the most important ‘major conjunction’ of 2024.

It occurs at 21 Taurus 46, so how it configures in your Birth Chart by House placement and by aspect is the first most important factor for your practical consideration. So, the entire process of what is implied will unfold over years but the conjunction aspect itself tends to be explosive and eventful so keep a watch for the associated synchronicities implied.

Saturn in Pisces – The Disintegration of Social Institutions

Saturn Retrograde – June 29 at 19 Pisces 26

Saturn Direct – November 15 at 12 Pisces 42

Saturn in Pisces is the other challenge in the chart as it represents what often manifests as karmic returns in the way of apathy and lack of direction. Saturn in Pisces is quite a different story. It is not so dynamic and aware and, in fact, can be understood as marking periods that often amount to people feeling lost and confused. Saturn is considered the planet of karma and Pisces is also the reservoir sign of accumulated karmas. When combined, the theme of karma is increased.

Neptune in Pisces, where it will be for almost the entire time, this theme of feeling lost and confused will be even stronger. However, it could have the positive effect of stimulating more interest in mystical realities, themes and subjects.

In a general sense, this cycle is effectively synchronizing with themes of dissolve, delete and disintegrate associated with many of the structures that we have all come to generally rely upon, understand and trust. In this regard, many of the established structures of society will melt away and make way for a whole new set of norms that will especially begin in spring 2025 when Saturn enters Aries.

While there is a lot to say about Saturn in Pisces and the approximate 2.5-year cycle it implies, and I will bring more attention to it in the coming months, the simple message for now is as follows: Prepare for a time period that could prove to be deep, mysterious, mystical and what can be described as a transcendental time and, at worst, may prove disintegrating, confusing and could lead to feelings of despair and meaninglessness. The key will be to make loss and dissolution ‘work’ for you.

Read these 2 Articles to gain even more insight into this important transit which will continue mid-February 2026!

Saturn in Pisces -Part 1

Saturn in Pisces – Part 2

Uranus in Taurus 2024  – An Economic Bull Ride

Over the course of 2024, Uranus will advance from 19 Taurus 23 to 23 Taurus 18. After months of retrograde motion, it is the last of the far planets to turn direct which it will do on Jan 27 at 19 Taurus 05. It will advance to 27 Taurus 15 by September 1st, when it again turns retrograde, coinciding with Pluto re-entering Capricorn…

Uranus in Taurus has been our reality since May 2018 and will be through to 2026!

Taurus is a challenging sign placement for Uranus, often manifesting as greed and clever schemes. Since that time, the world has and continues to undergo a significant shift of wealth effectively making the very wealthy much wealthier and the poor even more so, while the prosperous middle class has largely paid the bill. Many will attest that this period has been tainted with fraud and grand theft at unprecedented levels and continues even now.

Pluto in Aquarius – The Transformation of Humanity

Pluto re-enters Aquarius on January 20, 2024, just hours after the Sun. It will advance to 2 Aquarius 06 by May 2, when it will station in preparation to enter its annual retrograde cycle which will continue until October 11. By September 1, Pluto will re-enter Capricorn and retreat to 29 Capricorn 38 by October 11 when it turns direct again.

So, after a little over 10 weeks on November 19, after a final stint at the 29th degree of Capricorn, Pluto will re-enter Aquarius for the third and final time for this round and remain there transiting through the sign of the Water Bearer until 2044! This will prove very impactful for everyone, or on a global scale and is likely to prove quite challenging indeed. On personal levels, people with planets, angles, and other sensitive points at the 29th through 1st degree of any sign will experience its, purifying, regenerative and transformational impact.

Pluto in Aquarius - The Birthing of the New AgePluto invariably has a major impact on our lives at both mass collective and individual levels. When Pluto transits through a sign, it invariably produces a steady flow of transformational change. For example, its transit through Capricorn, the sign of governments since 2008 synchronized with real estate prices increasing by 3 and 4 times, if not more, a housing shortage crisis manifesting as widespread tent cities that continues to this day the world over, a steady emergence of governments the world over exercising more authority the world over. Catapulted by the COVID-19 horror, forced compliance by governments to accept new medical technologies that were not thoroughly tested resulting in millions losing their livelihoods, businesses and life savings (and the casualty count from adverse reactions continues to steadily rise to this day).

In short, governments have lost their prior stature as trustworthy and have revealed severe levels of corruption. Consequently, people are generally much more suspicious of the integrity of governments as we now begin a whole new cycle in Aquarius.

What is not so well understood is that Pluto is in its ‘Fall’ Sign in Aquarius. This means that it does not fare so well… As the sign of humanity, in general, it may be understood that we are about to undergo many changes. Among the more significant themes is the fact that with the decline of governments, more power and authority has shifted into the hands of private sectors, as with mega corporations and conglomerates the members of which do not have civic responsibilities and are largely unknown. Positively, these changes will manifest as people power pushing, but the armed forces are controlled by governments…

Uranus in Taurus is also in its Fall sign, Jupiter in Gemini is in its sign of ‘Detriment’, and Saturn in Pisces is very difficult to the antithetical themes each possesses. The main outer manifestations with Uranus in Taurus include digital currencies and central bank control, banks owned by private sectors, and restrictive policies placed on farming practices. An observer from another planet might recognize that humanity is at war with itself, and it might also be recognized that there must be various hidden networks at the helm of these unnecessary and perplexing crises.

Aquarius can generally be understood as the sign of humanism and humanitarianism, so it can be also interpreted to be the sign of humanity itself. The Water Bearer image symbolizes the metaphysical understanding that matter itself is, we are, and life when regarded holistically, in is dualistic expression is comprised of energy, vibration and frequency. We see this understanding and application of technology regarding energy waves everywhere in the world, not least of all the internet and wireless access, Bluetooth, radar, satellite transmissions and so on. The rapid spread and popularization of ancient wisdom, knowledge, and technology as with Sacred Geometry and the increasing acceptance of ancient high civilizations, are all part of this Aquarian Age theme.

Thus, Pluto in Aquarius will likely prove to manifest as a transformation of humanity at the mass collective level. Describing how this will unfold is not a simple and pat discussion and would require an entire book, but we can be certain that humanity in general will undergo processes of deep change and transformation at a global scale.

Especially if you have planets at 29 degrees of any of the four Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, or Libra) or 0 to 1.5 degrees of any of the 4 Fixed Signs of (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius), you are destined to undergo some significant changes this year.

Read this article for more insight into this important historic eventPluto in Aquarius – the Birthing of a New Age

Horoscope Summarized Destiny Themes for All Signs

The outlines below encompassing themes for each sign of the Zodiac destined to occur in 2024 offer a glimpse of what each factor outlined above might produce. Each of these themes of influence can be and would be by necessity, expanded upon and qualified in a live, Personal Reading. While providing some measure of accuracy, which is itself testimony to the holistic nature of existence, and to the conscious, intelligent, intentional, creative, purposeful, cooperative, and invariably loving reality that life is, Horoscopes serve best by giving us a taste or a sneak preview of archetypal themes in store in any given time period.

So, to gain even more clarity and precision of insight and guidance, and specific elaboration in light of our own personal Birth Charts and the circumstantial realities of our life as a whole, is best achieved by a live, in-person reading, which can be done by phone or via the many modern conveniences of modern technology that the internet provides, such as Zoom, Skype or WhatsApp and so on…

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Lunar North Node – 20 to 1 degree Aries – This influence indicates a continued call to re-invent yourself somehow and the pressure to do so will increase steadily all year.

Mars in Capricorn through Leo in 2024 – While Mars marches through Capricorn to your sign for about the first five months of 2024, you will take an assertive approach to most matters. Then, through the rest of spring and to September you will get even more determined to get to the bottom of things, which could include home renovations reaching into autumn. Yet, it is this last quarter of the year that could prove challenging especially close to home and in your most personal and intimate relationships but perhaps also with colleagues and business partners, requiring you to be extra patient and diplomatic.

Jupiter in Taurus has already begun and will continue to catapult you into new territory, both literally and figuratively for the next five plus months.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus will likely result in a significant and apparently sudden change associated with your financial reality and status, for better or worse…

Jupiter in Gemini signifies the strong potential of becoming scattered in your focus with too may interests and not enough follow through in any of them. With awareness, you can counter this impulse, but it will require due diligence.

Saturn in Pisces will push you to focus on existing projects and an inclination to retreat and deeply rest. 

Pluto in Aquarius will activate future-oriented perspectives and amplify your sense of what you should do and what should be done generally in a wider, collective sense.

April Aries Solar Eclipse will contribute to amplifying your drive and determination to assert yourself more authentically.

The October Libra Solar Eclipse will provide a jolt in your relationship life, possibly sparking both endings and new beginnings the process of which will extend into Spring 2025.


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Lunar North Node – 20 to 1 degree Aries – The call to join a larger collective or to dedicate some of your focus for the sake of a larger cause was sounded las year and continues throughout 2024.

Mars in Capricorn through Leo in 2024 – The year begins with Mars in Earthy Capricorn, which is a boost for you. It offers the opportunity to build a strong momentum early on. Your charge will both deepen and increase by mid-February and over the coming weeks your resolve to break through any restrictive barriers, whether within or without will double and will continue until May, anyway. By then, you would probably do well to retreat or busy yourself with other areas of focus, as a change can be as good as a rest. Y the second week of June Mars will enter your sign resuming the assertive pace and this will turn into a revolutionary impulse as it closes in on a conjunction with Uranus in your sign by mid-July. Your energy levels will also surge again and see you through to early November. Indoor projects are a good way to go for the remainder of the year, or simply to re-charge in preparation for 2025.

Jupiter in Taurus has been an expansive influence for you through over the past many months and continues through to later spring 2024. At worst, it has coincided with weight gain. Given the pace of 2024, you could lose it all with the right strategy and attitude, and even more.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus will occur in your sign so you will have the opportunity to direct it to taking powerful new strides forward.

Jupiter in Gemini begins in late May and will likely coincide with more interests and projects, perhaps more than you can handle so be careful not to over promise or spread your focus too wide.

Saturn in Pisces is all about learning and unlearning for you. Regarding unlearning, this is especially true in terms of limiting self-concepts. 

Pluto in Aquarius is very significant for you because it occurs in your solar career house. Changes that began in early spring last year will assume a whole new impulse. Get ready for a promotion or a new career altogether, or at least make plans for it to begin more fully later in the year or in 2025.

April Aries Solar Eclipse activate latent reserves burning deeply in your subconscious.

The October Libra Solar Eclipse trigger changes in your lifestyle which, at best, will include more color and variety, literally and figuratively.


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Lunar North Node – 20 to 1 degree Aries – This influence indicates summons to dedicate yourself to something greater than yourself.

Mars in Capricorn through Leo in 2024 – The year begins on an extra deep note. Many changes have been brewing in your world and these are directly linked to your over social and public status and perhaps to you career as well. By mid-February when Mars enters Aquarius, you will experience new waves of visionary resolve, perhaps awakening you to new perspectives on reality. By late March when Mars enters Pisces, it would be a good time to give or take a new round of learning or training. Your energy levels, however, could prove lower. As May begins, that revolutionary and visionary impulse experienced earlier stands to return and will continue through to early June. Despite the fairer weather, you may feel more inclined to go inward than to do much else, but it could prove to be a very liberating time. By the last week of July when Mars enters your sign, your energy levels should begin to rise again and this boost could be used for just about any sort of new undertaking continuing through to September. By then, you will be ready to assert yourself more rigorously and this time period could prove extra useful where stamina to get things done is required. By early November when Mars enters Leo, you will be happy to play more and or to lay low. It could also be a good time to travel.

Jupiter in Taurus has likely led you inward where you have been lingering in one manner or another since last May.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus Although this aspect will occur in your 12th house of retreat, it will be close enough to your sign to stimulate your imagination for the sake of new creative endeavors.

Jupiter in Gemini in your own sign signifies an uplifted mood and year long period supporting the inspiration to embark upon new and perhaps risky ventures.

Saturn in Pisces marks a culmination in your life, yet one which implies yielding and letting go. If you have arrived at a peak point, you are more than happy to descend from it.

Pluto in Aquarius stands to work out better for you than others as it forms a harmonious and inspirational trine to your sign.

April Aries Solar Eclipse could manifest as a change of guard in the friend department as old alliances fade and new ones come forward.

The October Libra Solar Eclipse will also manifest as a creative boost that could inspire you to travel or at least to gain access to foreign interests somehow.


Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Lunar North Node – 20 to 1 degree Aries – New beginnings or the pull to assert new initiatives in your career will continue throughout 2024.

Mars in Capricorn through Leo in 2024 – Mars in your solar house of relationships can prove quite edgy. Fortunately, Saturn in Pisces is actually a saving grace for you and implies learning to listen more deeply and empathize more fully with others. As Mars enters Aquarius in mid-February, a revolutionary resolve will take hold that could manifest as a higher degree of stubbornness or resolve than you have experienced for some time. When in Pisces as spring gets underway, it could synchronize with a thirst for new experiences and perhaps even as a desire for travel, if only to get away from it all. Spiritual interests could also arise. May could prove to be a time of new beginnings in your career so if that is what you want, use this time through early June to go for it. Another rather rebellious cycle could begin after that, but the energy could be directed to new creative interests or simply to have fun in the sun. This impulse could transition to an urge to get away from it all starting in late July through September. All being well, you will feel rested and ready to tackle new challenges starting in September and your resolve will remain strong though to November and perhaps even for the rest of the year.

Jupiter in Taurus could manifest as returns for past efforts and dreams come true.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus could well inspire new innovative projects and you could even invent something or receive an unexpected windfall.

Jupiter in Gemini could have mix results. On one hand, it could lead you to discover new knowledge that changes the way you think and live. On the downside, it could coincide with circumstances which cause you to worry, and these could prove to be a test of your faith.

Saturn in Pisces is probably flowing more smoothly for you than other and this will generally continue throughout 2024.

Pluto in Aquarius has likely already produced a boost in your overall scope of personal power and has perhaps resulted in earning more money as well, or some other kind of boon or benefit.

April Aries Solar Eclipse occurs in your career house so you can expect change to be triggered.

The October Libra Solar Eclipse will activate changes of some kind close to home and/or in your most personal and intimate relationships, hopefully for the better.


Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Lunar North Node – 20 to 1 degree Aries – Since Aries is a Fire Element sign as well, this overall transit is likely manifesting as the inspiration for a whole new participation in the world.

Mars in Capricorn through Leo in 2024 – Mars in Capricorn indicates a lot of work for you, so 2024 has probably begun on a busy note. By mid-February when it enters Aquarius, your interactions with significant others could take on a whole new scope of meaning connected to your public and professional life and your social status in general. Make every effort to be as cooperative and patient as you can. As mars enters Pisces in later March, you will be pushed by circumstances to dive more deeply into your inner self to identify opportunities and clear blocks. As may gets going when Mars is in Aries, you will experience a fresh burst of drive and determination, provided that you attended to the inner work in the previous cycle. Mars in Taurus in early July will compel you to take a much more assertive approach in your career, but you should be ready for hard work. By later July, your energy levels should rise measurably, and this could prove to be punchy period, so be careful and don’t get carried away with unwarranted opinions or engage in reckless activities. Early September through November will be a time when you are called in again to do any needed inner work, whether in your own mind or in your home. Mars in your sign in early November and through to the end of the year could prove inspiring, yet the retrograde factor will require extra effort and resolve.

Jupiter in Taurus is your career house so already there should be signs of expansion, if also an increase in your workload.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus could manifest as changes in your career linked to new levels of recognition or fame and could even manifest as presenting yourself to the world in a whole new way.

Jupiter in Gemini could manifest as meeting many new people some of who could even become actual friendships or even close relationships yet.

Saturn in Pisces marks a time in your life of deep changes which are underway now and will continue. Positively, you will emerge from this cycle in 2025 renewed somehow.

Pluto in Aquarius is powerfully placed in your house of relationships and indicates the ending of old alliances and ways of thinking and the beginning of new ones.

April Aries Solar Eclipse call you to higher-minded orientations, thoughts, philosophies, and pursuits.  

The October Libra Solar Eclipse will stimulate new perceptions and realizations, some of which could be classified as awakenings.


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Lunar North Node – 20 to 1 degree Aries – Is a call to embrace change backed by the resolve to make it happen.

Mars in Capricorn through Leo in 2024 – Mars in Capricorn early in the year indicates a creative impulse which includes work, and which will evolve into even more required efforts from mid-February trough late March while in Aquarius. Yet, these efforts could prove very beneficial and even lucrative, if your strategy includes such aspirations. Through April the emphasis will be in your relationships, perhaps especially those associated with your career and public life in general. Mars in Aries through May and early June could well manifest as an ardent resolve to succeed, but you should be prepared to work for it. When Mars enters Taurus in June and carries through much of July, your pace should prove steady and sure with follow through resolve. When in Gemini from late July through early September, your career could undergo another big boost. September through November could prove edgy and rebellious but could prove especially useful to tackle and clear some of your own limiting beliefs, which will require radical self-honesty. Target Mars in Leo in November and December as a time to rest and recharge after a busy and progressive 10 months.

Jupiter in Taurus reveals a visionary inspiration to build a momentum for the sake of public and/or professional expansion and increase beginning in late May.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus implies new realizations, especially of the more practical sort and perhaps new philosophies as well to support your worldly ambitions.

Jupiter in Gemini occurs in your solar career house so you should anticipate and work towards expansion in your career and public life in general, guided by discipline and patient resolve.

Saturn in Pisces implies a deepening of commitments and the inner work of getting past your own habitual ego patterns.

Pluto in Aquarius is all about changes in your lifestyle including where as well as how you live.

April Aries Solar Eclipse will amplify the resolve for and trigger events that will either inspire or push you to make necessary changes in your overall approach.

The October Libra Solar Eclipse will trigger new priorities caused you to let go of old self-concepts and modes of approach.


Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Lunar North Node – 20 to 1 degree Aries – is centered on integrating new attitudes and approaches in your relationship life.

Mars in Capricorn through Leo in 2024 – indicates an edgy and arduous start to 2024. This will continue through mid-February and will require extra efforts to break out of what could feel like a slump. Yet, Mars in Aquarius will activate a more sporting and playful mood, generally. You would be wise to get that in, though, because when Mars enters Pisces in late March, circumstances could push you back to work, especially regarding your health and that of your lifestyle. Mars in Aries as of late April through early June could prove dynamic on relationship fronts, if edgy yet again. When in Taurus through to late July, you will experience a transformational cycle, but not necessarily easy. Mars in Gemini for the rest of summer through to early September stands to be your best window of time in the year, so use it well and try to travel or go on a vacation. From then through to November, the emphasis will be on your career and how it affects your home life. The year ends with Mars in Leo which could activate yet another rebellious cycle yet could give rise to new aspects of your sense of individuality.

Jupiter in Taurus implies changes in your financial status, which could prove very good.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus This aspect generally looks good for you and could prove the boost and inspiration you have been praying for some time.

Jupiter in Gemini generally marks a difficult influence for many, but for you it could be a real treat in many ways including travel adventures, meeting interesting new people and acquiring new and significant modes of knowledge.

Saturn in Pisces requires that you make more disciplined efforts in your overall lifestyle for the sake of your health. 

Pluto in Aquarius is another positive factor for you and could synchronize with a whole new mode of creative power and/or charisma.

April Aries Solar Eclipse will activate fresh starts on relationship fronts and your resolve to make more concerted efforts regarding your health and that of your lifestyle.

The October Libra Solar Eclipse will stimulate a whole new mode and quality of self expression that could leave others experiencing a whole new version of you.


Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Lunar North Node – 20 to 1 degree Aries – indicates the need to be more realistic and grounded in your daily life.

Mars in Capricorn through Leo in 2024 – Mars in Capricorn as 2024 begins indicates higher energy levels and a creative determination. This will be followed by a hard push of effort starting in mid-February through to spring. All being well, you will have progressed and will feel more inspired to coast for a while. May through early June could prove extra busy. Your relationship life will become more stimulating through much of June and July so use it to make things happen if that is one of your goals. A whole new ambition, drive and resolve will emerge in late July through to early September, but you could be challenged to decipher between a lower or higher road. By early September through to November, you will become spirited by a wave of determination to get to the bottom of thins and to contribute to needed changes either in your own life or perhaps even on wide social levels. The year will end with you directing a fresh impulse of creative energy into you career and public life, in general.

Jupiter in Taurus indicates an expansive influence in your relationship life.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus is an indication of important changes on relationship fronts, which could mean the end of some and the beginnings of others.

Jupiter in Gemini marks a somewhat complex influence for you and will have to be handled with awareness and discipline to make it work for you and not against.

Saturn in Pisces is requiring you to slow down and to be more patient with people and situations.

Pluto in Aquarius is very potent as it enters your solar house of home and family. So you should expect or at least prepare to meet the changes that could arise suddenly.

April Aries Solar Eclipse is destined to trigger changes in your overall lifestyle.

The October Libra Solar Eclipse will ignite previously hidden aspects of yourself, which could prove very empowering.


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Lunar North Node – 20 to 1 degree Aries – marks a time of increased self-confidence and charisma.

Mars in Capricorn through Leo in 2024 – Mars in Capricorn early on implies a sort of steady as she as approach guided by practical considerations. As it enters Aquarius in mid-February, your energy and enthusiasm levels should rise. While in Pisces starting in late March, you will feel inspired to really dig deep into the corners to clear the clutter, whether in your home or your heart and mind. May through early June while in Aries could prove extra fun and exciting, especially if you do the work just mentioned. When in taurus starting in early June, you would be wise to be ready to work ore diligently, yet with a steady sure pace towards practical achievements, for best results. When in Gemini as of late July, a spiritual of adventure to engage and entertain new people and in your relationship, life could prove spicy and satisfying. When in cancer in early September through early November, your resolve will be strong, but you may have an extra heavy workload, perhaps especially regarding your emotional state. Mars in Leo to end the year on a high note is something to work for and look forward to.

Jupiter in Taurus ha perhaps prove somewhat challenging for you, manifesting as tests of faith requiring patience and adjustments.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus indicates changes in your lifestyle and perhaps in your relationship life, which could come from left field.

Jupiter in Gemini signifies a while new quality and spirit of expansion and orientation to create a brighter future.

Saturn in Pisces has not likely been easy for you but, if handled well, implies confrontation with inner doubts and other dark and negatives mindsets and beliefs for the sake of laying claim to new levels of personal power.

Pluto in Aquarius is destined to open your mind to consider new perspectives on reality, freeing you from limiting beliefs and assumptions.

April Aries Solar Eclipse will likely activate new levels of confidence and support a happier view on life in general.

The October Libra Solar Eclipse will spark new friendships and associations which stand to teach you a lot of new things.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Lunar North Node – 20 to 1 degree Aries – This influence indicates a call to return to your source, your authentic nature and to huddle closer and cling tighter to home and family.

Mars in Capricorn through Leo in 2024 – Mars in your own sign for the first six or so weeks of 2024 indicates a pioneering assertion and strong forward march, establishing a strong momentum to see you through with steady resolve as Mars enters Aquarius through the gates of spring. A period of retreat will ensue through to late April with Mars in Pisces that could be best met with more time in natural environments or securely huddled in your library or in a good book. Your energy levers and determination will again rise steadily through to early June, just in time to tackle spring cleaning. Mars in Taurus through much of July will prove ideal for leisurely moments and fun in the sun. All being well, you will be ready to get back to work earlier than usual, getting a big jump on autumn, but this time could also be met with travel interests in mind or body. September through October will require ore patience, especially with family and other intimate relationships. The year will end on a deep note and will be best met to recharge in preparation for 2025.

Jupiter in Taurus has probably proven to be a positive and fortunate cycle bringing rewards for sincere efforts in earlier 2023 and latter 2022.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus could also prove very fortunate, however be careful not to let success go to your head lest it stir jealousy.

Jupiter in Gemini could prove more difficult, and you will be wise to exercise gratitude and faith daily to avoid wandering into the labyrinth of your imagination.

Saturn in Pisces is a time of learning and of unlearning as well, especially regarding socially conditioned beliefs that do not align with your true nature. 

Pluto in Aquarius will activate a strong, steady focus to secure future-oriented goals and could amplify your sense of what you should do and what should occur or be done regarding the greater good.

April Aries Solar Eclipse will likely stir things up close to home and with the men in your life.

The October Libra Solar Eclipse could activate significant changes in your public and professional life.


Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Lunar North Node – 20 to 1 degree Aries – Should have the effect of changing some of your perspectives for the sake of experiencing more confidence and inner peace.

Mars in Capricorn through Leo in 2024 – Indicates entering the year in the extreme slow lane regarding outer activities yet could prove liberating regarding confronting and clearing inner doubts, worries and fears if you focus deliberately to this end. By mid-February, however, you will be ready to take some bold and pioneering strides to explore and expand your horizons. Things could slow down considerably for you when Mars moves through Pisces in April. May through mid-June will increase your energy levels again, considerably. Then through to mid-July, creative and constructive home projects will feel like the right thing to do. Late July through to September will be the ideal window to play in the seasonal warmth and sun. You will then be ready to get back to work and perhaps to resume your focus on home project and perhaps devote more time to family matters. November and December will prove energizing and exciting, yet extra care will be required to enter conflicts with significant others.

Jupiter in Taurus Has probably been the source of a general and steady rise in your confidence levels.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus could produce some big shifts close to home, yet which could feel like dreams come true and possibly even manifest as a house move.

Jupiter in Gemini stands to be extra fun and satisfying for you, if also fiery and dramatic at times as new information challenges you to adapt.

Saturn in Pisces marks a three-year period, with two still to go during which time you are wise to be more disciplined especially regarding clearing up debts and/or unfinished business from years gone by.

Pluto in Aquarius is clearly indicative of a powerful shift for you that is likely to produce significant changes in your overall approach to life and mode of self-expression. This will prove much more obvious towards the end of the year.

April Aries Solar Eclipse is destined to activate changes in your perspectives on things, perhaps on everything.

The October Libra Solar Eclipse will activate visionary and philosophical perspectives supporting you to keep the drama mellow.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Lunar North Node – 20 to 1 degree Aries – Indicates a more concentrated focus on finances and practical actions required.

Mars in Capricorn through Leo in 2024 – Begins with a slower pace with blends of rebellion yet also of innovation as you decipher new ways of doing the things you must. This momentum will continue in similar manner through to the end of April and could prove to be a busy and productive time. Mars in your sign through late April will see you pushing forward with energetic drive and determination, a momentum that will likely continue and increase through May and into June with Mars in its own sign of Aries. All being well, you will have a strong momentum to persevere through to late July determined to get a lot done. You could then be ready for some time out through to early September, but your energy levels are likely to remain quite high and could be directed to home projects. September through October could also prove industrious, but you will feel inspired to weave work with play. The last couple of months of 2024 will likely prove extra busy as well on a variety of fronts.

Jupiter in Taurus has and continue to inspire you to take new leads and to create new ways of presenting yourself to the world.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus could see you extra busy and on a variety of fronts and will amplify a spirit of invention and innovation and could bring unexpected returns and rewards for past efforts and on investments made years ago.

Jupiter in Gemini bodes will for a steady increase in your overall confidence levels supporting new perspectives and approaches.

Saturn in Pisces indicates a more disciplined and determined push to do things differently, but it is important to know what you want and the directions you are taking.

Pluto in Aquarius marks a very powerful and long cycle for many. Positively, it will serve by bringing old stagnant beliefs, attitudes and habitual behaviour patterns anchored deeply in your mind to the surface to be cleared once and for all.

April Aries Solar Eclipse will activate a whole new level of drive and determination to assert your ambitions to cover lost ground over the years and to get ahead of the game, perhaps for the first time.

The October Libra Solar Eclipse will activate deep and significant changes especially in your closest relationships and also in your lifestyle in general.